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It was the day after my birthday, i was woken up by knocking on my door and my father telling me that we had breakfast waiting for us. I sat up and realised that i fell asleep on draco, my cheeks went red a little, i was the only one who woke up to my dads knocking so i woke up the boys and walked downstairs. We all sat at the huge dining table, our maid had made us all pancakes and syrup, we all ate.

"you four are all going into diagon alley to get school bits today and if you want you can stay here again, i asked your parents and they said it was fine." my mother told them and they nodded in agreement. We finished eating and all went back up to my room, i let them change first then i went in after and changed into a cute black shirt and blue mom jeans, the padlock necklace still hadnt left its pace around my neck.

 We finished eating and all went back up to my room, i let them change first then i went in after and changed into a cute black shirt and blue mom jeans, the padlock necklace still hadnt left its pace around my neck

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I walked out my bathroom and a strong smell of boys deodrant hit me. I sat at my dressing table and got out my curlers. the boys looked confused and i just giggled at them. I started to curl my hair and with every curl the boys looked more confused.

"how the fuck is that thing curling your hair, i thought you did your hair with magic" Crabbe asked and i shook my head

"They are called Curling irons, they make my hair curly" i rolled my eyes and finished doing my hair. I sprayed some perfume on my neck and wrists before brushing my teeth. Once i had cleaned my teeth the boys had their robes on and was ready to use floo powder to travel. I put my robe on as the boys dissapeared into the chimney, i then followed behind. The boys hid around a corner and jumped out at me when i walked by them.

"you arseholes" i said as i smacked their heads. We shopped for a bit, getting everything we needed before heading to our last shop. We walked into Flourish and Blotts to get our books. After looking around for a while the bell above the door rang to show that someone had walked in. We didnt see who it was so we stood on the stairs trying to be nosy. After roughly 10 minutes harry pushed his way through the crowd to leave the bookstore, Draco noticed and ripped a page out of whatever he was reading.

"Bet you loved that didnt you potter" Draco said while walking down the stairs

"oh look, its the famous harry potter" i walked beside draco leaning on him a little.

"Cant even go into a bookstore without it getting the front page" Draco stepped towards harry a little which made me loose balance and trip a little

"Leave him alone" A ginger girl i had never met before said through gritted teeth. Harry sighed a little and the ginger girl glared at me, she must be one of the weasleys.

"oh look potter, you got yourself a girlfriend" Draco smiled sarcastically and i giggled

"Hes never getting a girlfriend Draco, dont be stupid" I looked harry up and down in disgust.

"But what about Malfoy, he has his little girlfriend backing him up for everything, neither of you can fight on your own." Hermione said, i stepped up to her and got into her face

"Be careful Mudblood, i might go using an unforgivable curse on you. After all im not scared of the consequences" i whispered to her before slapping her around her face and walking out the shop, the three boys followed after me. We stopped in a sweet shop before going back to mine, we got loads of snacks for later at mine. I sent my mother a text and she apparated to us, we all held onto eachother and apparated back to the whites manor. I ran to my room and took of my robe then walked back to the boys who were having a conversation with my mother about embarrasing thing i did as a child.

"Once she made a mud pie when she was around two and forgot it was dirt and ate it" they all burst into laughter, including my dad who was sat on the sofa beside them. I smiled as i havent heard my parents laugh in a while.

"can i have my friends now" i asked my mum and she nodded, we ran up to my room and played a few games while eating our snacks. I won most of them which made the boys mad. We decided to take a break from games and went to make cookies. Everything was going fine but only because the boys decided to sit on the kitchen island and just observe. i threw a little bit of flour at the boys while the cookies where baking and they all glared at me. I grabbed the bowl and ate the leftover cookie dough. The boys all gasped at me

"We wanted that" Goyle complained

"well if you actually helped maybe you could have" i answered, set up my phone on the counter and went live on instagram. A bunch of people joined, 3.7k to be exact. I was pretty big on social media because the people in the wizarding world looked up to my parents and the muggles all thought i was just an influencer. I pulled the boys in view of my camera and we sat on live until my cookies where done. The sound of the timer went off and i got the cookies out the oven and leaving them to cool down. I said goodbye to my live and grabbed a cookie that was still warm and ate it, the boys then went to grab one.

"who said that you can have a cookie, you guys didnt help so no cookies for you" i laughed a little and we walked to my room, i sat on the sofa in my room with draco next to me, Crabbe and Goyle sat on the floor on their phones. I turned to Draco and put the cookie near his face, he took a bite and smiled, i carried on eating the cookie and went on my phone. He rested his head on my shoulder and watched me scroll through my instagram, A photo of them both came up on the Hogwarts instagram. The schools account was private and only accepted students and parents. It was a photo of them sat in a tree laughing and it was captioned: The schools favourite duo. I looked at draco who smiled.

"i guess its not just us who thinks our friendship is superior" Draco exclaimed as i screenshotted the photo

"I guess not" i replied and got up "alright im tired lets put on a film and sleep". Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy nodded and got into their beds that where placed in my room. I went and changed into a pink pyjama set and got into bed and put on a film.

I saw that Crabbe and Goyle had fallen asleep and Draco was laying down watching the film

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I saw that Crabbe and Goyle had fallen asleep and Draco was laying down watching the film. I smiled to myself and had an idea

"pst Draco" i whispered and he looked at me "lets go sneak out the back and watch the stars". we got up and tip-toed downstair and outside. We layed in the middle of the flower garden and looked up at the sky.

"whats your favourite constellation" Draco asked me while gazing at the sky

"Scorpius, what about you" I responded

"Actually same, i love the pattern it creates" He answered my question with a smile "who did this flower garden? i love it"

"oh, i did it myself with my favourite flowers" i said and sat up "actually i think i pretty much decorated the whole garden, i painted the fences, hung the lights, planted the trees and the fruit, i didnt do the pool though"

"impressive, we should decorate my garden someday, it only has a pool in and even that is boring" he sat up and looked at me, we made eye contact immediately. He hesitantly leaned in and so did i, his hand was placed gently on my cheek and he kissed me softly. It was different to the other kisses we had shared, this one was under our contol, the other where because of a game or to shut draco up. This kiss we shared was slow and filled with affection, after a little while we pulled away our faces where still only inches away. A smile plastered our faces, nothing was said they were just silently staring at eachother. Both hoping that the other liked them the same way.

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