Twenty- Two

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"What did you tell your dad?" I asked as I laid on his chest, it was around 2 in the morning.
"That I don't want to go in business with the Ferragno's anymore," Enzo simply said.
"And what else?" I asked in an annoyed tone.
"It means I'm not marrying Gloria and we're killing Frankie," Enzo said. I nodded.
"What did he say?" I asked.
"He said ok," Enzo said with a surprised face.
"Ok is that all he said?" I asked in shock.
"Yeah that was it. I know I'm so surprised."
"What happens now?"
"We deal with Frankie and the Ferragno's first," Enzo said. And I nodded. Even though that's not what I meant.

I was woken up by Enzo getting up from bed and dressing himself. It was still quite dark outside and he could hardly see what he was doing. I turned on the light, which was not the best idea, as it blinded me. But at least Enzo can now dress himself properly. He gave me a little smile as he re- tied his tie perfectly. He was going to meet his father this morning and deal with Frankie. To be honest, I kind of wanted to be there to see him pay, but Enzo said it was no place for a lady. I sat up with a glum face not wanting him to leave me alone. Although I've been in a good mood as Enzo was here with me, he helped me forget about what happened to Tony. With him now leaving, I would have to come to terms with what happened. And I was dreading it.

"Hey don't you'll make me feel bad for leaving," Enzo said coming back to sit next to me.
"It's not that well it is but, without you here I can't stop thinking about poor Tony," I cried.
"Hey Viola it's going to be ok," He said trying to make me feel better. I could tell he wasn't used to this, "Frankie will pay."
"But it won't bring Tony back," I said.
"I know it won't but now he won't be able to hurt anyone anymore," Enzo said calmly.
"I guess so," I mumbled into his shirt.
"I won't be long Viola I'll come straight back. I need to see my father first but I'll be back before you even wake up. I promise."
"Ok I'll get some more rest. Don't be long."
"I won't Viola sleep now. And I'll see you later," He whispered as he held my head in his hands.

Once Enzo had left, I slept almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. I was absolutely knackered and never wanted to wake up. Unless Enzo was lying next to me. But sadly, when I woke up again he was nowhere to be seen. A couple of hours had past since he left and I thought he would be back by now. So I decided to get myself ready for when he would return. I had a quick hot shower and left my hair down. I slipped into a black mini skirt and baby pink top with my slippers. It took me just under half an hour, but he was still not back.

My emotions were all over the place and I couldn't stay cooped up here all day. Pacing around, like I was some tiger kept in cavity. I had to get out. I just went for a little walk around the block. And it felt like someone was following me. Starting to feel creeped out, I began to walk back to my apartment.
"Viola Botham," A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned to see FBI agent Rosio.
"What do you want?" I said. I felt empty.
"We need to talk to you about Enzo Romano," Rosio said coming closer to me.
"Like I said before I don't know him."
"I beg to differ. Miss Botham, here's some pictures of you yesterday with Mr Romano in the city," Rosio said showing me some familiar photos of me and Enzo. Fuck now I was seriously fucked, "Is there somewhere public we can go and talk Miss Botham?" I nodded in defeat, fuck my life.

We were sitting in a little cafe near my apartment with our coffees. It was really awkward I didn't know where to look. This is not what I wanted to be doing right now.
"So Miss Botham are you going to tell me why you lied to me about knowing Enzo?" Rosio pressed.
"No," I said. I couldn't be asked with this.
"Come on Viola you can't lie anymore."
"I don't know what to say."
"Start with telling me about your relationship with Enzo. I thought he was getting married?"
"We're friends. I don't know about that."
"I'm sure you do. Just friends really?"
"Look I can't be fucked with this. I have my own life that's just been turned upside down so I'm sorry I don't want to answer your shitty questions. Ask someone who knows," I yelled.

I got up and grabbed my jacket turning to leave.
"Wait Viola," Rosio said getting up too, "Tony your boss, from the Hernandez family died yesterday. More people will, people you love. Please anything can help us." I huffed and sat back down opposite her. What was I doing?
"I don't know anything about business, I know Enzo through prostitution. He came and saw me yesterday, he doesn't want to get married. That's it, everything I know," I explained. 
"Right ok thank you Viola. Why does he not want to get married?" Rosio asked, oh fuck.
"I don't know." It wasn't a complete lie.
"Is it because he loves you?"
"I don't know."
"But you love him?" Why was she asking this?
"I- I don't know. No."
"Mm thank you Viola. Let's talk soon."

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