Thirty- Four

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We were woken up by a loud banging on our motel room door. Enzo quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed a shirt to cover his body. I immediately shivered thinking that it could the FBI to come and take my Enzo away. Enzo slowly opened the door with only his head poking out. Once he saw who was on the other side, he opened the door to let whoever it was. I cuddled up under the sheets as I was just in one of Enzo's shirts. And luckily it wasn't the FBI. It was someone who I was not expecting to see.

"What are you doing here Bria?" Enzo asked angrily. Bria was now sitting on the edge of our bed. What the fuck?
"I wanted to see you before you left," She said.
"You did last night," Enzo said.
"I mean properly. Hey Viola," She said softly.
"Hey Bria," I said uncomfortably.
"Bria seriously what are doing here?" Enzo said sternly.
"Dads in jail so is Francesco and Bobby. I wanted to make sure you know that," Bria said.
"I know Bria," Enzo said.
"Then why are you here and not in New York? They need you right now?" Bria yelled.
"I have my own family now Bria I need to keep them safe. I'm done with that life," Enzo shouted.

"You don't have a choice Enzo," Bria said.
"Yes I do. I'm done with that and I don't care about them. They got themselves in the business not me. I want my own family that's what I want Bria," Enzo shouted.
"Fine Enzo fine. But I can't believe you. Dads done everything for you and this is how you repay him," Bria cried.
"Bria I've done a lot for him and I'm focusing on myself and my family now. It's my time to be selfish," Enzo said.
"Fine Enzo. But please don't forget about him or us," Bria said.
"I won't Bria I'll always be there for you."
"I know Enzo. Goodbye and good luck. And see you soon."
"See you Bria."

Once Bria left, he slammed the front door shut and swore loudly and went into the shower without another word. I hated when he got into his little moods and I just had to leave him alone. My baby bump had grown so much and I hadn't even noticed it. Let's just say it had been a hard last couple of weeks. I stroked my growing baby bump slowly. I couldn't wait for her or him to finally arrive. This was everything I could of ever dreamed of and so much more. Our little baby and our little family was finally starting to take shape.

Enzo came back after his shower just wrapped in a towel and sat on the edge of his bed, playing with his tattooed hands. I was always scared to approach him when he was in one of his moods. But I was the mother of his child, he loves me so I shouldn't be scared. I placed a one of my hands on his shoulder and his body calmed down. With my other hand I held onto his shaking hand trying to calm him down. He took in a deep breath and his body relaxed. I also let out a sigh of relief and kissed the his cheek.

"I love you Viola," He whispered.
"I know I love you Enzo," I said quietly.
"I don't know why though I'm a mess," Enzo said playing with his beautiful curly hair.
"We both are and that's why we work so well Enzo. Your perfect to me," I said.
"Your the sweetest person I've ever met Viola."
"Stop it Enzo."
"Marry me Viola."
"What Enzo?"
"You heard marry me. I want you to marry me. I can't live without you I need you to marry me."
"Please Viola say yes. I'll be the best husband ever. I promise I'll never let you down."
"Oh Enzo of course I want to marry you. Yes yes yes Enzo," I ran up to him and he picked me up giving me a passionate kiss.

By that morning we were back on the road heading to Florida. It was going to be a long ride but I was so excited to finally be starting our new lives together. I could not keep the smile of my face for the first couple of hours. Oh and yes I was fucking engaged! And nothing could spoil my mood and Enzo was just as happy. His warm hand was gently placed on my thigh the entire time. Everything was just going so perfect and for some reason it seemed like it was too perfect. Something was going to go wrong. But I hoped to god nothing was going to happen.

After a long day of driving, we went to a small motel off the side of a busy road. 10 hours down 8 more to go. I hopped onto the bed as soon as we got to the room. God I was tired as I kicked of my shoes and laid back on to the soft pillow. Enzo laid beside me as we looked into each other's eyes. Without any words said between us, we could just look at each other forever. His eyes were electric and I couldn't believe I was so lucky to have him. Enzo fucking Romano, I love you more than words could ever say.

"I promise I'll get you a ring once we get to Miami," Enzo said playing with my fingers.
"It's ok Enzo no rush. I'm happy I'm all yours now," I said with a blush.
"No I'm getting you one as soon as we get there. I want everyone to know your mine. I can't wait to marry your fucking hot ass."
"Oh Enzo I can't wait either. Being your wife is the best thing I could ever do."
"You make me the happiest man in the world."
"Yes I can't wait for our little baby to come."
"When will we find out the gender baby?"
"I don't know soon. I hadn't even thought about changing our doctor in Florida."
"We'll sort it out when we get there. I'm fucking knackered Viola. Let's sleep."
"Yes I'm literally about to fall asleep."
"Goodnight my love."
"Night Enzo."

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