Chapter 5: Tutor?

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The next few weeks were torturous as since I was also in the same club as Boun, he made me do extra practice for no reason. I wanted to slap his satisfied smile off his face so badly. It felt like I only came to school to satisfy his needs instead of studying. Even if I try to quickly leave the class during lunch, he always catches me. During this fine day, we were given back the Math test results we did the previous day and I clapped in joy as I saw the big bold rosy red 'A+' plastered on my test paper. I noticed the teacher calling for me and I walked up to her, in confusion. "Prem, there's this student in this class that has done very badly academically last year and this year and despite being tutored by many people, he has yet to improve. I was wondering if I you can be in his care and tutor him?" Aside from practice, I was free so I nodded enthusiastically. She beamed at me and pointed to the student. I took a look and my mouth dropped.

I cried in my head silently. That's it, im with him basically 24/7 now. I dragged myself to him and he looked at me with amusement. He extended his arm out suddenly and I noticed a mobile phone wrapped around his slender fingers. I took it and glanced at him a few times. Putting in my number, I tapped on the contact name but was abruptly stopped when Boun snatched it away and typed something in. I tried to take a peak but he stopped me with his finger near my face. I gave him a death glare before settling down in my seat.

As the day passed smoothly, it was a Friday. I was excited to bury myself in my blanket and sleep the whole weekend. As I was packing up my bag after class has ended, Earth and Fluke came up to me. "Premm how are coping right now?"

"I'm doing okay, its fine," I replied with a simple smile to Earth.

"Oh yeah, are you free tomorrow? We are planning to watch a movie!" Fluke asked.

Though I wanted to sleep, I also felt like going out once in a while. So, I smiled once again and replied back. "Sure-"
I pulled out my phone from my pocket and noticed that I got a text from an unknown number.


Tomorrow at <ADDRESS>
2pm sharp.
who are you?
Tutoring? Remember?

I forget about it entirely. With a pout, I apologised profusely to Earth and Fluke. They reassured me it was okay but was more interested in why I was not able to go. Showing them my phone, they chuckled among themselves and patted my shoulder. "Oh by the way, yesterday Boun asked me to go and give Kao's pen to him. Sooo.. I talked to him!!!" Earth bursted out jumping around with joy. I laughed and congratulated Earth. Walking out of the school, to the bus stop, I was in deep thought. I guess he's helpful after all.

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