Chapter 20: End

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"Ohm!" I scurried to him as soon as he stepped out his classroom. He slightly jumped in shock to see me before turning to Kao and waving goodbye to him. He then went to me and gave me a warm smile. Grabbing my hand, he extended his other arm, signalling me to lead the way. Though he does this very often now, it still doesn't fail to make me feel all nervous. I lead him to a local animal shelter near my home to volunteer to take care of the animals. I wanted to ask Earth or Prem to volunteer with me but they pestered me to invite Ohm instead. I did think of it but thoughts like "He'd definitely say no" or "He's probably too busy" kept streaming down my head. I managed to muster up my courage to ask him the day before but rushed off before I could hear his answer.

It was too good to be true. I'm going to be doing this alone with him. Just thinking about it made me all giggly. Ding I greeted the owner who greeted back with a warm smile. As she led us somewhere she shared with us that we would be helping to take care of puppies today. My eyes sparkled when that word escaped out of her lips. I always wanted one but due to my hectic schedule, I wouldn't have time to take care of one. "There is this specific one that has trouble trusting people. I hope you guys would be able to change that." I pouted when I heard what she said. When we arrived, a bunch of puppies came running towards us. I immediately grabbed one and raised it up. Booping its noise, I swore I almost shed a tear when it barked. "Ohm, how are you handli-" I instantly started to laugh when I saw him trapped with a bunch of puppies.

"Fluke, look over there." Ohm pointed to the right corner which I did so in confusion. There was jet black puppy sitting at the corner. The other puppies who came close to it shrieked in fear as it barked aggressively at them. Placing the puppy which was in my grasp down lightly, I cautiously got closer to it. The puppy started barking loudly at me which made me jump. But, I still continued to move closer. I reached out my hand and the puppy moved back hesitantly. Softly, I scratched its head. The puppy suddenly stopped acting rough and looked like it enjoyed it. I broke into a smile when it got closer to get more scratches. Ohm moved next to me and chuckled when he saw us. "He looks like you Ohm," I said as I carried the puppy, bringing it close to Ohm. Ohm stared at the puppy for a second before taking it out of my hands. The puppy looked at Ohm all interested while sticking out his tongue. He grinned as he brought the puppy closer to his face. It started to lick his face and I faked a cry. The puppy immediately turned towards me and barked. Ohm then pulled out his phone and inched closer to me. "Let's take a picture." After a few shots, Ohm proceeded to play with the puppy. I on the other hand just gazed at them with huge smile.

"Boun, where are we going?" I asked worriedly as a red blindfold covered my eyes. Though I couldn't see, I could hear sounds of children and upbeat music. Boun stopped abruptly making me slightly bump into him and went to slowly pull the blindfold down. I gasped in shock as I looked at the amusement park right beyond my eyes. "You've always told me you wanted to go here but never had the chance, so I thought that I'd be the first to bring you." I was over the moon. Experiencing the park along with my boyfriend, what more could I ask for? My eyes twinkled when I saw a cart selling popcorn which was luring me in by the second. Boun just chuckled as he followed behind me with his hands dugged in his pockets.

I hugged the huge box of popcorn in my arms as I munched on them. "B, this looks like your hair." I squeezed a piece of the light yellow popcorn in between my index finger and thumb while showing it to him. He pressed his hand against his chest, pretending to be hurt. "The slander, how could you." I stuck out my tongue before tossing the popcorn up and catching it in my mouth. After sharing the popcorn, we made a beeline to a few rides. But the ride that I was excited most for was the rollercoaster. I could already see beads of sweat trickle down the poor man's face. I laugh uncontrollably till my stomach hurt. I ended up dragging Boun to the queue and panted continuously because it felt like his legs were anchored to the floor. It didn't make it better for Boun when we were assigned to the very front. I was cheering enthusiastically while swinging my hands up with joy. When we sat down, I noticed Boun's hand quivering. I slipped my hand into his, interlocking our fingers to calm him down. It slowly stopped and Boun tightened his grip on mine. 3 2 1 ...


"That was so much fun!" I exclaimed as I hopped out of my seat. Boun just sighed, relieved that the ride was over. "Never again." Seeing his current situation, I suggested to go to the ferris wheel to end things off. I noticed the sunset and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to see it in a better view. As we got in a cart, we sat across each other and I impatiently went close to the side of the cart, trying to see the sunset. I suddenly realised the awfully quiet figure infront of me and turned towards him. Before I could exhaust a word, Boun cupped my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss. My eyes widened at first but slowly fluttered shut. Our lips slowly moved against each other, not wanting to break apart. It was like the perfect moment. We were at the highest point as we shared the kiss. It felt magical, a kiss that was full of love. Boun broke the kiss to allow us to take in some air. We leaned our heads in and pressed our foreheads against each other while giggling.

"I love you so much, Prem."

"I love you too, Boun."


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