Chapter 7: Girl

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I scrolled through my phone when I felt a presence near me. Looking up, I noticed a girl, who was probably not from this class, looking at me. Her face was pounded with thick makeup and skirt was clearly tailored. "You sit next to Boun, right? Please give this to him." She handed me a box of chocolates along with a envelope with a heart sticker, sealing it. Chocolates? How typical. She sashayed away as her high heels tapped loudly on the floor. Almost in an instant, Boun arrived. "You left early."
"Yeah, this is from one of your fans." I handed him the box of chocolates and envelope which he ripped and read. "What she say? Asked you out or something?" I asked while tapping on my phone. "Yeah, she's Nong Ploy from the class next door. A freaking hottie."
I felt a sharp pain in my stomach all of a sudden. However, I ignored it and went through with class.

I went to return my plate with my cup of pink milk in my other hand but accidentally bumped into someone. My pink milk splattered on her blouse and I started to panic. I realised it was Ploy and started to apologise. Boun walked up to us, wrapping his arm around her shoulder with a furious expression.
"Prem, look what you did!"
"I didn't mean to-"
"Clean up after everyone on your own after practice later."
"No objections, remember? Ploy, are you okay?"

They walked passed me, as I tried to keep my composure. I felt my hair get patted by from the back and noticed it was Ohm. He and Kao stood there, basically glowing as their visuals made me green with envy.
"You okay?" Ohm asked with a worried look as I replied with short "Mm". He sighed while scratching his temple. Kao then went to whisper in my ear. "Can you ask Earth to meet me after school?"
"Uh, sure."
He gave me a thumbs up before him and Ohm left. I was like the love messenger by this point. Going up to Earth and Fluke. I told him what Kao said and he cuffed his cheeks while smiling brightly. Fluke started to pout and whined as he complained about his lonely ass.

"Aren't you interested in the Swimming Club's captain?" Earth's mouth was shut as Fluke quickly covered his mouth with wide eyes. I laughed loudly, teasing Fluke with the new information that i've just heard. I talked with them for the whole lunch break, completely enjoying my time. But, there was this sinking emotion lingering in me.

I was writing notes in class, sometimes glancing over to the empty seat beside me. I had this small feeling that lowkey missed doing the work given by Boun. Why though? He has a girlfriend now, im basically free. He wont be using me anymore. Earth gets Kao while I live freely. A win-win right?


Practice ended and I waited till everyone left before starting to mop the floor. Many offered to help, but I turned them down, secretly wanting to not have done so. It was already almost 8pm and I still have not finish cleaning up. This was stupid, I didn't even get to explain myself. I started ranting to myself as I furiously mopped the floor. As I was done, I went to the nearest bench and sat down. My stomach started to grumble and I instantly rummaged through my backpack to pull out a bag of Lay's. I grinned from ear to ear as I heard the satisfying sound of the bag opening. I happily chomped on it till there was left no bits left. "I want more.." I whined as I folded the bag. Remembering that I had brought extra money to school, I slid on my bag and quickly left school.

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