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Its now valentines day, i had been helping Dumbledores Army for two months now. Professor umbitch called me into detentions almost every day. Her punishments where awful, i had scars all up my arm from where she would make us write lines. Anyway i slowly rolled out of bed, falling on my backside, i changed into a black turtle neck and pencil skirt, threw my hair into a messy bun and put on my black heeled boots. I also put on my fake glasses to cover up my red eyes from crying everynight.

 I also put on my fake glasses to cover up my red eyes from crying everynight

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I headed down to the Great hall and sat with the trio, fred and george. The mail was being handed out and to my suprise i had 10 different letters. I opened them one by one; Fred Weasley, Oliver wood, Hermione Granger - i sent one to her aswell, Ron Weasley - as friends, Harry Potter - As friends, Neville Longbottom, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise Zabini and an anonymous letter. I read the anonymous one last, it was the sweetest thing i had read however i did recognise the writing.

"so who did you get y/n" Hermione asked

"well i got you three, so thanks for that. I also got fred, neville and Oliver" i smiled at them all "i also got one from Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle but ill say thanks to them later"

"theres one more though" Hermione points out

"its anonymous, dont know who its from" I said and everyones heads turned to draco who was playing with the padlock he got me "no no no its not him"

"i wouldnt be so sure, he looks pretty sad even if he has millicent touching all on him" George spoke up which caused me to roll my eyes

"im going to go say thank you to those three goons then ill be back" I smiled slightly and headed to the slytherin table and placing my hands on the table in front of zabini "you three are gits you know that, those letters where incredibly cheesy" i laughed a little before jumping over the table to hug them.

"the point was to cheer you up and it seemed to have worked" Goyle told me and i giggled and kissed them all on the cheek before going back to the gryffindors. We all sat and talked over breakfast then headed to class, asking everyone if they wrote the note in which they all replied no. It was now the last lesson of the day, i had defence against the dark arts. I sat next to hermione and gossiped with her for a little while before umbitch walked in

"ah miss white, detention after school for not wearing appropriate clothing" she turned to face me

"im not being funny professor but if you havent already noticed, i dont give a fuck about the school rules" i replied, earning a few snickers from around the class. I did my work then headed to her office, somehow she was there before me to welcome me in, i had to write out 'i will wear the appropriate school wear' a tonne of times. After detention i headed back to my common room, the engraved letters where bleeding a little. As i walked in i felt someone grab my arm, i whinced in pain and pulled my arm away to face the person who grabbed me. I felt blood drip onto my hand but i wiped it away quickyly.

"umbridge suspects that theres a secret club going on so she made me leader of The Inquisitorial Squad. Im assuming you dont want in?" Draco spoke and i rolled my eyes that where slightly watering because of the pain in my arm. I didnt answer him i just rushed to my room and texted the group to call an emergency meeting and bandage up my arm, i then snuck out of the common room and headed to the room of requirements where everyone already was.

"so im guessing your all wondering why i called an emergency meeting" i paced around and they all nodded "well umbridge has a little posse running around after her to find out what we are doing so we need to learn as much as possible quickly" As i said that everyone jumped up and started practicing


A month later and we managed to learn a lot, The inquisitorial squad took shifts guarding the corridor but we had figured out there timetable and made our way out before they even got near the corridor, one day luna had come late and it turns out filtch, draco, crabbe and goyle all saw her come in. We heard a loud crash as the doors closed behind. Neville had finally learnt how to do the 'expelliarmus' spell, i was the first to pull him into a hug and congratulate him and then everyone else joined in. The next DADA lesson had started, everyone took there seats except me and the twins, we where planning a prank. 10 minutes into lesson we saw umbitch walk out the door, i casted a spell for a firework and it exploded. Then me and the twins flew in the class on our brooms, fireworks coming out the end of our wands. Everyone looked in amazement at what was going on, as we flew along all the papers flew into the air and everyone cheered. Fireworks flew everywhere, George had made one chase goyle and fred made one chase draco. For once in a long time i smiled without having to fake it. I threw a massive firework which changed into a dragon that started to chase professor umbridge, it exploded making the stupid rules fall of the walls and smash. The three of us flew in the middle and everyone huddled around us, i grabbed freds arm and pulled him to me before placing a quick peck on his lips. We wasnt dating if thats what your thinking, it kind of just suited the moment but he didnt seem to mind. The gryffindors all cheered at us which made me smile.

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