Ch 24

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*I hope you all have wonderful New Year!*
Caitlin pov
"So what happens with him now?" I asked Future Barry as I glanced down at the Mind Flyer completely unconscious.

"I already called Oliver and Felicity. They will have an extraction team ready for us" He replied with a small smile.

"Oliver?" I asked bewildered.

"Yeah. Uh you could say he is one of the main contactors in the meta human field of retention. He makes sure all the evil meta humans are restrained" He explains.

"Vigilante with authority" I joked with a small chuckled.

"He retains and you rehabilitate them so that they can safely go back into the world and co-exist with others" He smiles.

"You know I don't think you should be telling half of the things I already know about the future" I smiled shaking my head.

"Yeah you're right. Oh well" He shrugs with a mysterious glint in his eyes.

"I was thinking we could all have one final family dinner before you head back to your timeline" Barry suggested as we made our way back to everyone.

"Yeah that sounds amazing" I smiled as Future Barry wrapped his arms around future me in a loving manner. She smiled up at him pecking his cheek in a tender gesture before shifting her focus back on us. I'm not gonna lie and say it wasn't odd and even slightly uncomfortable seeing me and Barry being so intimate with each other. Even if it was our future selves.

"Great. We will get everything set up. Oh and if this is a family dinner, inviting Iris and the rest of the West family should be good" Future me reminded everyone.

"I'll call mom and let her know" Nora confirmed and Future me thanked her.

"I'll swing by Joe's place and let him know" Barry smiled kissing future me's cheek and speeding out of the loft.

"How can I help?" I asked looking at the rest of the West-Allen/ Stallard fam.

"You can help me make meat pies and sausage rolls for tonight?" Liam offered with a small knowing smile.

"Those are my favorite Aussie foods" I perked up with joy.

"I know" He smiled.

"Yeah I'll help. I'm an expert" I boldly stated in confidence.

"If you say so" Kaden grin mockingly.

"What is that suppose to mean young man?" I challenged with a raised eyebrow.

"Mum, I'm sorry but papa does them better" Kaden admits in all honesty.

"Kaden is right mom" Dawn agrees as Ron nods his head in agreement.

"Oh wow. I am truly feeling loved by my kids" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Even I agree" Future me smiled and I scoffed defensively.

"I would have you all know I'm the better cook between us both" I claimed pointing back and forth between Liam and I.

"Once upon a time..." Future me whispers under her breath making everyone burst out laughing including me.

"If its of any condolence, I think you cook exquisitely" Liam offered kindly.

"Thank you" I smiled feeling my bruised ego and pride slightly recuperating.

"Alright so let's get cooking" I smiled excitedly.

"I want to help" Kaden smiles walking alongside Liam.

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