Chapter 8: Lays

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I entered the convenience store and picked up a basket. I skipped through every section, looking for the specific one I was looking for. I beamed as I saw the tray of Lays chips infront of me. I immediately started carefully putting them in my basket. As I grabbed another bag, someone suddenly stopped me. I looked to the side and saw that it was Boun. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I pulled my arm away from him. He simply folded his arms and turned his head. "Ploy is looking to buy some drinks." Speaking of the devil, she walks up to us and she held up two bottles of water. I started feeling uncomfortable in this situation and suddenly pulled out a bag of Lays. "Uh, this is good. You guys should try!" I put it his Boun's hand and ran to the cashier.
I sunk my head in my pillow and I groaned loudly.
Although it all happened an hour ago, I was still fixed on that situation. I switched on my phone and decided to call Fluke and Earth, trying to clear my mind.


Fluke: "Prem, you sound exhausted?"

"It's nothing. Just practice."

Earth: "Are you sure?? I swear tomorrow i'm gonna hug you to death"

Fluke: "We're here for you."

"Thank you guys. It's just that my heart hurts"

Earth: "Prem i'm so sorry me and Fluke pulled you into this mess."

"Its okay! I'll go to bed now. Bye guys."

I ended the call and placed my phone against my chest. I'm really grateful to have such amazing friends. I slept through the whole night peacefully to be awoken with the bright light shining from my window. Doing the normal routine, I headed off to school as per normal. As I entered school, a group of girls walked up to me. "Prem, you're one of the top 6 guys picked as The Most Handsome Boy in this University!" I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head. Apparently, I was chosen, without knowing. As one of them listed the other five, I wasn't surprised to hear the list. "Ohm, Kao, Boun, Earth and Fluke." They told me before heading off that there will be a small outing soon for all of us to bond so we could prepare for a photoshoot for the University. I stood there silently, still in doubt.
"Help me do this."
Boun tossed a piece of paper to me along with a pen. I looked at him confused as I held up the pen. He sighed as he pointed at the paper. First words to me today was this. What did you expect anyways, Prem.
I dreaded the outing that will happen soon. I didn't want to face Boun any longer. Atleast he still isn't an ass about the Ploy incident yesterday.

I hummed to myself as I impatiently looked around every second. I was estastic. After a long time, I managed to get close to Kao. When we talked for the first time, I could feel my heart pumping so loudly as I stammered my words. Ohm told me he was more bright and smiley after he met me. My face started to feel hot after I thought about it. I suddenly felt a hand pressed on my head and pouted as I turned behind. "Kaoo.." I whined. He gave me a wide smile as put it down. "Let's go shall we?" Usually I was the one who pulled his arm everyone, but today, was different. He babbled all about this new cafe in a mall near the school and was eager to experience it for the first time with me.

As we sat down, I took look at the beautiful interior. He really gets me. We ordered two iced lattes with a rainbow cake and I imediately pulled out my phone as it arrived. I took multipe shots of it before taking a bite of the cake. My eyes widened at how tasty it was and suddenly remember the quiet figure infront of me. "Do you want some?" I offered, pushing the plate to him as I chewed on the cake. "I think looking at you is sweet enough."
I lightly hit Kao's shoulder repeatedly as I hung my head down, trying to not expose my blood red cheeks. We spent the rest of the time strolling and window shopping around the mall and as we were about to part ways. I was pulled into a hug by Kao. "Im so thankful to have met you, Earth."

Me too, Kao.

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