Chapter 12: Yin

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After we got back, I was brought home to recover and was told to stay there for atleast a month. It was so boring and lonesome. My mom only checked up on my a few times before she heads off to work. Earth and Fluke would come over everyday after school and sometimes on the weekends. I was grateful that they always visited but, I longed to see him. He texted me a few times asking about my well-being but I just replied with a one word answer. It felt harsh but I wanted it to work out.
Fully recovered, I went to school. I was greeted with a bunch of my classmates happy that im back which ofcourse surprised me since I didn't really interact with them. I slid into my seat and noticed Boun looking at me while resting his head on his hand. I looked the other way while my backpack was begging for air as I hugged it tightly. He raised an eyebrow and inched closer to me. "Prem, can you get me a water." I unzipped my backpack and pulled out a bottle of water and dropped it on the table. He grabbed it and took a sip, not breaking his eyecontact at me. The atmosphere was awkward and uncomfortable which made me curse under my breathe. Before Boun could open his mouth again, I was called by the teacher. In an instant, I zoomed towards her which gave her a shock. She sighed while slidding her glasses up. She pointed at a rather goodlooking guy next to her, who waved shyly to me.

"This is Yin, he's new. Since you are fairly new too, I thought you guys could get along." My eyes practically sparkled when I looked at Yin. He's a perfect way to avoid Boun, and I could have a new friend too. I extended my hand to him which he kindly shook. A head popped next to me and I realised it was Earth. He inspected Yin and greeted him along with Fluke which was behind him. Fluke invited him to lunch with us which he happily accepted. We had to borrow a table from the class next door and Yin placed it next to me. I shifted myself closer to him which made Boun glance at us a few times. We ended up having multiple conversations during class and we actually got closer during that short period of time. As class ended, we got with Fluke and Earth and headed to the canteen. Yin shared how hectic his previous University was which peeked our interests. Laughing along with Yin's stories made me forget about the guy from the table next to us that was basically glaring at him.
Going back to class, I sat down and looked at Boun who was yet again, looking at me. Acting pissed, I asked what he wanted. I prayed in my head he would get all defensive but my eyes slightly twitched at his response. "Nothing." I nodded in silence and looked away. I mouthed out curses and didn't realised Yin looking at me all amused before he whispered to me. "What are you doing?" I shook my hand aggressively and immediately changed the subject. We started making plans to meet up over the weekend with the other two since we all were free. Confirming to meet up on Saturday, we raised a thumbs up to each other.

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