-Chapter 10-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 10: "they're back !"

"They're back! Draco they're back, I have to go.."
"Stay a little bit longer please."
He holds my arm as I get out of the bed me and Draco shared last night.
"Bloody hell, I don't have any clothes.."
"Take mine, then."
"I can't, I'm a Hufflepuff and you're in Slytherin, we don't wear the same thing, and we surely don't have the same sizes."
"Do what you want, but I think you look really good in my shirt."
I look down to see his white shirt, that I've slept in.
"Not untrue..but that's not the point !"
I take my skirt and keep his shirt on, I dress up quickly and put on my robes to hide the mess, I put on my converse as fast as I can and fall at least 3 times, while Draco watches me with an amused smile.
I run to the place where the train should arrive, and I let out a sigh when I see it didn't come yet.
"Actually, it left, but everyone has arrived." A familiar voice says.
"Fred ? No George ?"
"I'm sorry I never remember who is who."
"It's alright, we're used to it."
I hug him, and smile at him.
"Where's your brother ?"
"He went eating but I forgot my suitcase in the train, and I was hoping it was still here."
"There was nothing important in it anyway, how was your holidays ?"
"Great, I..um, read a lot of books."
"That's, interesting... I'm kidding, that's really boring."
"I like reading."
"Then no offense."
"None taken."
We laugh and walk over to the great hall, where I see Elsie and jasper standing. I scream their names and start running toward them.
"Elsie ! Jasper ! You're back !"
We hug like a group of crazy children and pull away after a minute or two, it looks like I haven't seen them in a year, when really it's just two weeks.
"Do you know I bloody missed you ??"
"I missed you too El !"
"Well, you look like a mess.."
"I know, I overslept.."
We sit down for breakfast, and start eating, a few minutes later, my eyes lock with Draco at the table completely opposite, he looks at me, and discreetly smiles and winks at me, I smile discreetly.
"Elsie, Jasper, i have something to tell you, later, want to go have a butterbeer, in the afternoon ?"
"Sure, is it important ?"
"Kind of, but not that important."
Jasper shoots me a worried look and I smile at him.

I walk over to the Gryffindor to greet Harry, Hermione and Ron.
"Hey, how was your holidays."
"Oh hi Olivia, it was great, I was at the Weasleys with Ron and Hermione."
"That's cool.."
Suddenly, Fred and George appears to my sides, each put one hand on my shoulder.
"Hey Ron, have you given her the gift yet ?"
"Oh, no, she just arrived.."
"You chickened out didn't you ?"
"No.. Olivia, um, my mom heard about you spending your holidays here alone, and She knows that you're friends with me and the twins, so she wanted to give you this, as a Christmas present, it's okay if you don't like it.."
He gives me a big wrapped gift. I open it slowly, it's a knitted sweater with the Hufflepuff's colors, with a black "O" embroidered in the upper left corner. I smell it, and it smells like vanilla, candles and sweets.
Just like a home should smell like.
"I love it, thank you so much.."
I hug them one by one, and when I hug Fred, I notice he has the same scent as the sweater.
He whispers in my ear.
"We have a new prank planned, we'll talk to you tonight, at 7, by the tree, outside."
"Thank you so much for the sweater, it means a lot, more that you think."
"Happy that you like it, and also she said, you're welcome to come to our house, this summer or next years holidays."
"It would be a pleasure."

