-Chapter 4-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 4: "the room of requirement"

"And, I guess that's why I act this way, it's no excuse I know but it's like a never ending circle of bad decisions."
"I understand..."
"You do ?"
"Yes, when you were young you couldn't distinguish what was wrong and what was right but now that you do, you don't know how to get out of your old ways because you're scared people won't let you."
"Exactly... thank you, for listening and understanding, you don't know how much this means."
"It's okay, it's cool to see that other people have miserable lives too."
He laughs. I laugh with him.
"Now your turn."
"My turn to what ?"
"To talk, talk to me about Cedric, you parents, you, anything."
"Hum.. okay, i met Cedric on the first day of the first year, at the station, I was alone and I was struggling with my trunk and he helped me , when he understood I didn't have my parents with me, he kind of took me under his wing, rid the train with me, explained to me the whole rules of Hogwarts and what was happening there. Next, I got into his house, that's when he introduced me Elsie, she's my best friend now, he had always been there for me, doing everything my parents didn't do, even taking me on trips with his family during holiday so I didn't have to go back with my parents, he was the purest soul I knew, he didn't do a single thing with afterthoughts, everything was genuine.
"I wish I knew him when he was alive, he seemed good."
"He was... I miss him so much."
I didn't realize tears had started falling until Draco put his hands on my cheeks to wipe them off, he then got closer to me and pulled me in a hug while I cried quietly, with sometimes, a hiccup that made my body jump a little, he stroked my back and played with my hair until I stopped crying, I got up and wiped my face off, embarrasse to have shown too much emotions.
"It's okay to cry, you're sad and you miss him, it hasn't even been 4 months."
"Easy for you to say, you don't show anything to anyone."
"And looks where that gets me."
"I'm not doing any better right now."
"It'll get easier"
"I hope so"
We decide to leave because dinner is in 10 minutes, we agree to leave separately so that no one see us and asks questions, it's better to keep it a secret.
I leave first, push the first door and get into the small space, I slightly open the next door, the one that opens on the rear hall and look to see if there's people walking, when I'm sure no ones here I walk out and leave quick and in silence.
I finally get to the great hall after going to the toilets to wash my face from any trace of tears.
I sit at the end of the table, waiting for Elsie and jasper.
Elsie finally gets here and runs to my table, a mad expression on her face.
"Where were you ! I searched for you everywhere !"
"I was at the library" I lie shamefully.
"No you weren't, I searched there, two times !"
"I was, I swear, but in the very back, you could hardly see me."
Behind her, I can see Draco entering the great hall, the same face as usual, he seems a little more distracted and when he sees me, a small smile passes over his face, but it disappears as fast and he turns around to walk over to the Slytherin table.
"Hello?! Olivia, I'm talking to you ! What are you looking at ?"
I finally notice Elsie, still in front of me, she turns around to look behind her but thankfully, Draco had already left, and there's no one where I was staring.
"I'm sorry, I zoned out, what were you saying?"
"I was asking if you knew where jasper was ?"
"Oh no sorry I dont and by the way, hm is there something going on between you two ?
"What...why would you say that ?"
"I don't know, just a feeling I have, you would tell me right?"
"I mean, we're not together, we're just kind of flirting..."
"Bloody hell I knew it !"
"Stop screaming oh my god !"
Just as she said that, jasper walk in our direction, she blushes as he sit next to her and smile at her.
"Hi girls, you alright ?"
"Perfectly fine, thank you."
We ate and talked about everything.
"I'm going to talk to Harry about our project tonight, he said you could come, both of you, but if you want I can just let the two of you alone in the Hufflepuff common room.
As I said that, Elsie chocked on her water, looking at me with wide eyes.
Jasper patted her back while she was coughing, when she finally stopped she talked.
"It's fine, we'll come with you, huh jasper ?"
"Right, we'll come."
"Alright then let's go, Harry told me to meet him outside by the tree."
The three of us get up and start walking to the yard where Harry and his friends are waiting for us.
"Hi, it's Elsie and jasper my friends,um, if you don't know them."
"Of course we know them, it's been 4 years we're at Hogwarts."
"Fine, I was just being polite."
"Alright let's sit down and talk about it all."
"Alright first of all, where are we going to teach them ?"
"First we thought maybe the forbidden forest but it's too dangerous and too exposed, but then I had an idea suggested by Dobby, he's an house elf, it's called the room of requirement, it comes when you need it and it contains everything you need, you can make it appear anywhere."
"That's a good idea but do you know how to make it appear ?"
"Not yet but we're working on it."
Elsie: " and who is willing to come, have you asked people yet ?"
H " no, we're asking people to come to Hagrid's house tomorrow morning, we'll tell them and let them make their choices."
"Are we telling everyone or just a small group ?"
"We're telling as much people as we can trust."
"Alright, and how are we gonna make it work?"
"You and me, since we're the most skilled in offensive and defensive spells, we will teach them first the basics and then more complicated things, for as long as we're able to."
"Alright, do we have a name ?"
"No, any ideas ?"
Hermione " defense against the arts class ?"
Harry "no, that's not what we are.."
Ron "how to kill Voldemort class ?"
Hermione " Ron we're being serious."
Jasper "Dumbledore's army ? I mean Voldemort has his, we are Dumbledore's."
Harry " yes jasper that's genius."
Olivia " that's a really good name"
Hermione "then that's it, we're Dumbledore's army."
"Alright, well we're gonna go, see you tomorrow morning, Hagrid, 9am"
"See you tomorrow"

"Well that was, interesting" Elsie said.
"Dumbledore's army..."

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