Chapter 15: Realisation

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I felt like my heart was going to burst out. I could feel his warm breathe against my neck as his body practically trapped me. "W-why?" I stuttered my words. Boun leaned back and stared at me for god knows how long. He then brushed his locks of hair behind and sighed. "I don't know, just.. what's your relationship with that boy?" Is he talking about Yin.. wait, is he jealous? I covered my mouth in shock which made him look at me in confusion. Slowly slipping my fingers down my lips, I whispered faintly, "Are you jealous?" His eyes widened as he took a step back. He processed what he just heard before pressing his palm on his forehead and groaned. "Just don't get too close with him, its an order." After letting out those words, he walked away. I collapsed on the floor and cupped my cheeks. I squeezed my eyes and shook my head aggressively. This can't be. But what if it is? Prem don't overthink !!!

I walked to Kao and Ohm who were busy looking at the members in the race. Since Kao looked pretty free, I called him towards me. He raised any eyebrow as he walked over. I pulled his arm all of sudden which made him jolt up. "Kao, I have this friend who doesn't like a friend of his near someone else. What does this mean?" Kao gave me a 'are you stupid' look and pulled his arm away. "It means that you're friend is jealous. It's obvious," Kao replied instantly as he placed his hand on his hips. I was still in disbelief. I did not want to accept that I was jealous. Why am I even feeling this way, its just Prem, he's nothing to me. There's no reason to act like that..
I ruffled my hair in frustration as Kao just watched in amusement. "Boun, judging from your reaction, you're talking about Prem and yourself. Am I right?" I stopped and slowly turned my head. Kao placed his hand on my shoulder and looked at me straight in the eyes. "Why are you still in denial? I know you no longer see Prem as everyone else. You look at him differently from others and what about the things you've done just to see him?" I tilted my head which made Kao sigh. "The camping trip, you offered to take care of him even though Fluke and Earth already offered. That day you pulled Ohm and me to the hotpot restaurant, you immediately smiled when you saw Prem. I know there's probably more but, I know for a fact that you feel something for him."

I hung my head down as I thought deeply. Fuck, when did it start? Why am I the one breaking the rules here? Kao patted my shoulder before going over to Ohm, who was still watching the race. I dropped down on a bench near me and slouched my back. I played with my fingers and bit my lip. Kao may be right, I've been instinctively wanting to see Prem. I felt so happy when Ploy broke up with me that it confused me. I don't normally feel anything if someone breaks up with me so it was first. What do I even find attractive about him? He's annoying, bratty, rude and his face annoys me. But, his cheeks puffs up when he eats.. his red cheeks when he blushes.. his smile when he laughs.. I want to make him laugh too- shit. It all clear now. I've never felt this way for someone before. But, I can't face him like this.
Today, I went to class early for the first time. Surprising right? Well, not as surprised as my entire class. They all stared puzzled at me as they entered the class which I just simply ignored. I was just awaiting for Prem to arrive. Although I know that it would be hard to look at him the same way, I wanted to confirm my feelings. I just mindlessly played a video game on my phone as I rested my feet on my table. I suddenly heard someone plop down next to me which made me immediately sit up straight. Prem just furrowed his eyebrows at me and asked what I was doing. I was in shock as he didn't seem to be affected by yesterday's incident. "N-nothing.. uhm.. you look tired," I spoke out before Prem rubbed his eyes. He said that he couldn't sleep last night and was exhausted. I offered to keep in watch for him as he naps for awhile which made him look at me in doubt. I don't blame him, I usually snitched on him whenever he closes his eyelids for a second. I reassured him by patting on his table. He reluctantly rested his head on his table and covered his head with his jacket. Barely in a minute, he started snoring. I rested my chin on my hand as I stared at him. I noticed his smooth skin, pink lips, beautiful eyelashes.. not to forget his cute cheeks. As Prem moved his head around, I was snapped into reality and pressed my hand against my heart which was beating like crazy. I didn't act like this before, why though? I've been around him for so long that I might be too attached to him. But, this was enough to confirm that for a fact, I do like Prem.

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