Chapter 3: Ground Rules

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Did I hear that correctly? I tilted my head, eyes widened. Boun repeated his words again, but more clearly and loudly. I knew it, I totally regret it now. What does a pet even do- "Basically, listen to my every order. If you fail to obey it, I will ruin this whole plan of yours." My train of thoughts were interrupted by his annoying voice. "Oh, and there will be rules so listen carefully, if broken, I will end this."

Rule: 1
Do Not Tell Anyone About This

Hm, seems easy.

Rule 2: Follow Every Order

Rule 3: Be Punctual

Rule 4: Do Not Say No Or Ask Questions

Rule 5: Do Not Fall In Love

Boun firmly stated the last rule. I crossed my eyebrows, why would I? He may be handsome but he's rude attitude completely ruins it. The other rules seems easy, though im quite irritated that I can't ask questions. Before Boun went back to the canteen, he gave me an order. "Help me complete the Math's homework back at class. You know where, in my bag." I was then left there, alone, rooted to the ground. Atleast you would expect him to start tomorrow or something but nope, it has to be now. This is going to so much fun.

I stayed back at class the entire lunch break and thanks to my smart brain, I was able to complete the homework as soon as it was time for the next class. I stared at the paper proudly but it was snatched away by the blonde bitch. I looked at him, expecting a thank you or something but I was about to explode as he simply stuffed it into his backpack. The audacity of this man, why did I put myself into this situation?

It was finally 4pm and I remembered that I had to sign up for an club after school. Earth and Fluke rushed towards me, bombaring me with questions.
"What happened?" "Did you talk to Boun?" "Are you okay?" I patted their shoulders gently and calmly explained to them everything. Their silence soon broke after I was done explaining. I mean I don't blame them, I would have done the same thing.
I changed the topic with asking for suggestions for a club to join. Apparently, both Earth and Fluke were in the Cooking Club, it was not my cup of tea though. Remembering I was in the Swimming Club at my previous University, I asked if there was any. They both nodded but warned me about the people there. I just shrugged it off. It's not going to be that bad.

There were many booths of Clubs for the first years to join, I was considered a second year so other second years in the Swimming Club must have settled in by now. Signing the application slip, I was told that the tryouts was tomorrow. I thank the gods that I still had my swimming trunks. I then went straight back home, tired, and tired of Boun's shit today.

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