Thirty- One

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I decided to pull a sickie in the ride to Enzo's dads house, so it doesn't seem like I'm just doing it as I didn't want to go. But I'm afraid he can see right through me, he knows me too well.
"What is it Viola?" Enzo asked.
"Nothing I think I ate too much," I lied.
"I'll try and believe that. Don't worry we won't be there too long like an hour or so," Enzo said trying to reassure me.
"Yeah that's fine I'll be fine Enzo," I said.
"You sure? Honestly I didn't want my family to even meet you."
"Why not Enzo?"
"My family are crazy. I just want you all to myself."
"And you do always."

The rest of the ride we talked about all the baby things and how we were going to decorate our new home. I couldn't help but hide my excitement. I was desperate to give my baby the life I never had, two parents, and happiness. Choices to do whatever they wanted with their own lives. It was perfect. I never thought a prostitute like me could have a happy life and my own family, but here I am. With my Enzo and our baby, could this get any better? But I still had to deal with Enzo's family and the fact that the FBI is taking them down. Should I tell them? Or get out when I can with my Enzo? This is all I could think about.

Lorenzo's house was massive, a proper New York mansion. It was decorated with small flowers and old architecture, it was beautiful. I kind of wish we could stay here forever. The outside looked so peaceful but who knows what was happening inside. Enzo took my hand into his and kissed it to try and reassure me. Earlier I pulled a sickie but right now I felt sick for real. The butterflies were swirling around in my stomach and I honestly felt like I could throw up any moment.
"It's ok Viola we'll only be here a little while. Don't worry," Enzo said softly kissing me.
"I know I'm just scared," I said, I was terrified.
"I know baby but they'll love you."
"I hope so. Hey you never call me baby."
"Well baby I like it."
"Oh yeah I love it. Keep calling me it."
"Oh I will. You wait until later."

My heart was racing like mad as we walked to the front door of the mansion. He squeezed my hand making me feel a little more comfortable but he couldn't make me forget about the FBI. Enzo kind of distracted me on the ride other, but how could I possibly forget. A man dressed in black trousers, bow tie and a black blazer welcomed us in and offered us a glass of wine. Of course I had to decline, so I had some apple juice instead. The house was beautiful, rustic and very well decorated. It was like somewhere from my dreams, absolute perfection.

We were guided to a huge room crowed with chairs, a bar and lots of people all dressed very well. As soon as we walked in, it all went quiet and I squeezed Enzo's hand tight. Now the nerves were really kicking in.
"Hey Viola oh my god look at that bump! We heard you were expecting Enzo why didn't you tell us?" A small woman exclaimed as she gave me a big hug.
"I was going to tell you Bria but it slipped," Enzo said as he gave Bria two kisses.
"Oh right I'm supposed to believe that brother." Oh Bria Romano, the younger sister.
"Yes you may."
"Right it's nice to meet you Viola."
"And you Bria."
"I'm sure dad will he happy to see you Enzo."
"Where is that old man anyway?"
"He's near the bar."

With one last hug from Bria, we headed towards the bar where Enzo's dad was enjoying a drink with several men including Francesco Hernandez. When Lorenzo realised me and his son he gave us a wide smile and came gliding towards us. The other men looked quite familiar, probably politicians or other mob men I'd seen on the tv or in the newspapers. They were all quite intimating but no one scared me like Lorenzo Romano. He was the definition of terrifying, he owned every room he entered, and everyone in it.

"Enzo so happy you could join us and of course Viola nice to finally meet you," He lied. Let's just say I wasn't going to go against him.
"Hello father nice to see you again," Enzo said as he shook his hand.
"Always a pleasure son, but I'm more interested in seeing Viola," Lorenzo said.
"Thank you nice to meet you to Mr Romano," I said.
"Oh please call me Lorenzo," Lorenzo said.
"We can't stay for long dad we have to catch a flight," Enzo told his father.
"Yes that's fine son. Thanks for making an appearance that's all that matters," Lorenzo said, "Getting to see you and the baby before you leave."
"We'll visit regularly dad. Viola has family here too."
"Yes I'm aware, well come and see your old man too won't you."
"Of course dad."
"Now can I have a word with Viola alone son."
"It's nothing son."
"Well I'll come to then."
"No just me and Viola." Great, here I go. To my death. How did I know it was going to end this way?

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