Chapter 2: His Words

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"So.. Prem, do you have a love interest?"

I chewed on my rice as Fluke asked me that question. I simply shooked my head as I continued to eat. Love? To be honest, I've never fallen for anyone before. I noticed Earth looking at a black haired boy which was scrolling through his phone. He was sitting at a table with two other boys, a muscular like guy and.. that rude bitch

"Earth, talk to him." He jolted up and immediately shook his head which a loud "maii" He shared that he has had a crush on that guy, "Kao" since highschool and applied to this University to see him. Poor boy has yet to talk to him still. Suddenly, Fluke nudged me and whispered into my ear. "Hey, you sit next to Boun in class right? Help Earth out here."
Boun? As in that guy? I swore that I did not want to talk to him at all. Earth looked at me with pleading eyes and I sighed. I just joined this school a few hours ago, and im already pulled into this mess.

"Hey, Boun. Can I talk to you?" I asked as his back faced directly at me. He spun around and squinted his eyes. He gave me a sour face after realising who I was. Rolling my eyes, I signalled him to follow me. He stood up with his hands dugged into his pockets, without question. I stopped right outside the canteen and turned back to him. Before I could react, I was pushed against the wall harshly. My eyes met with Boun's and he smirked. "Sorry, im not interested in you. But if you wanna fuck just tell me." My eyes widened and I quickly pushed him off me. "I don't like you in any way. In all honestly, I hate you. I called you here is because my friend likes your friend, Kao." Boun scoffed as he crossed his arms.
"So you want me to help, huh? I don't like you either, why would I help you?"

He's right. Why would he help me? Think Prem, think..
Ah. I'm going to regret this, but I don't dare to back out now.
"Anything. I'll do anything for you to help me hook them up together." Boun brushed his soft blonde locks back and laughed slightly. I cursed in my head as I was afraid of his answer. Boun lifted my chin with his finger and said with no hesitation.

"Be my pet."

His Rules [BounPrem/PremBoun]Where stories live. Discover now