Twenty- Three

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"Are you going to tell me Viola how you really know that FBI woman?" Enzo asked once we had ordered our food. I hesitated as the tears fell from my eyes. I hated the fact that I lied to him. Now I had to tell the truth.
"She came to see me for information on you but I told her I didn't know you. She met me again asking all the same I never said anything. Then today in the diner she slipped me a note and I met her in the bathroom were she told me about the raid. She said me and you need to leave before it goes down," I said.

It felt good to get all this off my chest but Enzo still hadn't said anything and I couldn't bare the silence.
"Enzo say something please," I begged.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Viola we could of saved everyone, now my dads in jail and the families are all behind bars," Enzo spat.
"I- I couldn't," I stuttered as I cried.
"You couldn't? Yes you could have what happened to being honest huh?" He said.
"I couldn't have you get arrested. We're a family now."
"And what about my real family huh? What about them all in jail rotting away?"
"Don't Enzo."
"No I need a minute stay here. Don't come after me I'll be back soon," Enzo said as he walked straight out of the diner. Just like that. Of he went. Well fuck.

He was gone around 15 minutes and I was starting to get worried. I knew I pissed him off but he can't just abandon me. I'm pregnant with his child after all and I can't be alone. No taxis or buses for miles what was I to do? The news came on and the waitress turned it louder so we could hear it. And my eyes were drawn to it, 'Breaking news Lorenzo Romano, Francesco Hernandez and Bobby Hernandez have all been arrested after an FBI raid at the Romano mansion last night. The trial of the century is set to begin within a couple of weeks.'

Fuck. Fucking Hell. Enzo's going to hate me. And he's going to stay here in New York and I'll be homeless with a baby all alone. Just like my mother, and the vicious circle of prostitution would start all over again. I decided to leave I couldn't bare this anymore. I began to cry heavier as I walked out all by myself with my little baby growing inside of me. I rubbed it gently to let them know everything was going to be ok. I could do this by myself. I bet they haven't sold my apartment yet so I could always move back in and find another restaurant to work in. Yeah I can do this.

But all of that went out of the window when I saw Enzo sitting on the hood of a taxi smoking a cigarette. And I would be lying if I said he didn't look good. He gave me an unwary look but at least he wasn't angry. I sat near him on the car and he had obviously bought it. I wondered if he knew the news about his family but right now I didn't want to mention it. I couldn't bare for him to be even more mad at me than he already was. He turned to face me holding my face in his warm hands.

"Hey beautiful," He said calmly.
"Hey," I said with a little smile.
"Let's go. I want to leave for Florida now. No more worrying let's start our new life together," Enzo said.
"What about your family, your father?" I said.
"I'll visit him when I can but I want to concentrate on you and our little family."
"You sure?"
"Yes I'm very very sure. I just want you right now and our baby. Our new house baby come on we got a long ass drive ahead of us."
"Ok let's get out of here. I love it when you call me baby."
"Mm I know maybe well we'll have a pit spot on our way and I'll treat you baby."
"Like an hour or so maybe?"
"Maybe like half hour."

We drove for just under an hour when Enzo pulled over into an old motel off the side of the road for our little break. And I knew exactly what he wanted. We still had a long journey ahead and it was starting to turn dark so we decided to stay for the night. As soon as we got into our room, he chucked me on the squeaky bed. But not to hard I was pregnant with his child after all. He hovered over me sucking on my neck making me squeal in pleasure. I gripped onto his back trying to rip his shirt off.

Once his shirt was off, he removed mine and unhooked my bra. His lips kissed around my super sensitive nipples. Before lowering himself and kissing between my thick thighs making me let out small whimpers. I was already wet enough and I just wanted to feel him inside of me. It been a long time and a very stressful long day. He removed his trousers and pants and he was rock hard already which turned me on even more. Without any warning, he plunged into me making me scream loudly as he swore into the air.

I clawed his back as he dug his nose into the crook of my neck. He got deeper and deeper making scream in absolute pleasure. I felt bad for our poor baby but I'm only a woman I have needs. He kept going and going and I was near my peak.
"I'm going to baby," Enzo panted.
"Me too," I said breathlessly.
"Let's go together ok?" Enzo asked and I nodded frantically. Before we both knew it, we both released at the same time. Once we finished we were both sweaty and out of breathe but wow it was amazing.
"Well that was nice," Enzo said with a chuckle.
"Just nice?" I asked taking offence.
"No no it was amazing," Enzo said and kissed my sweaty forehead.

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