Caitlin pov
It has taken us four days, FOUR DAYS to create a power absorption device that Kaden can use. The technology is out of this world."I can't believe it only took us four days to come up with this" I said proudly.
"Believe it or not four days is actually fairly slow now a days" Liam laughed along with future me.
"What's the fastest you've ever worked on a metahuman device?" I asked curiously.
"Give or take 2 hours I believe?" Liam replied glancing at future me for confirmation.
"Yeah I think the lightning rod took about 2 hours" Future me nodded and I was left absolutely dumbfounded.
"2 hours? So you're basically telling me I'm working at a turtle pace" I exclaimed in amusement.
"No definitely not. Making the 'Mind Vacuum' was hard; we all practically started from scratch. So four days is impressive even for us" Liam assured and I shook my head cringing at the name given to the device we've spent these last couple of days creating.
"We need Cisco for names. Truly value your efforts Liam. But please stop" Future me sassed agreeing with me.
"Wow! Well if we had a little more time; I could come up with a better one. Plus I think 'mind vacuum' is rather nice" Liam replied defensively glancing back and forth between the both of us.
"Mind Slicer" I heard a familiar voice echo boldly and I whipped my head around to meet Cisco's friendly smile and all I could do was gasp loudly as my eyes met his.
"Baby Cait-" Cisco called out happily before being interrupted by my thoughts.
"YOUR HAIR!" I yelled cutting his greetings short staring wide eyed at his appearance.
"Ah yes the infamous iconic locks" Cisco nodded running a hand through his short hair.
"I can't believe it. I thought I'd never see the day" I laughed watching his every move as if he were a foreign species.
"I gotta keep it interesting for my lady" Cisco wiggled his eyebrows and I smacked his arm jokingly.
"Gypsy could care less" I smiled at him.
"I'm not talking about her. I'm talking about Barry. We gotta keep the bromance alive. It's hard work Caitlin" Cisco half-joked smiling at me while I lowly chuckled at his sense of humor.
"Well what can I say? Icons have it hard" I complimented half-heartedly while future me just rolled her eyes.
"Do not encourage him" Future me laughed greeting Cisco with a small hug.
"Thanks for coming" She added with a soft smile and Cisco nodded his head.
"Of course. How can I help? And most importantly why is baby Caitlin here?" Cisco questioned curiously.
"Kaden was abducted by the Mind Flyer and then he sent some of his minions to eliminate me" Future me explained briefly.
"Why does he hate me so much?" I asked glancing at future me.
"He was a patient of mine a couple of years back. He would go to therapy for stabilizing his meta powers. Medical records show that his powers would often make him loose control and he was red flagged in all legal systems. He couldn't get a job willing to hire him because of his record. So he reached out and started therapy to learn to control his powers. Upon completing treatment meta humans get a certified document verifying their competence" Future me explained as I nodded along.
"Well upon further research, I discovered that the Mind Flyer, or as I become to know him, Charles Knight, subjugated himself to treatment at SnowLard Psychiatrics Inc. not for job requirements but for selfish and malicious motives" She added as I analyzed her information.
"He wanted to learn how to control his powers, that part of his story was true; but he wanted to learn how to manipulate human minds. It was enough reason for me to cease his treatment and deny him treatment at any other active facilities in my power. Soon thereafter, tabloids got a hold of the news and his life was practically ruined. I don't know how it got to the media or by whom but Charles definitely has enough reason to want to end me. He obviously blames me for everything." Future me explains shrugging sighing sadly.
"It is not your fault some stupid intern leaked confidential information to a news outlet" Liam reassured lightly smiling sadly at her.
"Thanks Li. Anyways now that you're all caught up. We should go save our son from that psychotic son of a bitch" Future me spoke grabbing the modified bracelets into her hands.
"Aww were those my power dampeners for Frost" Cisco reminisced nostalgically.
"Yep" I smiled looking at them.
"Baby us were so bright yet so dumb" Cisco laughed tenderly shaking his head.
"Indeed we were" Future me agrees and I shrugged nodded my head.
Our beautiful Snowbarry story is coming to end familia. Try to soak it all in before its gone. I'm gonna miss you all. A couple chapters left!!!!

Speed Force Tales ✔️
FanficSEQUEL TO STONE COLD DESTINY. Cannot be read as a stand-alone, must read the first book to understand the story's plot. *** Leaving her past behind, Caitlin decides to start over. Far away from Barry Allen. Far away from her destiny. She wants to...