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We all splashed around in the pool. I got on Dracos shoulders and pansy got on blaises, we played chicken. The game where you try and push the other team off. I saw crabbe get out and take photos of us all. Me and draco were looking at eachother most the time which resulted in my getting pushed of more than once. Crabbe posted a photo on his instagram with the caption- Making memories :)

After about an hour of splashing around we all got out and casted a spell which dried us all off and we all got back into our clothes

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After about an hour of splashing around we all got out and casted a spell which dried us all off and we all got back into our clothes. Just after we were all changed my mum walked out

"y/n were doing cake now come inside" we all made our way in and to the kitchen where a massive cake was. i stood next to it as my friends joined the other group, they all sang happy birthday and when i say this was awkward im not lying. What am i supposed to do while they sing?! Anyway song finishes and i blow the candles out, we all get a slice and sit on my sofas. Eating while listening to the music in the background. I finished eating and heard a slow song come on, i jump up and grab dracos hands and run to the dance floor. I put my arms around his neck while his arms creep around my waist, we swayed side to side, looking in eachothers eyes.

"so are you staying tonight" i asked him while the music continued

"of course i am" he smiles, we then finish dancing and go back to the group. A few hours of dancing, singing, laughing and talking later it was time for everyone to leave. I said goodbye and hugged everyone before heading up to my room, draco was already sat on my bed in his joggers. I took my dress off and layed next to drao in my underwear, i turned my tv on and watched a random show. I felt a warm hand wrap around my neck and gentle kisses placed on my jaw. Draco put his thumb on my jaw making me look at him, we leaned in slowly and kissed. I climbed on top of him still not breaking the kiss.

"silencio" i mumbled the spell that made it seem quiet when in reality it was actually loud inside.


The next day we woke up. We still wasnt wearing anything from last night but we where cuddled under the covers. I woke up and looked over at draco still sleeping. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, i placed a kiss on his head and saw his eyes flicker open.

"good morning" i smiled and kissed him

"very good morning" he smirked a little, i got up and changed into Skinny jeans and a hoodie that i folded to make it looked cropped.

"very good morning" he smirked a little, i got up and changed into Skinny jeans and a hoodie that i folded to make it looked cropped

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I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth, when a shirtless draco walked in and brushed his aswell. I look gross brushing my teeth so i tried to make sure not to look in the mirror or at him. I finished brushing my teeth and walked out the bathroom grabbing dracos iconic spray and spraying it all over me. I went to my desk and curled my hair loosely. Draco walked out the bathroom in a white button up shirt and black trousers.

"are we going to get our stuff from diagon alley today" i asked draco and he nodded before going on his phone, i put on the necklace draco got me for my birthday and let it fall by the padlock one. I span around in my chair to face him "get of your phone and give me attention"

"why should i" i see him smiled a little but keeping his attention on his phone

"because your my boyfriend and you love me" he lifted his head up and looked at me before placing his phone beside him. I stood up and walked over to him.

"that is very true" he put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. As i was standing up i was taller than the boy who was sat on my bed. I placed a kiss on his head and messed up his hair. He glared at me, Draco takes a lot of pride in his hair and it has to be perfect or hell stress about it for ages

"lets go then" he whispered and kissed me quickly before going down stairs with me following. We got my mother to apparate us to diagon alley, we planned to meet Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise and pansy in Florean Fortescues ice cream shop once we had gone around every shop. I got myself a new robe and broomstick, some basic school supplies and obviously our books. After about 3 hours of wandering from shop to shop me and draco headed to the ice cream parlour, the other four where sat in a booth waiting for us. I somehow ended up inbetween malfoy and blaise who both always have the constant need to squish me in the middle of them. After a little conversation we all got up to get an an ice cream, everyone else got different flavours but i stuck with the trusted chocolate ice cream. As we all sat down again i felt dracos hand slide onto my thigh and when blaise saw he smacked dracos hand, me and blaise acted as if we were siblings. Both very protective of eachother but blaise slapping dracos hand was a joke.

"ow what was that for" Draco whined and rubbed his hand

"lets keep it pg yeah? there is first years in here" blaise stared at me and draco, i just shrugged and draco went a little red. It was time to say goodbyes, i hugged them all but lingered in dracos longer. I apparated home, only a week until i can see them again.

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