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It was the next day, me and Draco fell asleep in each others arms after we made our way back inside after the kiss. Crabbe woke up first and then woke Goyle up, he pointed at my bed and saw that me and draco where in one anothers arms. He got a photo of us and posted it on his instagram with the caption: So when did this happen?

 He got a photo of us and posted it on his instagram with the caption: So when did this happen?

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We both jumped up to the flash on Crabbes phone. I glared at him before burying my head into dracos chest, he stroked my hair and i fell back asleep.

(Draco Pov)

"so when did this happen then" Goyle whispered at me, i smiled remembering what happened out in her garden.

"i dont know man, we went out in her garden and had a normal coversation then we may have kissed" i replied to them both still whispering so we dont wake up y/n

"was it a good kiss though" Goyle asked and i just rolled my eyes and nodded. The two boys nodded and layed in their beds, i checked the time and it was only 5:30 am so i cuddled into her and fell asleep

(y/n Pov)

I woke up to my door being opened and my mother coming in to wake us up, she saw me and draco and smiled, i though she would be mad that i let him stay in my bed but instead she was happy that i had found someone who cared for her daughter. I gave my mother a look of confusion.

"its 1pm. You guys have slept the whole morning" my mother spoke loud which woke the others up. I left my head on dracos chest and groaned before getting up "also your parents will be here to pick you up soon"

The boys got up and started packing their stuff up, i stayed lying in my bed while they rushed around. Crabbes parents turned up first, then Goyles. Dracos parents where coming later on in the night so we sat and watched films all day long. We got called for dinner, the chef had made spaghetti Bolognese for mains and fruit salads for desert. After we ate Dracos parents turned up to take him back to his own home, before he left i ran into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist and hugged him tight not wanting him to go home.

"ill see you in a week princess, plus we can call" he kissed my forehead gently before letting me go, both his and my parents looked at eachother in shock that their children have a thing for eachother. I blushed a little before waving them goodbye.


Its been a week, me and Draco have called every night since he left my house. Technically neither of us are dating because no one has asked the question. My parents and i apparated to the train, they decided they would wave me off with the malfoys. Draco wasnt with his parents meaning he was already on the train, i said bye to both my parents and Dracos before getting on the train and looking for her little group, she found them sitting in a compartment, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise all sat on one side while Pansy and Draco where on the other. You could tell Draco was annoyed with pansy constantly in his personal space.

"hey, is this compartment full" i asked trying to hold my laughter back from seeing pansy try to get with draco. Speaking of draco, as soon as he heard my voice he jumped up and pulled me into the compartment and hugged me.

"i missed you princess" he told me, i smiled as i was in his arms yet again. Crabbe and Goyle smirked as they saw Pansys and blaises expressions change from a smile to a frown.

"i missed you too" i kissed his cheek before we sat down completely forgetting pansy and blaise where there.

"so are you guys dating yet or not" asked crabbe desperately, he secretly always wanted them two together because he could see how happy they made one another.

"nope" i shook my head "someone hasnt asked me yet" i nudged Dracos side and he laughed a little

"im just waiting for the perfect moment princess" he responded which made me smile, i looked at blaise and he glared at draco. Merlin! if looks could kill both me and draco would be dead. The train came to a stop, we were at Hogwarts for our second year. We got out the train and onto the boats, the second we got out of the boats we ran into the great hall for our welcome back speech from dumbledor. His speech was long, 30 minutes later and we were all allowed to go off and do our own things, since it was late we didnt have lessons. Me and Draco walked around the schools grounds with the four others trailing behind, many people asked me and draco if we were dating and we always answered with a not yet, not a no or a yes. As the sun started to set we headed back to the common room, millicent ran up to me and hugged me. Recently We got close and she was one of my best friends, after a while i walked to my room and decorated it a little, i hung up fake plants and put a floor to ceiling mirror in. i changed into red joggers and a red top, it had been over a week and i still havent taken the necklace or ring off. I look at myself in the mirror and smile, for the first time in ages i felt like i was worth it and that i actually had something to live for. That something being the platinum blonde haired boy she started to fall in love with, i stared at myself in the mirror but the voices in my mind didnt have a chance to speak to me because somehow the boy she had fallen in love with had his arms wrapped around my waist from the back before spinning me around to face him.

"be my girlfriend y/n, life wouldnt be the same without you. Hogwarts would feel empty without you here" he smiled, i laughed a little at his cheesy way of asking me out

"of course i will but promise me one thing, never leave me, no matter what" i smiled wide and our pinkys interlocked, the snakes on our fingers started to move into a different pattern meaning our promise cant be broken.

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