-First year-

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          I'm struggling to load my trunk into the train, after a really long day of looking for my furnitures in Diagon alley, packing my trunk and looking for that bloody platform 9 3/4 I could not put up with this, I put my trunk down,  tired with exhaustion tears in the corner of my eyes, why couldn't I have wizard supporting parents like a everyone else at this bloody school.

      Suddenly a strong pair of arms pick up my trunk and easily load it onto the train.
I look up to see a brunette, brown eyes boy, approximately 3 or 4 years older than I.
"Thank you, I thought I'd never get on this train".
"It's alright, don't you have an adult here with you to help ?"
"No, my parents are muggles and they don't really support the whole "me being a witch and all"
"I get it, I'm Cedric Diggory, what your name ?"
"My name is Olivia Blaze Calderon,are you a student at Hogwarts ?"
"Yeah, I am, it's my 3rd year actually."
"Oh, that's why you're so ..tall"
He laughs.
"Yeah, you know what let's get on the train, you can sit with me if you want."
"That would be great thank you."

    I follow him into the train and to a free car, he sits down and gestures to me to sit in front of him.
"So what house would you like to be in ?"
"A house? What's a house ?"
"There's four of them, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, that's my house, Ravenclaw and Slytherin."
"What do they mean"
"Well it's kind of a traits of personality thing, hum Hufflepuff represents loyalty and tolerance, Slytherin represents ambition and determination, Gryffindor represents bravery and strength and Ravenclaw represents Wisdom and creativity."
"I don't know if I fit in any of them, I mean I'm pretty ordinary."
"I have a feeling you'll be either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, I hope you'll be in my house."
"I hope too, I'm really nervous now. How are they gonna choose my house ?"
"There will be a sorting ceremony where they put a magic hat on your head and it will decide for you, but it takes your preference in mind too, don't worry everyone falls in the right house."
-"I hope so."
     The sound of the train departing from the  station makes me jump and the knot in my stomach tightens, Cedric keeps talking to me and explaining me the rules at Hogwarts and how it's like there.
He also tells me about quidditch and how he is the seeker on his team, he tells me that's he's the prefect of the Hufflepuff's house which means he helps other students and is responsible.
I'm able to forget my fears for the rest of the ride but as we get close to the school, they're back again.

~ ~ ~
       "Gryffindor !"
I watch as the blond girl runs to her house with a big smile on her face, all the people on the table acclaiming her and clapping their hands.
There's not much people left until my turn and I'm really scared.
"Olivia Calderon ?"
I get up, my stomach twisting and I walk to the chair, feeling a thousand pair of eyes on me as I sit in front of all the students and teachers, I try to look for Cedric's eyes and when I finally find them, he smiles at me and nods, making my fears dissipate.
   "Hufflepuff !"
I feel a smile coming on my face as I watch the Hufflepuff table acclaim me, the professor next to me push me nicely on the back and in the direction of the table full of yellow and black robes. 
     Cedric leaves a seat for me next to him and encourage me to sit with him, I front of me is another first year, she introduces himself  as Elsie Wood and smiles at me.
"You look like you need me in your life, let's be best friends"
"Umm sure"
To be honest I was just happy to have made at least one friend In my house. Later, she would become one of my closest friends, but I didn't know that yet.
The rest of the dinner went by, I ate all the beautiful meals that had magically appeared on the table and got to know Elsie better, her parents were wizards and she had two brother, one that was 7 named dean and one that was in fifth year named Oliver, he played quidditch for the Gryffindor team, his house.
After, I was conducted by Cedric and the other perfect to the Hufflepuff common room, luckily , I was placed in the same room as Elsie along with another girl named Blaise. She was nice.

~                                   ~                                       ~

It was two months into my first year when I first encountered Draco Malfoy, I was waking to my dorms when I bumped into someone, a boy with platinum blond hair and silver blue eyes.
"Watch where you're going Hufflepuff !"
"YOU watch where you're going"
He turned around to face me
"Are you seriously talking back ?"
"Don't be a prat excuse yourself and walk away !"
"E-excuse myself ? Have you gone mad ? Do you know who I am ?"
"No actually I don't, care to introduce yourself ?"
"Im Draco Malfoy, from one of the most powerful family in the wizard world."
"And am I supposed to give a damn about your family ? You ran straight into me !"
"You know what, I'm not gonna stay here talking all night, next time don't stand In my way"
I was walking away when I heard him talk under his breath.
"Bloody Mud-blood"
"Whats a mud-blood ?"
"You don't know what mudblood is ? I'm gonna tell you, it means that you're blood isn't pure ! And for your case, since your parents are both muggles, it is my belief that you shouldn't even exist !"
"What is wrong with you !? Go to hell !"
I turned around and ran to the Hufflepuff common room, tears streaming down my face.
I was running when I finally saw who I was looking for, Cedric.
"Olivia ? Are you alright ? What happened ?"
"It's M-Malfoy, he said - something to me, he called me a m-mudblood."
"No he didn't ? It's okay, here come talk to me"
"He said, that my blood wasn't pure and that, since my parents aren't wizards I shouldn't exist, is this true ?"
"No, absolutely not, listen don't you believe anything this little prat has said to you, these words are untrue and mean."
"Really ?"
"I swear"
He then held me in his arms until my tears had
stopped and my breathing had gone back to normal. Ever since that day, Cedric had been to me the supportive figure I never had in my life.

At the end of the year, I had to go back eventually to my family, but I knew that I could go back to Hogwarts at the end of the summer, and this thought only, made me hold on.

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