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Its now the day after, we baisically just danced the night away. Came back to the common rooms, talked for a bit then slept. I woke up to my phone getting millions of notifications. No literally, i had managed to get 1 million views in just over 7 hours. I now had 500k followers on instagram and loads of messages of friends and family congratulating me. Me and pansy had a mini sleepover after the ball so i woke her up and showed her, she freaked out and hugged me before going to her room and changing, we where late to breakfast so i quickly threw on a black crop top and jeans with fishnets on and put my hair in a bun. I didnt end up drinking much so thankfully i didnt have a headache but i was hungry.

(not the jacket) i quickly put on some black heels and headed to the common room to meet pansy

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(not the jacket) i quickly put on some black heels and headed to the common room to meet pansy. We rushed to the great hall and got greeted with many cheers and draco and krum running over to us with two cakes. Not for us to eat though, the pair of them smashed the cakes into our faces making us both scream. i grabbed a piece of my face and ate it before grabbing another bit and trowing it at draco. Me and pansy both looked at eachother and burst into tears of laughter of how silly we looked. I went to the bathroom and washed the cake of my face followed by pansy who did the same. Draco walked into the girls bathroom and stood in the doorway looking over at me.

"i feel your eyes on me malfoy, what are you doing in the girls bathroom" i laughed a little, i didnt realise pansy had left so we where alone. He walked toward me and span me around to face him, i dried my face off and he kissed me rough. All of a sudden my arms where wrapped around his neck and i had my legs wrapped around his torso while he held me up. He pinned me into the wall and kissed my neck rough leaving hickeys on my neck, then pulled away and looked at me with begging eyes

"we cant, not right now. We have lessons soon and were in the bathroom so anyone can just walk in" i sighed a little and so did he, i stood up and kissed him quickly before going to change into my school uniform. I left the robe off but held it in my arm and headed down to potions. I walked in and all i could smell was dracos aftershave and peppermint. "fucking hell draco, how much spray did you put on. Its all i can smell"

"i think you mean why did you put on so much of that vanilla perfume" he looked at me. Everyone laughed a little and i looked around giving everyone a confused look

"it might be because were learning to make Amortentia and theres a cauldron of it at the front" Hermione snapped at the two of us as i took my seat next to draco.

"we learnt about it a few years ago, its the love potion that smells like what attracts you the most" the professor said. I nodded and smiled, it smelt like what i would smell if we where hugging.


Its finally the day of the last competitions, we where all sat around a huge maze that had been growing on the quidditch pitch.

"earlier today professor moody placed the Triwizard cup deep within the maze, only he knows the exact position. Now as mister diggory and mister potter are tied for first" everyone cheered as dumbledore spoke "they will be the first to enter, followed by mr krum" me and pansy jumped up and cheered along with the other durmstrang students "then miss delacour. First to touch the cup will be the winner" Everyone cheered louder. The bell sounded and they all made there way in. 30 minutes in and the first red sparks came flying up and out came fluer, all the boys included draco watched carefully. I hit his chest and glared at him which made him snicker a little, another 30 minutes later and the second red sparks got sent up. After realising it was krum pansy made her way down to him. I would have gone with her if draco wasnt holding my thigh so i cant move. After a long time harry came out with a lifeless cedric in his arms.

"hes back, hes back! Voldemorts back" Harry cried while clinging onto cedric. Shit. It means that soon enough ill be one of them shitty death eaters under voldemorts spell. We got told to stay in our seats but i couldnt stay, i got up and ran straight into my room. I didnt even talk to cedric much but he was a friend, his death was enough to make me cry and i hated crying. I heard footsteps up to my door and in walked blaise and draco who both pulled me into a hug. Even when they pulled away i was still balling my eyes out, they both knew that i was destined to join the dark lord as he chose me when i was very young. I pulled them back into a hug and they stayed with me until i fell asleep.

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