Thirty- Seven

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The next morning Enzo got up early to go visit his father and I couldn't get back to sleep without him lying next to me. I could tell he was nervous as he dressed in a sharp black suit and tried to tie his tie with not much success. I sat on the edge of our bed brushing my fingers through my tangled bed hair. It was still a little dark out and I hated the fact that I was going to be alone. Enzo was still struggling with his tie so I jumped out of bed and tried to help him with it. He huffed at me but gave in anyway and all I could do was laugh at him. Even when he was annoying, I still couldn't help but love him more than anything.

"There you go," I said once I had finished.
"Thank you," He simply said.
"What's wrong Enzo?" I asked I could tell that seeing his father, going to the trial was playing on his mind.
"Oh Viola I don't know what I'm doing," Enzo said with a deep sigh as he sat onto the bed.
"Hey it's going to be fine ok. You will see your father for like 10 minutes and you can leave the trial at anytime."
"It's such bullshit. I wanted to move on and build our life but they keep on pulling me back. I don't know what I'm going to say to him."
"You'll know in the moment Enzo. It will come to you."
"I hope so, I don't think I should even go to the trial."
"Oh Enzo don't be ridiculous your going even if it's just to show your face. Say hello to your dad for me,"
He looked at me pure shock, "What?"
"It's weird when you tell me off."
"Yes but I kind of liked it." All I did was giggle and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

It was like hell. The anticipation of waiting for Enzo to come back. I knew he would be a while and I should of gone to the trial but to be honest I couldn't face people. I just hoped it was all going well. Well as well as it could go. I lied on the bed alone reading a book and wondering what my Enzo was doing right now.

In the New York Prison on the outside of Manhattan, Enzo walked towards the prison visiting room. His heart was beating outside his chest as he slowly walked past all the other visitors. The see through screens sat perfectly upright as the prisoners and their visitors talked to one another through the phones. Enzo watched all the prisoners as he walked passed, some happy, some arguing and some just lost for words. His heart stopped for a breath second as he approached the final window to se his father staring right back at him. Without a hesitation, Enzo sat down and picked up the phone. His dad took a while before finally picking it up. Enzo couldn't find exactly what to say for a while they just exchanged glances until he finally spoke up.

"How are you dad?" Enzo asked emotionless.
"I'm ok son how are you?" He asked back.
"Not too bad," Enzo said.
"Good, how's Viola and the baby?"
"They're very good dad. Not long to go now."
"Congratulations son. I'm very proud of you."
"Thanks dad."
"You deserve happiness in life son. I couldn't think of anyone more deserving than you," He said and Enzo looked away as he fiddled with his blazer.
"Dad, there is something I want to tell you."
"What is it son?"
"I'm not taking over the business. I don't want to and I need to move on and have my own life."
"Son, our business has collapsed and I don't want you to end up like me. Alone and locked away in a cage until the day I die," He explained as Enzo took a deep breath, his fathers reaction was perfect.
"Thank you dad."
"I love you son. And I hope you and my grandchild will come visit me sometime soon."
"Of course dad. I love you too."

The trial went by extremely slowly and even though Enzo was going to leave after a phew minutes, he was hooked and just couldn't leave. He knew Viola would be waiting for him all alone, worrying about where he could be. He knew he should of left but just couldn't. When it was all over he stood up and made sure his dad could see him there, and luckily he did. His father gave him a simple nod and smile. Enzo didn't realise that he had started to cry as his dad was taken away in chains. His dad was all he knew and now he was gone. A million miles away they would be, but he promised he would visit and he would meet his only grandchild. He headed back to the hotel and was nervous to see Viola again as he didn't know what mood she was going to be in. However, he loved her with all his heart and couldn't wait to see her beautiful face again.

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