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Christmas Day, i got woken up by loud knocks on my door. I got up and put my slippers on before walking to the door. The people who stayed over christmas break all decided it would be fun to go to christmas breakfast in pyjamas. I opened the door and draco was stood there in black joggers and a black zip up hoodie but the zip wasnt done up so you could see his faint abs. Lets put it thsi way, you could tell he was athletic. We walked into the hall late like always but this time the atmosphere was different, most students saw they walked in together and thought that they 'did it' because of the way they were acting at the party. The duo took their seats and began eating warm pancakes and maple syrup. It looked, smelled and tasted delicious. After breakfast the slytherin house were all sat by the fire exchanging presents even Zabini and Parkinson. I got a book off Parkinson and Blaise got me a new camera. Draco gave his presents then told me i had to wait until later to get mine and i just nod. I got Pansy a potions book and Blaise a new case for his phone. I got millicent new headphones as i didnt know her as well then told draco that he would have to wait until later to get his aswell.

"what are you two planning to do later then" millicent winked and nudged me but i shook my head

"y/n is going to have to wait and see." draco said and i huffed, i got up and walked to the fridge to grab a water, as i was walking i felt two pairs of eyes on me (more specifically, my bum) i grabbed my water and without turning around i say to the boys;

"eyes of boys, i know you two are staring" i spun around and see them both have a flushed pink face. I laughed to myself and sat on the sofa putting on a christmas film and going on my phone. i texted my parents and wished them a merry christmas, they responded with a thank you and told me that i will get my present by this afternoon. After the film had finished i walked into my room and changed into a fluffy jumper and some jeans, i also put on cute black heeled boots before walking into the common room

 After the film had finished i walked into my room and changed into a fluffy jumper and some jeans, i also put on cute black heeled boots before walking into the common room

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"im going on a walk, feel free to join" i said and Draco jumped to his feet and went to change. I sat scrolling through instagram waiting for him to come down, we have to be careful on instagram as muggles also have instagram accounts and we cant let them find out. After what felt like forever draco came back to the common room, he was in all black like usual.

"No shagging yeah" Millicent yelled as we left, Draco smirked and laughed but me? i went bright red which made draco laugh more

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"No shagging yeah" Millicent yelled as we left, Draco smirked and laughed but me? i went bright red which made draco laugh more. I punch the side of his stomach before walking over to the frozen over lake.

"why are we here" Draco asked desperatly, i gave no reply. I just stood on the ice and started skating around the lake, The boy rolled his eyes but joined me in skating around the lake. We continued skating for about 30 minutes before I ended up crashing into him, he fell onto the ice and I landed on top of him. I started laughing and he looked me in the eyes, making eye contact which made my laughing stop. A solid minute went by and we were still staring into eachothers eyes, I leaned in a little before coughing and snapping out of whatever was going on

"sorry" I apologised and got up before helping him up, we heard a faint bell ring meaning it was time for lunch. We walked to the hall slowly in silence, it was awkward silence not the comfortable one they were used to. As soon as we were inside the hall we were engulfed in loud chatters between louds of groups. I spotted Crabbe and Goyle at the table, I thought they had gone away for Christmas but I guess theyre back to celebrate with us. I ran over to the boys and hugged them, its an understatement if I said they were shocked but they were also two of my best friends and I missed them. Me and the two boys were talking for a while until Goyle pointed at something.

"whats wrong with those two, things seem a little heated" Crabbe asked and I looked to where Goyle was pointing and I saw Draco and blaise arguing, I decided to leave them to it and began eating. Before I took my first bite into my food I was squished in between two boys, I shook my head and looked up. My bestfriend and my ex were both sat either side of me leaving me no space.

"have you heard of personal space" I shouted at them before pushing them away, they glared at eachother "For merlins sake what the fuck is wrong with the both of you" Deep down I alredy had a feeling, Blaise still liked me and was jealous I was spending time with Draco but Draco was developing feelings for me and didn't want Blaise to get in the middle.

"I-" blaise began but I didn't have enough energy to listen to them argue again so I simply got up and walked out the hall. I made my way to the library, it was warm in there even though I didn't like reading I went inside and sat in the corner of the room. Soon after I heard someone walk in and sit by me, I rolled my eyes and looked up to see Hermione sat opposite me.

"whats wrong, you can talk to me you know" Hermione questioned me

"My best friend and my ex are fighting for my attention and its making me feel like shit" I responded and the curly haired girl rolled her eyes.

"typical y/n. Thinking everything is about her, wanting to be centre off attention at all time" she responed and I bashed my hands on the table which made Hermione jump a little, I laughed a little.

"what about your precious little harry potter, he always has the attention and loves it until I walk in and all attention and eyes are on me. I cant help it 'Mione" I responded using her nickname the boys use for her "face it, all the boys want me and all the girls want to be me. I cant help that" I knew I sounded conceited for saying that but I didn't care, I dropped the book I was reading and headed back to the common room.

"Hey y/n were planning on playing 3-3 quidditch are you in?" Millicent asked with a very calm tone, I smirked to myself and nodded.

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