Caitlin pov
"Half brother?" Barry voiced out my thoughts as I sat there blinking rapidly trying to process everything that was said a few seconds ago."You never told us you had a half brother" Barry said with his eyebrows furrowed.
" I didn't have one. The timeline changed and when I returned so had a lot of things Dad" Dawn replied.
"Obviously being speedsters Ron and I are able to remember alternate timelines; our memories aren't wiped like everyone else's. So we know things were different. Just everyone else didn't" Dawn added glancing at me.
"Mom? Say something" Ron encouraged softly.
"I-I don't know what to say" I stuttered glancing at them.
"Mom Kaden is being mind controlled by some asshole called 'mind reader' and we need to figure out way to snap him out of it. We just don't know how" Ron explained.
"Am I a terrible mother?" I asked disregarding Ron all together.
"What" All three of them asked in disbelief.
"You heard me" I said softly.
"Of course not Mom" Dawn replied instinctively.
"We love you. All three of us. Kaden loves you" Ron said sitting down next to me and rubbing my shoulders.
"He wants to kill me. I must be one hell of mother" I whispered sadly.
"Mom we told you already. That's not Kaden. That's an asshole with a powerful ability to manipulate innocent and kind humans like Kaden" Dawn said angrily standing up from the couch; for the first time since I've met Dawn; I saw her eyes changing color to the familiar Frost shade of stark silver. Barry and I widen our eyes in surprise. Barry broke into a soft and playful grin.
"Hello Frosty" Barry whispered playfully in my ear and I couldn't help but briefly smile at his comment before lifting my gaze to meet Dawn's furious one.
"I will not let this cheap knockoff version of Professor Xavier trap my brother and create a metahuman army with my brother as his leader because he wants his own version of a screwed up X-Men team" She yelled angrily sinking down in her sit again.
"We'll get our brother back Dawn. I promise" Ron said softly looking at his sister in sadness.
"Oh gosh. I need some air" I said standing up feeling light headed.
"You can't leave this building" Dawn reasoned.
"I'm not-I'm just leaving the loft. You did say once I haven't aged a day. Fingers-cross and everyone else in this damn building thinks so as well" I said picking up a cardigan and walking out of the loft. I took deep breaths already feeling overwhelmed.
Liam and I have a kid. We have a kid. Oh. my-
"Cait" Barry called out walking down the lofts corridor.
"Barry" I sighed in sadness.
"We will find your son" Barry reassured softly.
"This is crazy. All of it. Us being in the future. Me having three children. Us knowing about our children's existence. Everything is whack!" I whispered harshly as people rushed by us to get to wherever they needed to go. A couple of people would greet me sweetly while walking past and nodded my head in acknowledgement.
"I think we've established more than once that we're not normal. I wouldn't expect anything less" He smiled.
"But Liam I'm-I'm scared" I admitted honestly.
"Me too Cait me too" He said frowning.
"We'll find them both. I promise" He added pulling me in for a hug.
"We need to get to work. Come on" I said stopping him from hugging me. He gave me an odd glance more agreeing and following me back to the loft.
"So where are 'we' now? Future us-well I guess present us?" I rushed out as I walked into the loft making my our kids turn to face us.
"What?" They voiced in confusion.
"Well if we're with you; where are me and Barry in this timeline. Come on guys catch up" I said impatiently.
"Right here" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.
Please don't tell me its future me. Please don't tell me its future me. Please don't tell me its future me.
"Hi young Caitlin nice to you" She smiled kindly and I thought I would faint right then and there.
"You'" I gasped looking at myself.
"I thought you said she knew" Future me scolded at our children behind her.
"Well its not like she gave us any time to tell her you were coming. She stormed out" Dawn replied defensively.
"Dawn's right mom" Ron said supportively.
"Well I apologize for startling you. My kids were suppose to do the heavy lifting on this one. Guess I gotta do it all myself" She smiled at me while giving the kids a stern motherly glare.
"I'm gonna be sick" I whispered under my breath rushing the nearest bathroom. My knees collapsed on the marble concrete as I held my hair back with one hand. I felt a pair of hand grabbing my hair and I didn't even have to guess who.
I threw up at least four more times before I could even lift my head out of the toilet.
"You good Cait?" Barry asked handing me a towel to wipe my mouth with.
"I think it was the last bit of drug on my system" I admitted.
"Plus seeing yourself" He added.
"I see myself all the time in a mirror yet somehow seeing myself in the life and flesh can be oddly disturbing" I chuckled walking towards the sink and using some mouth wash to freshen my breath.
"Yeah it can be a little trippy at first" He admitted and I rolled my eyes.
"Well hopefully this will be my first and last" I said in honesty.
"With the kind of life we live I doubt it but hey whatever floats your boat" He smiled innocently.
"What a way to be supportive. Geez Barry you're my hero" I said sarcastically.
"Saving your hair from throw up sure seems like a hero move to me" He grinned.
"Maybe next time let me puke all over my hair and help deflate your oversized ego just a tiny bit" I smiled before frowning.
"Alright you two stop the bickering. You're worst then my own two kids" Future me spoke leaning against the bathroom door with her arms cross in amusement.
"As much as I would love to see my young love quarrels there is no time to go down memory lane when one of kids is kidnapped" She added in all seriousness.
"I agree. Let's get to work" I nodded.
"Well this evil mind reader villain is very well damned. If one Caitlin Snow is scary enough to shake my core just imagine two" Barry concluded making Future Caitlin laugh.
"It will do you good to remember that honey" She commented sassily before walking away leaving Barry a puzzled mess with me laughing hysterically by his side.
Alrighty guys what do you all think?
Any theories? I'm curious to read what you all think?
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Bree ♥️♥️♥️

Speed Force Tales ✔️
FanfictionSEQUEL TO STONE COLD DESTINY. Cannot be read as a stand-alone, must read the first book to understand the story's plot. *** Leaving her past behind, Caitlin decides to start over. Far away from Barry Allen. Far away from her destiny. She wants to...