Chapter 6: Study

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Pacing myself back and forth, I was hesitant to ring the doorbell. I have already checked numerous times that it was the correct address to Boun's house and I stared it awe as I first saw it as it looked really expensive. I was in a pair of black shorts and purple hoodie along with a sling bag. "I should've wore something more fancy, aHH" I thought. I took one last breath before pressing the doorbell. After 5 seconds, the front door opened and out came Boun, half naked. I covered my eyes and he chuckled as he pulled them away. "Why are you shy? You see me shirtless every practice." He's right, god dammit.

We both entered the house and the interior was more impressive than I thought. Walking up the long flight of stairs, we entered his room at the far back of the corridor. It was painted in a pearly white and was neatly cleaned. I was in doubt that it was his room. Boun slipped on a white tank top and sat next to me. "Alright, let's start shall we?" I said as I took out the Math's textbook. "Do we have to do this?" Boun asked as he rested his head on a pillow.

"Yes. Anyways, how do you solve this-"

"Prem, get me a drink."

"I don't know where your kitchen is so, no."

"I guess I have to ruin your plan, then."

With a loud sigh, I stood up. He waved at me as he closed his eyes. After what seems an eternity, I came back with a glass of water. Boun took the glass and gulped it in one go. I sat down once more and realised my phone was no where to be found. A rather similar phone that I was looking for waved infront of my eyes and I quickly turned around. "Give it back." Boun stood up and hanged it up his head. As he was taller, I had trouble trying to get it, even on my tippy toes. I aggressively tried to snatch it back but accidentally slipped. I closed my eyes tightly awaiting for my fall, when I felt a pair of arms hold me. My face was close to Boun's and I stared at his black pupils. I felt my heart pumping fast and loudly. He pulled me back up and asked if I was alright.

I felt my face heat up as I touched my cheeks and glanced at him. I nodded in response and he proceeded to lie down on his bed. Do I have a fever? Why am I burning up? I turned to my phone and texted Fluke and Earth.

[3 Bottoms❤️]

       so i have this friend who is with his friend right now and like his heart is
beats really fast when he's with him.
what does this mean?

Does only his heart beat fast?

his face feels hot too

Your friend must like him then
its pretty obvious though???
Didn't you say you were
tutoring Boun today?



I switched off my phone and stared at it in denial. Fluke surely must be wrong. I looked over to Boun and noticed that he had fallen asleep. I guess the whole purpose of today ended up failing. I packed up my stuff and wore my sling bag. I went up to Boun slowly to not wake him up and stood there. I stared at his peaceful face as his mouth was slightly parted, snoring softly. I snapped into consciousness and ran out of the house.

What am I doing?

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