Chapter 17: Speak

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I was contemplating on whether to do it or not. The feelings could be mutual and we would end up happily ever after but, it could go downhill and he turns me down. Just comparing the pros and cons hurts my brain. I ended up using the whole day to think which kept my focus off classes. Prem didn't care however, it was daily thing for me do this anyways. As I got home, I layed on bed and my fingernails were galloping while I rested my other hand on my forehead with my phone clutched tightly in it. There's no reason to be afraid, you're Boun. You are someone who's not scared to do anything, so why would this stop you from doing so? As I pressed my lips together, I lifted up my hand and went to call Ohm.


"Ohm, you know the contacts of the other members in the club, right?"

"Yeah- what are you doing.."

"Trust me."


I noticed Boun being all preoccupied on his phone the whole day. He seemed more energised and brighter than normal. I sighed as I turned towards Yin. I was unfazed as I just assumed that he has a new girlfriend. Yin looked at me with a chuckle. "He's just looking at his phone, chill." I rested my chin on my hand and pouted. Sure, it could be just his friend or something, but I can't help but to overthink. I could practically see a gloomy cloud form on top of my head as I sat there with a frown. Yin just patted my back in reassurance while shaking his head. I decided to change the mood by bringing up the topic of War. Yin's hand immediately slid to my shoulder and slapped it harshly. I glared at him as I tried to ease the pain. We started to laugh all of a sudden which nearly got us caught by the teacher.
Yin and I headed off for practice and made a beeline to the locker room from the Swimming Complex. I was in a rather good mood since today felt less stressful and tiring. I was slightly hopping as I was walking as my bag swinged up and down. I was quite confused though at why no one was here yet. As I got to the door, I tried turning it but to no avail. I raised an eyebrow before proceeding to turn it again. "Yin, why isn't this openin-" My words stopped as I realised that he was no where to be found. I tried calling him name but all I heard was pitch silence. I decided to walk back towards the Swimming Complex since it looked like no one was around. As I stepped in, I noticed a key laying on a bench. My eyes lit up as I realised that it was the key to the locker room. I dashed to it and grinned when it satisfyingly fit in the hole. As I opened the door, I peeked my head in. I got to my locker and paused when I noticed a note pasted on it. 'Meet me at the arcade'. I squinted my eyes as I read it. Arcade? As in that arcade from that day? I was puzzled on why someone wants me to meet them there out of all places. I was hesitant to go but decided to in the end as I pretty much had nothing to do.

As I walked to the mall, a rain of thoughts went in my mind. I don't know what I would be expecting and who it is but I guess I'll find out soon. It could honestly be a kidnapper but I'm still idiotically following to their order like a innocent child. As I entered, I was intoxicated by the bright lights in the arcade. As I looked around, there was no one in sight. I suddenly felt a presence behind me and stopped in my tracks. "Prem." With a swift turn, my eyes widened as I looked at the blonde haired boy. Boun moved forward and looked at me deeply. "I know this was so sudden, but I have something to tell you." I tilted my head, ignoring the butteflies in my stomach. Taking a deep breathe, he closed his eyes.

"I like you. Like, like you like you. I don't know when it started, but I know that it has came to the point where I can't imagine myself without you. I understand if you don't like me back since well, I treated you awfully since the very start and I deserve it. I just want to let you know my feelings since I don't want to regret it in the future." He exhausted out those words before hesitantly opening his eyes. My heart was palpitating as I gulped on my own saliva. I bit my lip and looked up at his sincere eyes. It was enough to convince me that he does feel this way. I lifted up my hand and placed it on his nape. Slightly tiptoeing, I pressed my lips against his. It felt like time has stopped, his soft lips fits perfectly with mine. I broke the kiss and stared at the floor. Though I was looking down, I could sense a malfunctioning boy that was still left shocked.

"Prem, what's your answer?" Boun managed to let out question. I whispered inaudibly with made him wave his hand near his ear with a smirk. "I like you too, for gods sake. I have been way longer than you." I wanted to let out all the pain that I felt, how it hurted me so badly, but I kept it in since I didn't want to ruin the moment. I was glad that I did since Boun was grinning from ear to ear as he embraced me tightly. Tears filled the brim of my eyelids as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I inhaled his sweet scent as I dugged my head into his chest. I could hear his heart beating quickly like mine which made me tighten the grip of my arms.

"Prem, will you be my boyfriend?"


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