Chapter 13: Arcade

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[hbd to kao<3]

Lightly brushing my hoodie, I walked to the cinema with a sling bag across my body. The four of us planned to watch a movie and ended up having to watch a romantic comedy since the others were fully booked. I wasn't an avid romcom watcher but I could watch it once in a while. I skipped towards Yin, Fluke and Earth who were just done grabbing snacks for the movie. Snatching the box of popcorn from Earth and putting a handful in my mouth, I chewed on it happily. He playfully kicked me while Yin laughed. Fluke pulled out our tickets and guided us to the ticket entry area. As we entered, we sat down. I took out my phone and asked the other three for a quick picture. There weren't anyone else in there yet so why not? We all posed with a wide grin. Clicking a few times, I smiled satisfyingly and uploaded it on my instagram story. I always posted on Instagram and it wasn't private so basically anyone could see it. Aside from the creepy men on my messages, I get many followers from it. Turning off my phone, I looked up straight, patiently waiting for the movie to start.
I was awoken all of a sudden and noticed that the movie ended. It was a typical love story, nothing interesting so I just slept through it all. We four exited the cinema and agreed to go eat at a hotpot restaurant. As we walked, Fluke asked me how the movie was which made beads of sweat trickle down my forehead. With a nervous laugh, I said it was okay. He laughed and assured me that it way okay as he knew I fell asleep. The aroma of the hotpot filled my nose as we stepped in. My stomach was grumbling despite eating the entire box of popcorn on my own. Pulling out my phone, I took a story of it and posted on my instagram. Picking up my chopsticks, I licked my lips as I eyed the food. I heard loud footsteps approaching and realised it was Boun. He was with Ohm and Kao who greeted us with a smile. Boun sat next to me and took my chopsticks off my hand. Trying to ignore him, I started making a conversation with Yin. We ate silently before Kao opened his mouth. "You know, we actually planned to eat at a Mexican restaurant before Boun suddenly brought us here." I took a few seconds to process it before widening my eyes. That can't be, no no surely not. I glanced at Boun which was chewing on his meat. "Why did you come here?" Fluke asked. He pressed his lips, leaned back and looked away for a second. He then looked at Fluke and simply shrugged before stuffing his mouth with another piece of meat. I sat there awkwardly, with a confused look plastered on my face.

After eating, we headed to the arcade. My eyes sparkled as I ran inside, making a 360 degree turn and admiring the place. Ohm and Fluke came back with tokens which I happily took and began searching for a claw machine. A certain machine peeked my interest as I noticed a bunch of plush pandas in it. Pressing my hands on the cage of the claw machine, I stared at it and was determined to get it. Tokens by tokens, I was unlucky enough to be unable to grab it. Boun who was watching next to me just smirked at my failed attempts. I prayed that he would go away but he didn't. Yin approached me and offered to help, I almost gladly accepted the offer but Boun interrupted him and said that he would do it instead. Pushing Yin away, he grabbed a few tokens and inserted it in the machine. I glared at him and went to Yin. We played a zombie shooting game which we were both immersed in. As we were at the final wave, a tiny plush panda waved infront of my face. I broke contact with the screen and looked up to the plush toy. "Prem!" Yin shouted which made me look back at the screen. I groaned while pressing my palm on my forehead. Turning around, Boun just smirked at me while holding the plush toy up with the tip of his fingers. Biting my lip, I avoided his eyecontact. He chuckled before putting it in my hand. Not being able to resist, I hugged the plush panda. I turned my back against him and walked away, trying to hide my rosy red cheeks. I really can't avoid him.

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