Chapter 16: Time

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After Boun offered to watch over me, I was skeptical. Not only has he snitched on me previous times but he also acted totally oblivious to what happened yesterday. I still don't know what he meant and even if I think about it, I might get my hopes up. I could not sleep a wink last night at all thinking about it. But, how could I tell him? Anyways, as I rested, snoring silently, I dreamt. It was Boun and I together, like actually together. The smile on our faces as we embraced was brighter than the sun. This wasn't the first time, though. I have dreamt countless times about us, ever since the tutoring incident, which I always longed to be real.
I felt someone play with the locks of my hair which made my eyes flutter open. Noticing that it was Boun, I looked up and tapped on his fingers. He chuckled and pointed towards the clock. I gasped as I realised that I slept till it was lunch. "Your friends told me to remind you to meet them at the canteen. I'll go with you." I was still half asleep so I slightly nodded as I stretched my arms before we headed off. The walk was awkward, we were walking side by side but there was a small gap between us. I played with my fingers to ignore the tension as Boun glanced over at me a few times. All of a sudden, a couple of students who were running for god knows what reason, accidentally pushed me. I was in shock and could not react in time and fell backwards. I then felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. This feels all too familiar. I stared at Boun who was too staring back for almost an eternity. This time, when he helped me to stand up, he didn't move away or break eye contact. Our eyes refused to look away. I liked it.

"Ohh.. what's happening here?" Earth peeked through us which made me stumble back. I was waving my hand aggressively while Boun scratched his head and bit his lip. "Why am I the only single person in the group." Yin faked a cry as he wiped his non-existent tear. I playfully hit his shoulder which he chuckled in reply. "We're not a couple, stop it," I told them while wrapping my arms. Earth and Yin looked behind me for a second before pulling me away towards the canteen and waving back at Boun. I was sat down by them suddenly which made Fluke jolt up. They slid down on the seats infront of me and moved close to my face. "Prem, did you not see it?" I raised an eyebrow and Yin sighed before grabbing my hand with both of his. "Goldie locks back there heard what you said and suddenly turned into the saddest thing in the planet." I questioned them to be sure that they were right. I doubt that Boun would be like that, the only reason he would is if.. he liked me- no. I laughed panickingly as I pressed my fingers together. I have noticed that Boun has not been acting the same cold and annoying way as before, like I was actually treated like a human for once and was not told to do things. The reason is what I have no idea of.

I felt like a thousand bolders was thrown at me. My heart was aching badly. My lips were slightly curved downwards and my eyes were droopy. I cursed in my head before looking away when Earth and Yin noticed my expression. The shock in their faces were amusing. I was then left alone there, sad. I mean, why would Prem like me back? I treated him like shit ever since his first day and messed with him when he just wanted to hook up Kao and Earth together. I could have easily declined or just accepted without any circumstances but I decided to do this stupid pet thing. I saw others do it and Prem looked like the perfect prey to try it on. If only I didn't and treated him better, we would have maybe became a couple by now. I felt a pat on the back and turned to notice Ohm and Kao giving me a reassuring smile. "Boun, you look very pitiful right now. You should try confessing." "But, what if he doesn-" I was cut off as Ohm pressed his finger against my lips. "Just try." I looked over to Kao who nodded in agreement.

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