Chapter 18: Date

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Boun and I sat down on the bench outside the arcade and both of our mouth were zipped shut. I looked down while playing with my fingers before I noticed a plush panda in my view. I cupped it with my hands and turned to Boun. He placed his hand on my head and started to brush it softly. "It sucks. I broke the rule." I smiled shyly before laying my head on his shoulders. "I did it first, shut up." He started to chuckle and his moved his fingers to my cheeks and squeezed it. I slapped his hand away and glared at him. My eyes suddenly widened when something came to mind. "Anyways, what happened to the Yin and the rest?" Boun rubbed his nape and said that Ohm told the others individually that there was no practice today and Yin was instructed to run away without me knowing. I pressed my lips together and I furrowed my eyebrows when I whipped out my phone.
"Yes, Prem~"
"You're dead when I see you."
Boun was gasping for air as he laughed uncontrollably. I looked at Boun with a sour expression since apparently he was the one who told Ohm to do it. Boun went on to wrap his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. "Since we're here, shall we go eat dinner?" I froze when he whispered into my ear. Does he mean a date? He may be just be hungry, yeah.. but we're dating aren't we? Boun noticed me panicking and intertwined our fingers. He brought it up and smirked at me. "Let's go to our date." He stood up, pulling me up along.

He pulled me to a diner which he seemed very familiar with. We sat down and I noticed him immersed in the menu. I chuckled lightly when I realised he has yet to let go of my hand. "Prem, have you decided yet?" Boun looked up to me with a wide smile. I pointed towards our hands which he immediately pulled away in surprise. After we ordered, we waited patiently while making small conversation. Suddenly, a girl in a in a lacey dress with a brunette hair walked up to our table. Though she went up to us, her eyes was fixed on Boun only. She was clutching her phone in her hands tightly as she politely asked Boun for his number. I sat there in silent and looked down while biting my lip. She was so pretty, it wouldn't be surprising that Boun liked her. The few seconds felt unbearable and painful. The very uncomfortable silence was broken when Boun replied. "Sorry, im on a date right now." I looked up to him in shock. The girl who was also in shock, stuttered her apology will covering her mouth before walking off hurriedly. Seeing her go away, I snapped my head back to Boun. "Why did you say that?" Boun raised an eyebrow at me and proceeded to rest his chin on his palm. "We're dating aren't we?" Those words instantly made my heart nearly burst out of my chest. I smiled shyly at him while my ears were obviously in a shade of deep pink.
Boun offered to bring me back home despite our homes not being near each other. As we were walking, it started to rain like cats and dogs. Covering my head with my hands, Boun took off his jacket and went to to put it on me with the hood on. Tugging the jacket, I glanced at Boun who's hair was already drenched in the rain. He placed his hand on my waist, pulling me close as we walked. I wasn't used to this, but I don't mind getting used to it if it was with him. Reaching my gate, I turned to Boun thanking his profusely. I slid the jacket off slightly but was stopped when Boun placed his hand over mine. "Keep it, the rain stopped anyways." I nodded slowly in response and Boun pressed a soft kiss on my forehead before walking off. I entered my house while touching my forehead with a wide grin.

Since practice was cancelled, I went to sleepover at Earth's house. When I ringed the doorbell, I was greeted with a smiley fluffball. Ruffling his hair, I went in and placed my bag down. He told me that he prepared something for us to do and though I was terrified on what it was, I decided to just give in. He brought me to the kitchen and there layed a bunch of ingredients on the counter. "Tada! We're baking a cake!" Earth jumped infront of me while spreading his arms out. I forced a smile while nodding hesitanty. He then took out two aprons and gave one to me. I grabbed it with a sigh and went next to Earth who was arranging the things. "You'll mix the dry ingredients while I do the wet ones and preheat the oven," Earth ordered. I started to dump some flour into the bowl and picked up the baking powder. Wait, was it tablespoon or teaspoon again? I then noticed Earth reaching out a teaspoon to me with a giggle. I proceeded to take it and measured the baking powder. As I was done mixing, Earth combined them and mixed them together. Swiftly pulling out my phone, I secretly took a picture of him.

"Kaoo.. " Earth placed the whisker down and came to me. Inching close to my phone, he pouted when he saw the photo. "You look cute, don't worry," I said while pinching his cheeks. Rubbing his cheeks, he asked me to help pour the batter into the buttered pan. Being the obedient boyfriend I am, I did as I was told. I'm not one who bakes but knowing that I have a partner who does and is willing to teach me, makes me happy. We waited for around 30 minutes for it to bake and satisfyingly smiled when it cooked through. After cooling, Earth started frosting the cake while I watched. Picking up some frosting with my fingers, I playfully put it on his nose. Earth reacted back by taking some and smearing it on mine. We were both a giggling mess by the time he was done. We then layed down on his sofa while sharing a slice the cake. I was proud that it turned out well and tasted good even though I struggled a little. This moment felt as if it was in a drama. But, it was reality.

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