Chapter 11: Plan

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I woke up to be greeted by a bright light from the opening of the tent. Rubbing my eyes, I crawled towards it and peeked my head through. I saw everyone sitting down having breakfast and Fluke noticed me instantly. He brought a bowl of hot chicken porridge and placed it in my hands. "We're going to go on a little hike, I think you should just rest here." My eyes lowered as I slightly squeezed the bowl. I mumbled that I wanted to go so badly which made Fluke give out a small laugh. He reassured me by telling me that they would be gone for not long. One of the girls incharge then announced that they would head off in a minute. Fluke patted my shoulder before walking back to the others. I grumpily ate the porridge as I looked over to the others. "You're going to choke if you eat like that." I looked up to see Boun wearing a white tshirt with black shorts, basically his pajamas. I asked him what he's doing here and he kneeled down with a sigh. Apparently someone had to stay and look over me and everyone forced Boun to do so as he was my partner. I got slightly pissed off that he wasn't willing to do it. I avoided eye contact with him and continued to chew on a piece of chicken.

"So, how are you and Ploy?" I asked as I hugged my pillow while Boun scrolled through his phone. He paused before giving a short and simple reply. "We broke up." I batted my eyelids and leaned my head slightly forward. I wouldn't say that I'm happy, but that's what I'm saying exactly. Ploy thought that Boun was cheating on her and broke up with him over text last night. Funny thing is, Boun doesn't seem affected to the slightest. I rested my head on my pillow as I thought deeply. This is your chance Prem, this is your time to ask him out. Pulling my phone out, I texted Fluke and Earth.

[3 Bottoms❤️]
                            i feel like i should ask Boun out


It's a bad idea.

you have to make him ask you


i'll tell you when im back

I looked at my screen in confusion. Make him ask me out? It's Earth anyways, he's practically a god in hooking people up so I shouldn't worry. I closed my eyelids for a few seconds before hearing loud footsteps approaching. Unzipping the tent and opening it wide, Earth proudly said that he was back. Boun scurried away as Earth shooed him so he and Fluke could sit in the tent. Clapping his hands together, Earth gave me a mischievous smile. Fluke just laughed along while I furrowed my eyebrows. "Make him jealous." There was a few seconds of silence. I started questioning him at how it would work. He instructed me to see him less, avoiding him and using my time away from him. "As much as I like this plan, would he ever get jealous?" I looked at Earth with a worried look plastered on my face. "We won't know till we find out." I thought for a few seconds before looking at Earth straight in the eyes and nodded my head.

We all finished packing and took down our tents before walking away from the campsite. Fluke helped to move while Earth held my bags. I groaned as I had to go up the steps on the bus. After sitting down, Boun slipped next to me and moved his head to close my face. "Better?" I took out my airpods and shrugged. "Mhm.." I let that out before placing both of my airpods on and looking out the window, ignoring his gaze. This is going to be hard.

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