-Chapter 3-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 3: "Dumbledore's army"

I get out of my bed, knowing I won't be falling back asleep and quietly walk out of the dorm, it's a chance the Hufflepuff common room is close to the kitchen because I love going out to eat during my insomnias, and I found the perfect place. I stand In front of the giant painting of a bowl full of fruits and hold out my hand to tickle the pear, it starts to giggle and changes into a handle, I grab it and turn it, the door open in a quiet squeak, in bite my lip, hoping no one hears it, and enter inside, it's huge and full of delicious meals, at the end of it is a fireplace and a little chair you can sit in, I go and take some food I find here and there and then settles in the chair, I make a book teleport from my room to here and start to read while eating, I'm able to calm down and think a bit about the thing I'm about to do tomorrow, it seems I'm making crazy decisions this year, agreeing to meet Draco alone to "talk?", creating a secret class to teach students defensive and offensive spells with Harry Potter, I hope I won't get myself in too much trouble,I mean it's not like anyone would care but still, I finish eating and come out of the room, to walk back to my bed, if I don't sleep tonight, I'll be crushed tomorrow morning and I have an important test, in an important day.
I come back to my dorm and lay in my bed still, my eyes closed, trying to feel tired, I read somewhere that you have to pretend to be asleep to fall asleep, that's funny and weird I guess but I try it anyway, but my mind won't stop spinning and thoughts are running around my mind and I'm unable to stop them, so i let them overflow me, acknowledging them one by one until there isn't one anymore, and I finally fall asleep.

I wake up on the other side of my bed, it's the morning, and I'm relieved to see that I'm not as tired as I thought, I get up and go take a shower, cold water waking me up and getting my brain to restart, afterwards I get dressed, basic Hogwarts uniform bought with Cedric last year, I could not bring myself to buy new ones this year, not without him.
I brush my hair slightly and get down to breakfast, Elsie has already left, as I enter the great hall, I spot her at the end of the table, talking to jasper, I sit next to them.
"Hey guys, what's to eat today?"
"The usual, toasts, marmelade and black pudding, enjoy yourself." Elsie answered a little  quieter than usual.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a little stressed out, it's nothing."
"What's wrong ?"
"It's you, your decision, I'm scared."
"Hey, it's going to be okay, we won't be caught, and even if we are, she can't do anything to us, we're still children."
"That's right, we're children, we shouldn't have to worry about those things!"
"That's just life."
"No that's not, it's not a life, not the life I want anyway."
I look At her with a sad smile, and get up to go talk to Harry.
I finally find him, sitting with his usual friends, talking quietly while the ginger one eats pudding with two spoons full.
"Hey Harry !"
He looks up at me and looks surprised to see me.
"I made my choice, I thought about it, about Cedric and all, and I'm gonna do it."
He now looks shocked.
« Oh.. alright, well meet us after dinner outside, by the big tree, we'll figure how to work it out."
"Can I bring my friends, Elsie and jasper ? They can be trusted."
"Sure, bring them, she's Oliver's sister right ?"
I turn around, but he calls me.
"Hey, Olivia ?"
"Yes ?"
"Thank you, for doing this."
"I'm not really doing it for you."
"I know, but still."
"Oh and Ron, maybe you should slow down on the pudding, one spoon at a time, you know."
He smiles at me, embarrassed and puts down one of his spoon, I almost feel sorry, and leave the table to go directly to my class.

It's charms class, nobody's here yet, so i sit at a desk in the middle, while I wait for people to arrive, I get out my books, my quill, my ink and everything I need, I get comfortable, take off my robe and wait, suddenly, I hear someone seat next to me, i turn my head to see Malfoy staring at me.
"What ?"
"You didn't talk to anyone huh ?"
"No I didn't, can't you go some place else, the whole room is empty, you can literally sit anywhere."
"I want to keep an eye on you, still okay for tonight ? Remember where I told you to meet ?"
"Yes, I do, and no you don't need to keep an eye on me, I told you I wouldn't say anything."
"How can I know you won't lie, if my father hears about this."
"He won't. I told you I wouldn't say anything and I don't lie."
As I finish my sentence, professor Flitwick arrives, cutting our conversation to an end, Draco shifts uncomfortably in his chair and glances at me, visibly nervous that flitwick May have heard us.
Professor sits in silence at his desk and looks at us.
"I didn't know you two were friends, I'm glad to see you're sitting next to each other, today you'll be partners in charms class and the rest of the semester too, which means you'll have to do your homeworks together for 5 months, hope this friendship will continue."
"What, were not friends, he was just asking something, I don't want to be partner with him."
"I'm fine with it, I'd be glad to be your partner, Olivia."
He looks at me with a smug smile, clearly happy to be able to "keep an eye on me".
I roll my eyes and turn the other way.
The rest of the class arrives and sit in pairs of two, not knowing they'll be partner with whoever they chose.
After everyone settles in, flitwick says his monologue again and we can here some annoyed sighs and happy scream from annoying girls.
I take a look at Draco, he's in his thoughts and stares at the wall in front of us, his chin in his hand. His blond hair falling in front of his eyes and his soft lips in some kind of pout.
What, his lips, what am I talking about.
I turn around when he glances at me.
I don't see it, but he's smiling smugly knowing that I was staring at him.
The rest of the class pass quietly as we just read the first chapter of our charms book and take notes.
Draco and I keep staring at each other alternatively, not seeing the other.
When we finally leave, I hurry up to leave him, kind of embarrassed of the hour we just had.
I rush to my next class which I know I won't have with Draco.

After the day, I finally go to the place Draco told me to meet him. I walk into the rear hall, when suddenly I'm grabbed by the shoulder into a small space, I look up to see Draco's face, he's so close I feel his breath in my nose, I can see his eyes so clearly, from far away they're plain grey, but right now, they're this silver blue, like the ocean but much clearer.
He clears his throat and I blush.
"Hum, where are we?"
"Behind a book shelf in the rear hall, behind the door next to us, Is a secret garden, I discovered it second year, I used it to get away from everyone and everything, each time I felt like I needed to think without Goyle or Crabbe in my space, I came here. I'm gonna show it to you but I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone, this is my space and I need it."
"Alright, I won't say anything."
"Promise !"
"Fine, i promise."
"Alright, you can go."
He hold out his hand and push the door open, from there we can see a garden full of green and flowers. There's a bench to the side and a few books here and there.
"wow, it's amazing, how did you find it ?"
"Totally by chance, i was leaning against the book shelf and it opened itself. Thankfully I was alone when It happened."
"That's crazy, thanks for showing it to me."
"I just don't want to be seen."
"Oh.. yeah of course I knew that."
"I'm sorry, that was a dumb thing to say, I'm glad you like it, let's sit down."
"Yeah, okay."
We sit down, on the bench, a feet away from each other, we're staring at one another, after a minute or two, I finally break the silence.
"So, you wanted to talk, let's talk."

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