-Second year-

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It's the end of the summer, I'm at the book store, looking for the magic books on my list, they're impossible to find through the hundreds shelves of books that all look the same, I finally spot the book I need and try to take it but it's too high for my 12 year old height, I see a hand taking it and handing it to me, I turn around to see my favorite brunette smiling down at me. Cedric.
"Hey Olivia, not too hard to find your books ?"
"You're late ! You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago, I was looking everywhere for those stupid books"
"I know I'm sorry, something came up and I figured I'd just come when I could, did you miss me this summer ?"
"Not at all"
"Sure ! Well I missed you"
He takes me in his arms and hold me tight, making me smile in the spot between his shoulders and his neck.
"Alright, lets find these books"
"I'm following you"
In ten minutes we're able to find the books I need and then we're sitting at Florean Fortescue eating ice cream and talking about our summer and the year to come.
"Will you accompany me to buy some things for quidditch I need this year."
"Of course, anything rather than going back home now."
"Alright let's finish those ice creams and get out of here then"
We're in the quidditch supplies shop and I'm waiting for Cedric to choose his new brooms when I see Lucius malfoy, Draco's father talking to the shop owner.
"I'd like to buy the latest brooms for my son's quidditch team, I'm ready to pay."
"The whole team sir ?"
"Of course the whole team, I'll pay now and you can deliver them directly to the school, I don't want to carry them myself."
"That'll be a little more expensive sir."
"Whatever, just do what I said."
"Alright sir"
I didn't know Draco played quidditch this year, he probably promised to pay for the brooms to play for the team.
Finally Cedric comes back with a brand new broom, with a proud smile on his face.
"Wow, it's looks amazing, and it suits you !"
"It's the latest broom, the nimbus 2001, I've been saving to pay for it for a whole year now."
"Congratulation, I'm sure you'll be the best seeker in the history of Hogwarts !"
"Ha ha, sure, being on the team in enough for me"
We leave the shop and do a last stop at Madam Malkins to shop for our uniforms, I decide to buy one skirt, two hufflepuff sweaters, one robe, one scarf, and one pair of trouser.
After Cedric chose everything we go pay for it and leave the shop.
"Thanks for helping buying all of this, last year I had to do it alone and it was so hard, mostly getting a wand."
"It's okay, now you have me."
"You'll always be there right ?"

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