-Chapter 5-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 5: "welcome to the first class"

We're waiting outside Hagrid's house, waiting for people to arrive, for now there is just Harry, Hermione, Ron, Elsie, Jasper, Luna, Neville , cho, and me. And it's already ten minutes past the time we gave them.
Finally, a group of Gryffindors come, and stand in front of us, waiting with us, when most of the people have arrived and it's too late for others to come, Hermione starts talking.
"Hi,um, you must be wondering why we asked you to come here this early."
"Yes we do, actually."
"Well, since the ministry is taking away our defense against the arts class and replacing it with a basic book learning class, we've decided to take matters into our own hands."
"What does that mean ? Are you gonna teach us defense against the arts ?"
"Precisely, I mean not me, but Harry and Olivia here will teach you, since they're way more experienced than any of us."
"How are they more experienced than us ?"
"They both took classes with professor lupin two years ago, are both able to create a corporeal patronus and know probably very offensive and defensive spells to know in case you're under attack."
"And when exactly would that happen, there's no danger out there !"
"Well, since you know who.. has come back."
"It's Voldemort, don't hide his name it just gives him more power." I say.
"Right, since Voldemort has come back we need to be prepared in case he decides to attack any of us."
"That's not true, the ministry's saying Voldemort isn't back, that...Harry.. is lying."
"Well the ministry is wrong ! How do you think Cedric died, how do you think someone gets murdered by accident, because that's what happened, Cedric was murdered by Voldemort."
"I'm sorry.."
"So, we have to be prepared, because who knows when Voldemort is going to strike again, I don't want anyone else to die, Cedric is well enough for me."
"Where are you gonna teach us."
"We've had an idea, the room of requirement, but we haven't found it yet, we would like to know who's willing to learn with us."
One by one, hands are raising and at the end, everyone has a hand up and Is looking at us, I look at Harry and smile at him.
"Alright, well, we will start as soon as we have the room, keep listening.

For the entire week, we're trying different things to find the room of requirement, and one day it happens, we're walking around when Neville makes is appear, out of nowhere it grows in the wall, we enter, looking inside to see how it looks like.
It's huge, with high ceiling and shelves full of book for spells.
We told everyone, quietly by word of mouth, the next day, at approximately four in the afternoon, everyone was there waiting for us to talk. Harry started.
"Hi, thank you for coming and trusting us, welcome to our first class."
"Today, as starters were going to practice the expelliarmus and stupefy spells, for those who already know them, I'll help you work on your patronus."
"Exactly, and I'm in charge of the spells, let's start now, everyone for the patronus on the left and for the spells on the right.

I started to show them how I made my patronus, my happiest memory was seeing Cedric again after coming back from summer because I was sure he had forgotten me.
My patronus is a thestral, I know what they are since Cedric died, I've learned that only people who have seen death can see them.
I then explain to them all the rules of creating a patronus and how to create them.
"So, to produce a patronus, you have to take your happiest memory, dig as deep as you can, and think of it as much as possible, visualize it, if you can do that, your patronus will follow, as long as you're thinking of this memory it will stay, if you stop or get distracted, it will leave so be sure to stay concentrated.
Each of them try, none of them are able to create a corporeal one but some of them are pretty close by the end of the class.
After it, we said goodbye, congratulated them on their performances and left, I had to leave early because I had promised Draco to meet him in the garden.

I ran to be on time since we had finished late and entered the secret passage while no one was here, I was Draco lying on the bench, asleep, a book on his chest, his face bathed in sunlight, he seemed.. peaceful, in his sleep, like he was having a good dream, I couldn't help but stare at him and didn't want to wake him up to make this moment last forever, I had never seen him so vulnerable, even when he was confessing to me, it wasn't so pure.
I walked closer, moved a strand of blond hair from his eyes and stroked his cheek with the tip of my finger, his eyes flickered but didn't open, he was reading a book named "peter pan, the boy who didn't want to grow up".
I could see why.
After a few minutes, I woke him up, acting like I had just got here and hadn't stared at him sleeping for ten minutes.
He got up, a little bit embarrassed from me seeing him like this.
"How long have you been here ?"
"I just got here, you had fell asleep."
"You're late, where were you ?"
"With Elsie and jasper, I had a hard time leaving them without seeming suspicious, what are you reading." I asked even though I knew the answer.
"Oh, nothing"
"No it's not nothing, show it to me !" I said as I tried to reach it.
He snatched it and hold his arm up, making It impossible for me to grab it.
"Come on, I want to see it."
I tried again, holding my arm as high as possible, when I realized my face was just inches from his, our lips on the verge of touching each other, he looked down at me still smiling from earlier and then cleared his throat and got away from me.
"I mean, it's okay if you don't want to show it to me, I'll just read by myself, over there." I said while showing the lonely chair by the little tree, I got up, but he reached my arm before I could leave.
"Wait, i'll show it to you."
"Took you long enough"
He gave me the book, I took it with a satisfied smile.
"Peter pan, it's a muggle book, how did you get it ?"
"I bought it in secret, in a muggle library, in London."
"Oooh... someone's a bad guy."
"Alright, give it back to me now."
I handed it to him, sticking out my tongue at him.
"You're so childish" he shrugged.
"It's a good book, I read it a few years ago."
"Oh yeah ?"
"Yes, can you read it to me ?"
"Please, I love hearing people reading."
"Please no..."
I pouted at him, begging him with my eyes, and when he finally agreed, I lied down on the bench, my head on his lap, with a smile on my face. He seemed surprise at first but then just started staring at his book.
"Can you play with my hair while you read ?"
"Okay how you're asking too much from me !"
"Okay, okay... next time, you will." I whispered.
He then started reading
"All children except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this..."

Authors note:
Hi, I just wanted to thank, all the people who came to read my story, I'm really grateful and I hope you will enjoy it, please tell me what you thinks in comments, I need to arrange it as best as I can, any suggestion.
Thaank you :)

(The secret garden):

(The secret garden):

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