At 2, I go to Hogsmeade with Jasper and Elsie to talk to them about me and Draco, I'm really nervous because I'm scared they won't support me, I already know how Jasper felt about Draco and I even when It was not in a romantic way, so I wonder what he's gonna tell me now.
We sit at a table in the back and order 3 butterbeers.
"So, Olivia, what did you want to talk about ?"
"Um..something happened, during the holidays, I mean no, it happened before the holidays."
"Alright, go on.."
"I've been teaching spells to Draco, since the beginning of the year, because I knew Harry, wouldn't let him in the room of requirement."
"Really ? Why didn't you tell us ?"
"He didn't want me to.."
"Okay and are you sure you can trust him ? I mean with his family and all.."
"I do, I've been talking to him a lot, got to know him and he's a really good person..we're together now.."
"What ?"
"What ?"
Jasper and Elsie say together.
"Yeah, um kind of happened after you guys left for the holidays, we've been spending them together.."
"No way, you Have to break up with him Olivia !" Jasper shouts.
"No ! I'm not going to break things up, I like him, I trust him and I know he's good."
"I don't think so, and even if he is, he will always choose his family over anyone, no matter what he wants."
"That won't happen.."
"Olivia, I don't think this is a good idea.."
"You don't even try, that's not fair."
"Try what ?"
"Want us to share a butterbeer with him and talk about his parents that are supporters of a mass murderer ?"
"That's really unfair, he's not like them..you don't even give him a chance to be someone else."
"He won't be someone else, he will become just like his parents, that's the way of things.."
"You don't know that ! I like him and I'll stay with him, wether you like it or not. It can take just one person to save another !"
"You can't save him, Olivia, if this about Cedric's death.."
"It's not ! Don't you dare get Cedric into that, it has nothing to do with it !"
"I know, I'm sorry, it was stupid.."
"I have to go, but please think about it, give him one chance !"
They look at me with sad looks on their face, and I leave, to join the twins.

I wait for the twins, by the tree, like they told me. Finally they arrive, with smug smiles on their face, visibly proud of what they're going to talk to me about.
"What is going on with you two ?"
"There's troubles coming our way, right George ?"
"Right Fred."
"What is it ?"
"Alright, Fred had this brilliant idea, we're going to make a portable swamp appear in front of Umbridge's office, and it will be removable only from us, as long as we're on Hogwarts ground."
"Woww, how did you think of that ?"
"I'm a genius, didn't you already know that ?"
"I know it now.."
we laugh, and use the map to walk through Hogwarts without being seen, but we have to distract Umbridge in order to cast the swamp in front of her office.
"Alright, what are your ideas ?"
"We could start a fire ?"
"She would send Someone else.."
"Then someone has to sacrifice themselves... for the greater cause."
We all say "I'll do it" at the same time.
"Alright let's choose at random, I'll throw this rock in the air and whoever it lands on, will sacrifice themselves. Alright one,two,three !"
The rock goes up and fall, we all cover our head, and suddenly I hear an "ouch".
I look up, to see George, rubbing the back of his head with a pained expression on His face.
"I can say I've already sacrificed myself.."
"Alright, you'll knock on Umbridge's office, steal her wand or anything, violate a few rules and run away but not too fast so that she follows, and give us as much time as possible !"
"I got it, make trouble, it's what I do best !"
We watch him, as he goes proudly over to Umbridge's office, a smile on his face, he looks at us and knock on the door.
She opens, and we hide, but still look at him from far away.
He takes out his wand, and cast a spell that makes every thing in her office break down, then steal her horrible pink hat and runs away.
She stands there in shock and starts to run after him, we hear their screams echoing in the hallways. We hear George singing loud.
"Make place forrr the better Weasley twinsss, trouble on my way and laughter in my back !"
We take the opportunity and run to the office.
"Alright, Fred you remember the spell ?"
As he pronounce the words, a little puddle of mud starts to form, slowly extending..
"Now we run Olivia !
He takes my hand and helps me cross over the puddle without getting some on me. We then run and go hide, suddenly, we hear a big scream, we turn to see Umbridge, half into the puddle that is now a little pond, calling for help.
"Who did this, you'll be punished ! Helppp!"
We explode in laughter and run away before she sees us.
We meet George outside, where he told us he managed to escape from her since she couldn't run fast enough.
We all laugh, falling on the floor, happy of our foolery and genius.
"Bloody hell, this was one good revenge for everything she did to us !"
"And that's not all, we have something ready for the owls exams, something incredible, sadly you'll be passing this exam, which means you won't be able to do it with us."
"But will you ruin it ?"
"Of course !"
"Then I won't pass it, and do this with you, I don't care if it's ruined in the end, I want to enjoy crashing it !"
"You do it your way !"
"It's going to be amazing !"

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