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So today is the day me and draco plan to finish the vanishing cabinet, we have two back to back free lessons that we will finish and try it out in. I mentally dragged myself out my bed and changed into a black bodysuit and jeans and a cute little cardigan to cover my mark (idk if ive used this before but if i have, oh well)

 I mentally dragged myself out my bed and changed into a black bodysuit and jeans and a cute little cardigan to cover my mark (idk if ive used this before but if i have, oh well)

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I had already missed breakfast so i quickly made my way to class and sat beside draco, as always lessons dragged on but finally it was our free lesson. We made our way out of class and up to the corridor and stood outside where the room should appear, both thinking the same thing and a door formed. We walked in and over to the cupboard we covered in cloth, draco ripped it off and started doing last minute jobs to it while i sat down and watched him. Once he had finished the jobs i walked over and opened it, placing a green apple in the bottom and shut it. Draco pulled me back and shut the door saying a spell then re opening the cupboard. The apple had gone which resulted in me and draco smiling a little, he shut the door yet again and whispered the same spell. Opening the door once again and in was a green apple, i picked it up and to our suprise had a bite out of it. Draco dropped the apple and pulled me into a hug, we did it, we actually did it.

"we did it" i exclaimed into the hug

"yes we did" he kissed my head and smile "but now im gonna walk in and you have to say the spell okay"

"nope, ill go in. Ill be fine and i might do it wrong" i told him while opening the cupboard, he kissed me quickly and shut the door. I pushed open the door after a while and i was in borgin and burkes, jumping in excitement i shut the door and waited for the door to open on the other side. After about five minutes the door re opened and there stood draco "it worked"

"thank god your okay" he said and pulled me out the cupboard "so when are we doing it then"

"tomorrow" i sighed "ill text my parents and shell make sure that the others are there on time. We will go to snape later and tell him, he should have more specific times"

"i really wish there is a way to get out of this" he said before kissing me


It was now the day everything we had planned will actually happen. We found out that dumbledore will be at the tower around 3 pm so just after lunch eventhough i had no intention of actually eating. I slowly woke up, still being cuddled by draco. I kissed his head softly and waited for his eyes to flutter open before getting up. I changed into a black long sleeved top and a yellow checkered dress, some fishnet tights and vans.

I put my hair in a messy ponytail and sat on my bed trying to prepare myself for the day ahead, a shirtless messy haired draco suddenly wrapped his arm around me and pulled me down so i was laying beside him

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I put my hair in a messy ponytail and sat on my bed trying to prepare myself for the day ahead, a shirtless messy haired draco suddenly wrapped his arm around me and pulled me down so i was laying beside him. I rubbed his thumb along my cheek and kissed me gently, he tried to act like he was ready for todays events but i know hes not.

"oi lovebirds" pansy knocked on the door "we will meet you in the breakfast hall"

"i guess i better go get ready" draco sighed and sat up

"i love you, no matter what happens this afternoon alright" i reassured him

"i love you too" he kissed my head before going to his room. I headed to the common room and waited, my mother had texted me that Bellatrix and the others will be waiting at borgin and burges at 2, she knew that i didnt want to do what i was doing and would constantly reassure me that she will always try and keep me safe. It seems like out of everyone my mum and narcissa are the only ones with some sense in them. Draco eventually came down to the common room, he was in a full black suit and his hair styled. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand to pull me over to him, pulling me into a tight hug before walking down to the great hall. We sat down to listen to professor dumbledores last ever speech except no one but us knew that, as he finished his speech i grabbed dracos hand tight. I ate a little knowing i need my energy for later but most of breakfast i just sat with my hand on my chin then as soon as breakfast was over i rushed to class not speaking a word to anyone. Its now 1:30, we headed down the room of requirement. Ripping the cloth off the cupboard and pulled eachother into another hug and stayed like that for the next 20 minutes. I slowly pulled away and kissed him quickly before stepping into the cupboard. After tonight, mine and dracos lives will change completely.

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