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I saw bellatrix cut the cheek of a goblin but i was kind of just zoning out from what she said as i was trying not to breakdown in front of everyone, Hermione and Draco have been there through my previous ones but i dont want to seem weak infront of the parents. However i did zone bak in when i heard a familiar voice

"expelliarmas" i saw ron shout and harry catch her wand, Lucius and my dad both rushed to get there wands out but they both ended up getting sent flying back. Thats when my mum rushed in who also get sent flying, Draco and Narcissa insisted on fighting them so i was left standing with hermione and bellatrix.

"stop!" i yelled

"drop your wands" bellatrix glared as draco and his mum blocked all the spell. I gulped and nodded at them, bellatrix had a dagger up to hermiones neck. "i said drop them!" as the two realised what happened they immediately dropped them. "go pick them up y/n" I did as she said and then stood by draco, holding them in my hand.

"look what we have here, its harry potter just in time for the dark lord" She whispered but loud enough for us all to hear "call him" Everyone looked at me and draco, we looked at eachother fear in our eyes before i shook my head at lucius. Lucius stepped forward and rolled up his sleeve and i grabbed onto dracos hand. We all heard a squeeking sound coming from above us, i looked up and saw dobby undoing the bolts to the chandelier which suddenly came crashing down almost crushing hermione and bellatrix. Everyone moved out the way but clearly i wasnt quick enough as glass had flew into my leg and took off a bunch of skin, my leg was bleeding everywhere but everyones focus was on the other thig that was happening. I sat myself on the floor and held my leg while watching harry, ron and hermione apparate away with dobby. I mentally smiled to myself but soon started feeling extremely dizzy and light-headed due to the amount of blood i was loosing. I didnt know any healing spells so all i could do was sit and hope for the best. Bellatrix threw the dagger just before they dissapeared and everyones attention went back to the mess, finally my mum saw me sitting on the floor.

"y/n" she yelled and rushed over to me, i was struggling to breathe due to my anxieties and the fact i felt like i was going to pass out any second. Draco was the next to rush over, i moved my hand to show how deep the cut was and my mum gasped. I looked down and saw that you could almost see my bone. I was in so much pain but everyone was frozen in shock of how badly injured i managed to get

"someone fucking do something before i do actually pass out" i looked at everyone, bellatrix finally ran over and did a healing spell. It stopped the pain and the chunk that got taken out my leg was all fixed but i still felt extremely light headed, draco held out his hand for me to take. I grabbed it and pulled myself up, feeling more light headed than before the room started spinning. I stumbled backwards but draco held me up, we said our goodbyes then apparated back to my room. The second we got back i fell straight onto my bed, for the first time ever i finally felt the affects of it. Everything ached and i was sure i was about to throw up. I rolled over and layed face down on my bed and put my head into my pillow, draco sat beside me and rubbed my back. I could feel myself needing to throw up so i quickly ran to the toilet and sat by it preparing myself, a long 30 minutes later i finally stopped throwing up. I looked terrible but got up and walked into my room, changing into a hoodie and some shorts. Draco left a couple minutes ago to grab me water and some food so i went on my phone.

(Draco Pov)

"What if shes pregnant, like for real this time" Pansy suggested as we were walking towards the kitchen

"i doubt it, weve been quite safe with it all after last time but if she is then ill fully support her and i will still love her with my whole life" i was sure that she wasnt pregnant, i mean shes on birth control but that doesnt always work.

"you better not leave her if she is because i will kill you with my bare hands" pansy laughed, i laughed a little and imagined the little family me and y/n could have together. I want a boy and a girl, dont care what way round but thats what i want. We finally reached the kitchen and i got a few little snacks and a couple drinks for her befre heading back upstairs

(Y/n Pov)

What if im pregnant. That thought constantly ran through my mind, i was pretty sure i wasnt but i couldnt help but wonder. Fuck it, i had a few tests in my bag so i got up and quickly took two. After a few minutes i heard my door in my room open, i yelled that i was in the bathroom and in walked draco. I looked down at the tests and saw two negative ones, i couldnt help but feel a little sad but we are still quite young so its not a big deal. Draco notices what im looking at and laughs a little

"i had the same idea as you" he wrapped his arms around me "if they were positive just know that i wouldnt freak out and leave, i want a family with you i dont care if its now or in a few years"

"yeah, its negative though. Is it bad that i want a child now? i mean were still in school so itll just be added stress but i dont know" i sighed

"how about i promise you that the second we get out of here we can start our own little family.." he started

"one boy, one girl" we said in unison, i turned to face him and nodded "i would love to" i smiled wide and held out my pinky. He laughed and wrapped his pinky around mine.

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