Twenty- Seven

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It was hard not telling Enzo about his dads plan. It had been 4 days since his home visit, and all I wanted to do was tell him. But obviously I knew I couldn't. The fact is I kind of started a war between the two families and I'm not going to add any more fuel to the fire. His father knows exactly what he was doing and I wasn't going to get involved. This was there business not mine and had nothing to do with me. Enzo was staying with me every single night and I was absolutely loving it. Having him all to myself. What more could I ask for?

I'd been pregnant for 3 months now and had finally stopped throwing up. Which was nice, as well no one likes to throw up. My mother and Delilah had been around more frequently. Checking up on me and they finally properly met Enzo. As for the FBI, they were trying to crack down on the three families but it wasn't going very well. They were loyal, no one ever said a word or they knew they would pay a big price. I only knew from the news that Lorenzo and Alessandro were still going into business, and they had cut off Enzo.

It was heartbreaking to see Enzo believing all this when I knew the real truth. As for the Hernandez, they had forgiven the Ferragno's but that was not actually true. It was just the 'news'. I hoped Lorenzo's plan would hurry up so I didn't have to lie to Enzo anymore. It was eating me up inside I knew if it was much longer I would have to tell him. He deserved to know the truth. Whilst Enzo was off doing some 'work', I decided to go for a little shop. Maybe buy some baby clothes and a cot.

As I walked down the bustling streets of the Bronx New York, I thought someone was following me. I kept looking behind me, but it was so busy. It could of just been someone walking behind me. I crossed the road to the less busy side and made my way through a familiar ally I had been down with Enzo and my mother. But I still could not shake this feeling of someone following me. I span around on my toes to see that Bobby was standing behind me in the ally, cigarette in mouth and staring right at me.

"Remember me?" He asked casually taking a phew steps closer to me.
"Yes," I stuttered.
"Viola Botham I did my research on you. I had no idea you were with Enzo I was quite surprised when I found out," Bobby began, "But I know old Tony had no idea and had a little soft spot for you. Said you were like his daughter. But thanks are in order for getting Enzo to get revenge for Tony."
"Well your welcome I loved Tony like the father I never had."
"Yes I know. But I know he has no idea what's about to happen."
"What's about to happen?"
"We're taking down Alessandro. The Hernandez and Romano families together."
"Oh my goodness when?"
"Tomorrow night. I need you and Enzo to get out of here. Stay clear of all this shit. Promise me you'll do that?"
"Get our when you can, Viola for the baby's sake." I simply nodded and made my way back to my apartment as the tears began to fall.

I got back and began to pack violently. What Bobby said to me was on my mind and nothing could shake it off. There was a loud knock on my door and I ran over to see who it could be. Thank god it was my mother and Delilah. I had to explain just a little so they wouldn't worry when I just disappeared of the face of the earth.
"Your leaving?" Delilah asked after I explained.
"Yes we have to everything is going to shit and it's kind of my fault," I said, I told them everything.
"And Enzo knows nothing?" Mother asked.
"No he doesn't. But I'll tell him," I said.
"Oh V. When are you going?" Delilah asked.
"Probably tonight or the morning."
"Promise you'll come back when it's all over?" My mother asked with tears in her eyes.
"Of course mother. We will I promise."
I gave them one last big hug as I cooked myself some dinner. I was eating for two after all.

I must have fallen sleep after stuffing my face as I woke up with Enzo stroking my cheek. He obviously saw my packed bags and must have thought the worst. I gave him a weak smile as I tried to sit up.
"Are you running away from me Viola?" He asked.
"No of course not," I said with a smile.
"Good because you made a right mess of it. You going to tell me what's going on?" Here we go.
"I saw Bobby and he told me we need to leave."
"What why? Viola what's going on?"
"We need to leave Enzo."
"I fucking know that Viola. But why? Tell me now Viola fuck," Enzo yelled scaring me.
"I- I can't tell you yet," I cried.
"Fucking tell me now."
"I can't Enzo."
"Fuck you, I'm leaving. Leave with or without me Viola. If you can't be honest then what's the point."
"No Viola, I can't with you right now. I'll be back in the morning. If your not here then well that's it."

And after that, he just left. In that moment, I could feel my heart breaking in my chest. I couldn't tell him yet, I promised his father and Bobby. I had to wait until we were far away so everything could go smoothly and then we could come back. It was just too much. It was way to late now to leave now and there was no way I would be leaving without Enzo. I couldn't survive without him and I needed him. I would tell him everything tomorrow and then we'll just see what happens.

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