Caitlin pov
3 months later..."You need to come with us Barry Allen" I could faintly hear through the ringing in my ears.
"I swear if you hurt her I will kill you" Barry yelled angrily. Through my blurry vision I could see him trying to reach for me but not being able by the energetic field surrounding me and the stranger holding me captive.
"Come with us now and no harm shall inflicted upon Dr. Snow" The man reassured.
"Barry don't do it" I could hear Iris yell desperately.
"It will be okay" He reassured hesitantly.
"Barry you will loose your powers if you enter his frequency. He will consume your electrical energy" Cisco warned in fear reaching for him to keep him from moving any further.
" He has Cait" Barry snapped glancing at me. My vision was growing thinner by the second and I groaned as my head thumped in pain.
"I'll go with you just leave her. Take me." Barry begged as his voice began to faint into my subconscious.
"We need her. We don't need you Mr. Allen" The stranger reminded him as his gaze shifted unto me as I leaned against a wall for support.
My eyes briefly focused back on Barry seeing his worried expression fixed on me before my body completely collapsed on the floor.
"fuck it" Barry whispered under his breath as he reached for me
"Bar-barry what are you doing? Yo-your powers" I stutter as he wrapped his arms underneath me to swoop me up from the floor.
"I'm not leaving you" Barry said softly tugging a strand of hair away from my face.
"Nora?" I asked weakly.
"She's okay. You saved her. You saved my little girl" He hushed comforting. I smiled softly before slipping into darkness
I woke up with the worst headache of my entire life. I couldn't even open my eyes from the pain. I groaned sharply as I reached the side of forehead, feeling fresh stitches. What the hell happened?
I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and I flinched away
"Cait its me" I heard Barry whisper softly. I blinked a couple of times trying to adjust to the lighting. As soon as I did I knew we were not in New York. We were most definitely not on our earth.
"Where are we?" I asked glancing at him seeing he had a shirt stained with blood. My eyes quickly scanned his body worriedly to assess for any injuries.
"Don't worry its not my blood its-its your actually" He explained seeing my facial expression.
"Mine? What happened? I can't remember anything?" I replied in confusion.
"Some guy named 'black hole' just suddenly appeared in the cortex while Tyler and Nora were playing hide and seek. He began feeding off of Nora's energy and then you were able to push her out of the way. Next thing I know, Nora speeds Tyler out of the cortex. Iris and I go and see you two struggling. Everything else just kind of a blur" He explains as I try to search my mind for any sort of recollection.
"He said he needed me. Why me?" I asked suddenly remember the stranger's reply to Barry's begging.
"I don't know Cait" Barry replied touching the silver bracelets stained with blood on my wrists.
"I ask them to take them out because otherwise I wouldn't be able to be in the same room as you" He explains I turn my attention on the bracelets.
"You wouldn't want to get Frost bites again?" I joked lightly.
"Only by you" He smiled before sighing in worried
"What are we gonna do?" I asked helplessly.
"I don't know" Barry admitted staring at the floor. We heard the door to my room creak open. Barry immediately on high alert shielding me from the person.
"Maybe I could help" A soft voice offered as I struggled to identify the voice that seemed familiar.
"Oh my gosh" Barry whispered in shock. At his reaction I pulled my hand out to move him out of the way. As my eyes fixed on the person in front of me all I could do was gasp.
"Hi mom" she said softly with a brief smile.
"Dawn?" I breathed in disbelief.
"We need to get you out of here before they get here" Dawn explained in a rush walking towards me to help me up.
"Who are these people?" I asked as Barry came to my side so I could use him as support.
"I'll explain later. Right now we need to get you both out" She motions towards me and Barry.
"What do you mean by "we"? Who else is with you?" I asked bewildered.
"Uh I think she means me" A younger boy replied walking into the room.
"Ron?" I asked glancing at the young man in front of me. He looks like Barry but with my hair.
"Yes mom. Dawn we gotta go now. I'll take mom. You take dad" He instructed.
"Remember I'm 3 years older than you kiddo" Dawn replied rolling her eyes in annoyance.
"Whatever" he shrugged grabbing my shoulder.
"You know where you're going right?" Dawn asked grabbing Barry who looked just as clueless as me to what was happening.
"Yeah yeah yeah" He dismissed flashing us out of the building and into the city.
So this is the future? Is this still our earth? Why was I kidnapped? too many questions but all I could focus on at this very moment was that I was gonna puke my guts out any second. It's been a very strange day.
DAWN IS BACK!!!!!! And now you get to interact with Ron. It was so hard to keep this from you guys! Everyone kept theorizing her return and it was so comical because it was indeed trueeeeee! So to all of you who guessed her return in previous chapters, good job!!!
Anyways now everything turns to chaos. I'm slowly prepping your hearts for an emotionally distressing time.
Hope you all have a wonderful week. I'm starting final exams at my uni, so wish me luck!
Bree ♥️

Speed Force Tales ✔️
FanfictionSEQUEL TO STONE COLD DESTINY. Cannot be read as a stand-alone, must read the first book to understand the story's plot. *** Leaving her past behind, Caitlin decides to start over. Far away from Barry Allen. Far away from her destiny. She wants to...