Twenty- Four

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My mother and Delilah stayed all day after we had breakfast. They even took me to a nice restaurant for dinner which took my mind of everything going on. Enzo, poor Tony and the possible war between the families. Me and Delilah filled my mother in on what happened. She was worried about them coming after her for Frankie but I told her they'll think it was for the murder of Tony. So she quickly calmed down and we had a great time. It was sad to let them go, I really didn't want to but they had to work. Now I wasn't sure about my job, I was relying on then a little more.

I went back to my apartment alone and there was no sight of Enzo. I laid back on my bed when I felt a pain come from my stomach. I ran towards the toilet and threw up everything I just ate from the day. It was probably food poising or something didn't really agree with me. Or was it the fact I was so worried about Enzo? Could he be dead? Oh god I hoped he wasn't, he won't be he's well protected. He would be ok. I couldn't bare to think otherwise. He risked everything for me, and now he won't even talk to me.

The next phew days passed really slowly as I was all alone worrying about Enzo. He haven't been by in about 3 days and I was worried something had gone really wrong. Delilah and my mother came round to cook me some food every now and then. It was nice to have them around me all the time. They were good at taking my mind of everything making me less worried. Every morning I had woken up to a bad stomach. For hours just after I would wake up, I would spend throwing up in the toilet. I thought it was just food poising or something similar but I wasn't stupid I know what this means. And fuck, what was I going to do now?

For most of the day I laid on my bed drowning my sorrows in ice cream and cake. A loud pounding on my door woke me up, I must have fallen asleep. I had some dribble on the corner on my mouth that I quickly rubbed away. When I opened the door, it was who I've been waiting for. A part of he was so happy to see him, alive and well. But another part of me was so angry that he left me alone for so long. Without even a call or anything. He let himself in and went to sit on the sofa without a single word to me.

"Hello to you," I said, my hormones are through the roof.
"Hey," He said calmly but not looking at me.
"What the fuck Enzo, where have you been? What 4 days I've been worrying about you this whole time," I yelled, like I said hormones but I was also very pissed at him.
"I've been dealing with business," Enzo spat.
"Business? Going to tell me anything more?" I demanded as I sat next to him.
"Viola don't annoy me," Enzo growled.
"Enzo you left me alone for 4 days with a fuck you and I'm annoying you."
"Viola. Please not now."
"Then why did you come here?"
"My dad kicked me out."
"Right and you couldn't go anywhere else?"
"No Viola nowhere's safe."
"Ok? Viola I'm sorry for leaving you but I had to deal with business."
"I know."
"What's wrong? You can tell me anything?"

Anything. Could I tell him I think I might be pregnant? He didn't tell me what was bothering him the other day. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.
"Viola what is it?" Enzo asked calmly.
"Why won't you tell me anything?," I cried.
"I can't Viola its to save you. Keep you safe, that's all I want," Enzo said.
"I'll be fine Enzo."
"I can't let anything happen to you."
"Yeah I know."
"Do you love me Viola? You never got the chance to answer me last time?" Oh god noo.
"I do Enzo," I sighed deciding to bite the bullet.
"I- I love you to Viola." Huh? What the fuck?
"I fucking love you Viola."
"Oh my god I was not expecting this."
"I know me neither but I needed to tell you."
"Thank you."
"For what?" Enzo laughed.
"For loving me," I whispered pathetically.
"Oh Viola it's impossible not to."

The next morning Enzo had to leave me again put he promised he would be back this evening. But it was fine, Delilah was coming over for lunch again. However, I had something very important to do before she came. I walked to the local corner shop a block away from my apartment. I needed to know for sure if I was pregnant as it would change everything. I was only 18, going to be 19 in a couple of months and I was already going to be a mother? Not that I wasn't excited, and of course I'll keep it. But how was Enzo going to react? Oh fuck. Let's just take the test and then I'll see if I need to start freaking the fuck out.

When I got back to my apartment, Delilah was sitting on my door matt.
"Finally, where have you been?" Delilah said jumping up to give me a hug.
"I went to the corner shop," I said hiding my bag behind me as she raised her eyebrow.
"What did you get?" Delilah said.
"N- nothing," I mumbled hiding the bag more.
"Viola come on tell me what it is."
"It's nothing come on let's go in. I'm starving." I opened my front door as Delilah snatched the bag from my grip. That cheeky bitch.

"Delilah," I yelled as she took the pregnancy test out of the bag. Her face was an mix of horror and excitement, I wasn't sure what she was thinking.
"Your pregnant?" Delilah asked.
"I- I don't know yet," I stuttered.
"Well let's find out then V," Delilah said with a wide smile.
"Delilah why are you so happy about this?"
"I don't know I just love babies, and your going to be a great mum."
"Oh god Delilah. This is madness."
"Come on let's take the test, and find out if your going to be a momma."

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