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I woke up for work as I did every other day and walked down to the restaurant. My shift was normal as it always was. Waiting tables and serving their meals. I didn't see my boss much, I didn't know where he was. We didn't even say hello like we always do every morning. There was something going on and I didn't like it. After my shift, I went back to my apartment for a shower and a change of clothes. I was going to see my mother and Delilah today and I was so excited. It feels like too long since I last saw them.

I walked down the same old streets back to my old home. My mother was waiting outside her room as always as soon as she saw me a smile radiated of her beautiful face. I ran and gave her a big hug, I missed her so much and was so happy to be holding her in my arms again. We went back into her room as she made me and herself a cheese and tomato panini. It was delicious. There was something about your mothers cooking that just made you feel safe, and warm. She held onto my hands hoping I would never let her go, and I didn't want to.

"How's work?" She asked once we finished our panini.
"It's ok mum it's good pay, good people. My boss is so nice," I said, I've told her all about my boss.
"Oh I know hun you tell me all the time," She said as we both laughed, it was definitely true.
"Oh mum I have to tell you something," I said remembering I should probably tell her about the FBI, as she might know something, "The FBI came by my apartment the other day."
"The FBI?" She asked horrified.
"Oh my goodness why my dear?"
"If I know anything about Enzo."
"What did you tell them?"
"That I didn't know him and I don't know anything about his business."
"You lied?"
"Of course mum. I can't throw him under," I said and she shook her head not saying a word.

"Do you love him?" My mother asked after a while. I looked at her with tears in my eyes.
"Yes I do," I said, it was nice to tell the truth.
"Oh Viola," My mother said taking my hand in hers.
"Mum I know it's bad, I shouldn't but I do."
"It's ok it's normal hun. But the FBI it's pretty serious I don't want you to get in trouble."
"And I won't I just won't tell them anything."
"Ok that's good sweetie just be careful."
"I will mum I promise. But there's one more thing," I said.
"What is it honey?" My mother asked.
"The FBI knew I was with Enzo, and knew were I live. Is there anyone who could of told them?"
"Oh honey. I don't know. Not many people knew but it was not me or Delilah."
"Yes I know what mum. It's just weird. Keep an eye out and let me know," I said holding on tight to her hands.

"Well now we're all being honest. We said we weren't going to tell you but I can't not," My mother began. Now I was worried.
"Mother what is it?" I asked with concern.
"Enzo he came by and took your note with him," My mother said.
"What, what did he read it?" I asked.
"I think so he took it with him," My mother said, "He was very pissed tearing up the whole place demanding to see you."
"What," I cried as the tears began to fall.
"He wanted to see you he was not happy."
"Oh Mum."
"And there's more," She said. More oh god, "He knows we're you live and work."
"But what how?"
"He threatened it out of Taylor."
"Oh no mum I had got away from him and now he knows everything."
"I know baby I'm so sorry. Stay here for the night to be safe."
"I wish I could but I have work really early I can't be late I'm sorry."
"No it's fine baby. Ok you'll be fine."

I hoped I would be, Enzo now knows everything about my new life. After I tried so hard to get away from him. If I wasn't already pissed at Taylor, well now I'm fuming. I will kill that bitch when I see her again. Delilah said she would walk me to the train station so I said my goodbyes to my mother and we left. We walked through the streets of New York, gossiping about other people, and talking about all that's been going on in both of our lives. It was nice to catch up but it was sad when it was time to leave.

"I can't believe Taylor," Delilah said angrily.
"I know I will kill her," I said, I wish I could.
"Mm yeah me too she hasn't been around much," She said, little bitch of course she hasn't. Can't face what she's done, "What if Enzo comes by hun what will you do?"
"I have no idea," I said honestly, "A part of me would jump into his arms but another would push him away. He's getting married I can't do anything anymore."
"Hey baby, don't let him get you. You deserve someone who just wants you, only you."
"Aww thank you Del. I just wish I didn't want him."
"I know we always fall for the bad ones."
"Mm yeah they're just soo good aren't they?"
"Yep. Hey I can stay with you tonight if you want?"
"Yeah if it doesn't mess with your work. My place is small there's a sofa for you."
"Ok that's just fine. Come on let's go."

It was like the old times having Delilah back in my room with me. It made me feel safe, like Enzo couldn't come anywhere near me. I was expecting him to be standing on my door step, waiting to snatch me away. But he wasn't. There was something about this situation that freaked me out, it was a waiting game. Waiting for him to appear. The fact that he cared so much to do all this made my feelings for him stronger. Why did he always do this to me? The littlest things he does make me love him so much more.

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