CH 1

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Caitlin pov
"Have I mentioned how awesome your house is?" Gypsy complimented with a small smile.
"Thank you. We just moved in a few months ago" I smiled proudly.

"So I take it things are serious serious with you two?" Gypsy asked curiously wiggling her eyebrows suggestively

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"So I take it things are serious serious with you two?" Gypsy asked curiously wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
"Yeah" I blushed while stirring some broccoli on the pan.
"I can't believe you guys didn't move into a house sooner" Gypsy said while feeding Tyler some smashed peas.
"Well we would've but I wanted the house to be our investment rather than just him. Of course he just wanted to buy it and get it over with but I wanted to contribute to our home just as much as him, so after several arguments later, we agreed to pay a down payment and then just pay mortgage, that way I'll be able to afford it" I explained.
"Damn girl! You really are a true extreme feminist. If my man was a billionaire, he could buy me all the houses he wants" Gypsy smirked shaking her head in disbelief while chuckling.
"I know I know. But I wouldn't able to live with myself knowing he paid for this house. I wouldn't feel like it was my house too" I smiled.
"I get it. I'm the same way. It took me a while to let Cisco do things for me. I was just so used to doing things myself. It took me a while, but trust me, a few years from now you guys will be arguing over who takes out the trash cans and who ate the last slice of pizza" she said saying the last sentence a little too bitterly.
"I take it he ate the last slice of pizza?" I chuckled lightly.
"He did! And he ate more than half of the pizza himself! Selfish bastard!" she complained rolling her eyes before laughing with me.
"You look happy Caitlin" Gypsy said giving me a soft smile.
"I really am" I replied giving her a smile of my own.
"I know Cisco has always rooted for you and Barry to you know... but seeing you this happy, it has made Cisco the happiest friend in the whole wide world" Gypsy commented.
At the mention of Barry name I smiled sadly.
Barry and I haven't really stayed in touch since I left central city. He took my departure really hard.
I think Cisco told me at some point that Barry felt I had betrayed the team. Of course Cisco added Barry only said these things because he missed me and was hurt.
But I did take it to heart though. I've never betrayed the team, and me seeking my happiness shouldn't be consider betrayal.
After a while I learned to forgive Barry because I knew that he never meant to hurt me by saying those things( besides Cisco was not meant to tell me either)
I learn to find myself without the team. I also realized how dependent I was on them.
Leaving for the first time was about the hardest thing I had to do. I almost called off moving to Australia about a dozen times and I am thankful Liam patiently supported every decision that I made and remade over and over again.
Every single time I sat with Liam and cried to him about not wanting to leave central city; he would be by my side reassuring me over and over that I could stay and still be happy.
"Cait you can be 2 miles or 20,000 miles away from them and still be unhappy. It's all a matter of perspective. Distance won't fix your happiness, you are. It is all up to you; whether you find your happiness in S.T.A.R labs or in Australia that's your choice too" Liam encouraged having his arms wrapped around me.
"I need this. I need to leave central city. I need to start over. S.T.A.R labs have been one of my life's greatest blessings but also my life's greatest curse. At some point the lines between the two blurred into one. I'm afraid that if I stay, all I'll ever see from S.T.A.R labs is a curse. I don't want to resent the people—the family—that this job has giving me" I cried into his shoulder.
"Stay or leave; I'll support both wholeheartedly" Liam smiled kissing my forehead.
"We leave in a couple of hours. We should go by Cisco's place so I can drop off my house keys." I smiled cleaning my eyes and looking up at him
"What?" He asked stunned at my decision or maybe my sudden change in behavior. Maybe deep down he thought I had gone mental.
"Our flight leaves in 4 hours and we leave in New York traffic. We need to leave now to be able to make it in time" I smiled softly picking up my purse and seeing my empty house with a hint of sadness.
"You're coming with me?" Liam smiled happily trying to make sure I wasn't just saying things like a madwoman.
"I need this; not for Barry, not for Cisco, not for you, but for me" I said firmly.
"And that's all I could ever ask for love" he smiled kissing my cheek and wrapping his arms around me.
"I'll make sure that all you ever feel is happiness" Liam whispered in my ear.
"Come on. We have a plane to catch" I smile thankfully.
"More like a private jet" he smirked.
"Right. I forgot. Billionaire" I cocked a sly grin.
"Ready?" He asked with an amusing tone.
"Yes" I smiled walking out of my house with Liam by my side.
"Will you be okay?" He asked as we locked my house door. I stared at my house nostalgically.
"I think I will" I smile looking back at Liam.
Even though these few months have been hell for me. I am glad Liam was by my side all along.
Hello beautiful people,
Hope you're all staying safe and healthy!
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~Bree ♥️♥️

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