Chapter 9: Outing

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I slung my bag behind my shoulder as I stood in between Fluke and Earth. We were all in comfortable clothes as we were told that we would be going on a camping trip for two days and one night. Just then, Ohm, Kao and Boun arrived. Earth signalled then to come to us and hugged Kao's arm instantly. I faked a puke and he stuck out his tongue in response. Other than the fact that Ohm and Fluke were awkwardly looking at each other, Boun stood infront of me with a smirk. "You really can't let go of me, huh?" I folded my arms and glared at him. It's not my fault that life had to be so unfair. Waiting for the bus to come felt like an eternity and when it finally arrived, we boarded it and was told have a partner to sit with and share a tent with. Earth has Kao, so I guess I'll go with Fluke- I suddenly stopped as I noticed Fluke offering Ohm to sit next to him. Fluke, my dear friend,  I wouldn't mind letting you be with your love but that means I would have to suffer with Boun. I sat near the window and was startled as Boun suddenly sat down next to me. I  smiled slightly as I gazed out the window but snapped out of it, realising what I was doing.

"Alright guys, start setting up your tents. At 5pm, we will meet here to have a BBQ." One of the girls in charge shoo-ed us away and we dispersed into our own areas. As Boun and I got to a perfect spot, I immediately started to set the tent up. "I have to call Ploy, catch you later." Boun walked off, leaving me be. I hated being treated like this, but why do I still give in anyways? I didn't have any experience of camping so I struggled alot. Many failures later, I layed down in the tent as I wiped the sweat off my forehead. I napped for a few minutes before getting awaked by Fluke as he reminded me that we were about to prepare for the BBQ. I yawned as I followed behind him. My mouth drooled at the meat that was tempting me to be eaten. I noticed Fluke watching Ohm from afar and pushed him slightly to Ohm. He turned back to me, shaking his head as he furrowed his eyebrows slightly.

The smell of the meat being cooked filled the air. We started eating and I nearly choked on my food as Kao asked a sudden question. "So, Prem do you have a lover?" I drank my water as Earth looked at me teasingly. I was afraid. Rule 4: Do Not Fall In Love. Continuously thinking about it, I don't know how to feel anymore. Do I like him? Im not supposed to anyways, so what's the point. I felt a presence near me and it turned out to be Boun. He opened his mouth while looking at the piece of meat I had. I shoved it in his mouth, irritated while he chewed it with an annoying smile. We ate peacefully before Earth offered to play a game. "Let's play spin the bottle, if you can't answer the question, you will face a consequence." We all agreed without hesitation. Earth spun the bottle and it stopped on Ohm. "Oo.. so Ohm, do you like anyone?" He nodded in silence.

Earth pressed his fingers against his lips as he glanced at Fluke which the boy shooked his head repeatedly. The bottle was spun again again and it landed on Boun. "How many girlfriends have you had?" Ohm asked. Boun proudly pointed the amount using his fingers. Twelve. It's not surprising to see him having so much, to be honest. The bottle was spun once more and I groaned as it stopped at me. "What do you think of me?" My eyes widened as I abruptly stood up and bit my lip. What do I think of Boun? How am I supposed to know?? Lowering myself down, I ended up refusing to answer. "Alright! As a punishment, Prem you will be going to the woods tonight. I heard that a couple carved their names on a tree years ago. Find it, and take a picture. Easy?" Earth said as he pointed to me. I slowly nodded my head as I rested my chin on my hand. We continued the game and everyone somehow didn't fail to answer the questions given. Despite asking such bold questions, they simply answered, not giving in.

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