Chapter 14: Anger

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"Woah." Yin let out a gasp as he stepped in the Swimming Complex with me. Like me, he had to choose a club to join and chose the Swimming Club after much persuasion from me. I begged Ohm to let him in the team although it was already full. Ohm ended up giving in which made me clap with joy. We arrived early so Yin could settle in before the actual training starts. Fluke and Earth decided to come by later as their club's activities were cancelled that day. We went to the locker room and bumped into the bermuda triangle. Yin greeted them with a smile as they all greeted back. "Fluke and Earth are coming by later," I said to them as I opened my locker, stuffing my backpack in it. Without hesitation, Ohm and Kao zoomed out of the locker room in an instant. Yin cackled while holding his stomach. I sudden jolted my body up as felt a pair of eyes piercing through me. I glanced over to see Boun staring at me with folded arms, while leaning on his locker. His head was slightly tilted up but his eyes were fixed on me. Quickly stripping into my swimming trunks, I grabbed Yin's arm and dashed out.

Earth and I headed into the Swimming Complex and decided to try to find Boun and Yin. We were stopped however by two muscular built men towering over us. Earth lets out a bright smile as he went to embrace Kao tightly. The two were in their own world as they kept smiling at each other. I played with my fingers as I hung my head down. Ohm simply just sighed before lifting my chin with the tip of his finger. My eyes slightly widened as I stared at his black pupils. Realising what I was doing, I broke eye contact and turned my head away. Ohm chuckled lightly before inviting me to sit on the bench near us. I nodded agressively as I followed right behind him. As we sat down, there was a gap between us. I couldn't open my mouth to exhaust any words so I went to staring at the ground instead. I suddenly felt a hand press on my head which made me turn to Ohm. He made the gap between us non-existent while his face was close to mine. I felt like if I moved my head, our lips would touch. I closed my eyes shut as his head started to move nearer to mine. I then felt a soft kiss on my forehead. I opened my eyes and pouted. Ohm just grinned at my reaction before getting up. "I'm going to practice, cheer on me." He walked off, leaving me who was still in shock from the kiss.

Yin and I stretched our muscles as we were instructed to race laps. "Are you ready for your first practice? ... Yin?" I looked up to him to notice him not paying attention to me at all. His eyes were looking at boy who was busy drinking a bottle of water. I sighed as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. I inched close to his ear as I whispered softly, "That's War. He's hard to get so try to impress him." He gave me a confident smirk as he put my arm away, cracking his knuckles. I was amused at his reaction which made me interested at how well he'll do. Yin stepped on the springboard and glanced to the side. Noticing War looking at him, he felt a boost of confidence in him. I stood by the side, awaiting to see his first race. Before I could even see them dive, I was pulled away all of a sudden. It happened so quick that I couldn't see who pulled me. My body was pressed on a wall which had weirdly happen to me before. My eyes focused the man infront of me and one of my eyebrows raised as I realised it was Boun. His eyes were filled with rage as his knuckles were clenched tightly. I bit my lip, I didn't dare to do anything as fear took over my body. After a few seconds, his face suddenly softened before leaning forward and digging his head into my shoulder. "What have you done to me, Prem."

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