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I found myself slowly drifting to sleep until i was picked up and thrown into the cold water. I scream as my body first touches the water from shock but i soon warm up. All of a sudden all the boys surrounded me and yelled sorry before splashing me, i laugh and splash them all back. After a while of splashing around i decided to get out, the boys all yelled at me for getting out so i front flipped back in. Draco pulled me over to him and looked at me up and down. I giggled a little and kissed him, he wrapped my legs around his waist and held mine while i put my arms around his neck.

"what are you lot doing out here then" A voice i recognised as dumbledore asked. I pulled out of the kiss but stayed looking into dracos eyes.

"making memories sir, we only live once so why not love it to the fullest" i spoke with joy but because me and draco didnt take our eyes off eachother we didnt see that the headmaster had left. I felt a wave come over mine and dracos head only to realise that it was crabbe.

"were getting out because if anyone else finds us we would be dead" He told us and we nodded and got out. We all decided to sit by the lake and talk about life.

"so what does everyone want to do when we get out of here" i looked at them all shrugging and looking confused

"well i know what i want to do, i want to spend my life with y/n and thats all i hve planned, the rest will all fall into place" I blushed like a lot, no ones ever cared about me being in their future or not so its kind of a big deal. And its a malfoy! they arent supposed to care for anyone but themselves, not that im complaining because i love him. I cover my face with my hands as i went red from blushing.

"awh y/ns blushing" Blaise teased, i shook my head and got up. Before i could go anywhere though i got pulled over to the blonde boy, he raised his eyebrow at me and gave me a look asking me to stay. I sat in between his legs and leaned my back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "can you stop being a cute couple for one second because were getting a little lonely."

"come here" i held my arms open so the boys could all join in the hug. Without hesitation they all rushed over and we were all in a group hug. We stayed like that comfortably for 30 minutes, i dont think draco has ever got this much affection because he seemed very tense and awkward. People started pulling out the hug and returning to there original seats. They were all smiling like little kids who just got lollies. Draco rested his chin on my shoulder and carried on talking. I saw pansy walking over and waved at her, she ran over and sat with us "so?" i asked her.

"so... I may or may not have a boyfriend" she was smiling like a little kid too, i smiled for her.

"you missed it, me and the boys went swimming" i laughed a little "and got caught"

"well i would have joined in but you know, things" she looks at me and i wink at her knowing exactly what they did.

"good luck dealing with granger, she was eyeing up krum earlier" Draco joined in, i rolled my eyes at her name "anyway princess are you coming to the world cup with me and father"

"of course i am" i smiled and he kissed my cheek, the sun started setting so i looked out and watched it and by the sounds of things everyone else did to as everyone went silent. Draco layed back which made me lay back with him, i spin around and sit so im straddling him and running my hands over his abs, his hands held my waist as he watched my hands move up and down his body. Soon enough it was dark out, people started to head back to the common room. I put on my hoodie and layed on the towel. I was watching the stars with draco laying next to me, a shooting star flew past and i made a wish. It started to get cold almost two seconds after and i shiver.

"shall we go inside and watch films now" He stands up and offers me his hand, i grab it and pull myself up. He wraps an arm around my waist and walks inside the castle. There are still people wandering around the corridors so we did have to be careful of the professors. We ran down to the dungeons and into the common room. Everyone was either talking or in their rooms so i dragged malfoy into my room and shut the door. I quickly change into nike pro shorts and a black crop top before throwing one of dracos hoodies over me. After then i turned my tv on and sat on my bed, draco changed into the joggers he left on my room and layed on my bed. Over the holiday my mum managed to persuade the school to change my bed into a double one so they did. We where watching cartoons until draco decided to tickle me out of no where.

"D-Draco stoppp" i said between laughs

"why should i" he laughed a little and carried on tickling me, i layed back on the bed from laughing to much. He climbed on top of me still tickling me

"Pleasee" i was laughing to much that i started to get a stomach ache from it. He just shook his head and carried on. I tried to wiggle out but with him baisically sitting on me that was difficult. He tickled me more which made me laugh harder, i tried to push him off but he dramatically fell bakwards. Karma was on my side though because he fell off my bed, i tried to calm myself down but i couldnt. He got up and rubbed his head and flopped next to me, i kissed his head and smiled before slowly falling asleep.

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