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Delilah walked me to work before having to leave to get back to the house on time. I would be seeing her next week so there was no sadness. Just thank yous for staying with me last night. Enzo never dropped by. And I hardly thought about him to be honest. He must have known for a while we're I lived and worked so he must have not cared or was planning something big. It was the fact I didn't know that scared me the most. He could pop up any second and do anything to me. It was like waiting for your execution.

I arrived at work nice and early so I could get my little apron on and have a quick snack. I started serving the breakfast until it was 11:30, had a quick break and started serving lunch around 12. Everything was nice and chill. Tony wasn't around much but he came out after 1 and we had a little chat like we always did. He only knew a little about my old life, I chose to tell him just some small details. After all, he was in the Hernandez crime family. So if he knew I had anything to do with Enzo, I wasn't sure how he would react.

I was cleaning a table near the window when I could feel someone standing on the outside of it. I looked to see those eyes I fell in love with staring right down at me. He gave me a little smirk and was motioning for me come out, but I was working my break was in about ten minutes. He kept asking me to come out and I was trying to tell him no but he just was not listening. He followed me outside as I cleared some more tables in the windows. He was irritating the hell out of me so I asked for an early break and said goodbye to Tony.

When I got to the front door, he stood there in a full suit, sunglasses and that devilish smile. I just glared at him and walked towards him and we walked together without a word. There was nothing to say. Well there was a lot I would like to say to him but I didn't know how. He looked at me a couple of times and it was weird. I loved this guy yet we don't know anything about each other and we don't talk much. The silence was killing Enzo so he finally spoke.

"Of course you work in a Hernandez owned restaurant," Enzo said with a little laugh.
"Yea well why does it bother you?" I asked.
"Because were going into business with the Ferragno and the Hernandez blew up one of there factories," Enzo explained to me.
"Ok oh yeah your marriage is the business deal right?" I asked with sass, Enzo's face was getting angry. I really wanted to piss him off.
"Oh Viola, I already told you."
"No Enzo why are you here? Why did you demand to know my address my work place? My life and yours are completely separate."
"The note you left said you thought you loved me. Is that true?"
"It doesn't matter now your getting married."
"And I wish I wasn't."
"Yeah well stop it then."
"You know I can't," He said and I simply shrugged as we walked back toward the restaurant, "Do you love me Viola?"

Before I could answer, a hospital siren was ringing outside the restaurant and the police were cornering of the entrance. Loads of people were waiting around as a body emerged all covered up going into the hospital van. I ran towards it trying to see who it was but there was no way to see. I saw another waitress coming out with tears and blood covering her face. I ran to her asking her what the hell happened but she couldn't sting a sentence together. I screamed at her trying to get a name and she stumbled out, "It's its T-T-Tony."

What. The. Fuck. Not Tony. I could feel my whole body shaking. I couldn't believe it. Tony was dead but why? Was it because of the factory getting blown up? But would Tony have done that? There was so many questions I wanted to ask but there was no one to answer them. Enzo held on tight to me as I cried, I buried my head into his chest. He stroked my hair to calm me down. I couldn't believe it. Tony was dead. The only person who ever looked after me once I moved out on my own.

Enzo left me for a little to talk to the police. I followed after him as I was scared he would leave me. Then I saw it. A big blood stained wall with the writing 'You blew up our factory, so we blew Tony's brains out. F.' Ferragno I guess that meant. And Enzo knew. He looked horrified and dragged me away from the wall. We walked down the streets not saying a word. I knew he wanted me to answer his question from earlier, but it wasn't the time and he knew that. I nuzzled my head into his chest as we walked towards my apartment. Right now, I just wanted to cuddle up in my bed and forget everything. It was like a nightmare. The Ferragno family have torn up my life. With my mothers attack and now this. They needed to be punished. But the man I love, is marrying the her. And nothing will change that.

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