-Chapter 8-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 8: "Fred and George ? George and Fred ?"

"So you're telling me, I can see everyone In Hogwarts and where they are right now ?"
Both: "yes !"
"That's genius, what do you use it for ?"
"Sneaking out"
"Playing pranks"
"Escaping professors"
"Spying on everyone."
"I see.. a lot of things then."
"Of course."
"How did you get it."
"Found it"
"In the desk of a professor."
I study the map they just gave me, looking at the names walking around in the school, I look for my name, and see it, next to Fred and George's, then I look for jasper and find him in class next to Elsie.
"Alright, have you got any pranks in mind, soon ?"
"We always have pranks in mind, our main target is Umbridge this year, she's horrible, have you seen the punishment she gives to students ?"
"Yes, I was one of the first punished with her "special quill", I heard she even does it to first years !"
"Yes ! It's unbelievable, last night we had to stop a little boy from crying because it hurted him too much, and she made us stop because we were more than two talking"
"She's a crazy woman"
"What do you think we should do ?"
"I was thinking of turning her cat hairless."
"Bloody hell, she would pass out, she's like in love with cats it's scary!"
"Have you seen her office ?!"
"Yes ! Oh my god, it's turning seriously creepy, I mean, whatever floats your boat but...."
"I didn't know you were fun."
"Are you kidding ? I look boring ?"
They exchange a look and laugh.
"Kind of..."
"I hate you two, I feel like you've got some inside jokes I can't understand.."
"Well, I mean we've known each other for our whole lives and we met you like 10 minutes ago, so it's kind of inevitable, you know ?"
"I guess so.."

A few hours later, I was in class, sitting in a corner alone, we were on a test, it was almost the end when I saw Draco cheating, it was not something likely for him to do, I got up and gave my paper back. When I walked In front of Draco, I shot him a glance and when he looked up at me, I whispered.
"What the fuck Draco, why are you doing this ?"
He rolled his eyes and whispered back.
"Mind your own business, Calderon !"
"It's crazy what you do for your father !"
"Go ahead and go cry Olivia !"
"Nobody does it like you do !"
"You don't know how much it matters to him !"
"I know that you got daddy issues !"
Without knowing I talked too loud and the whole class, including the professor heard me, he shouted at me.
"Mrs Calderon ! Will you stop talking during a test, do you want me to give you a zero ?! And Malfoy, since you were talking too, you'll give me your paper now."
"What the fuck ?" He screamed, as he got up.
"Shout again and 50 points will be taken from Slytherin."
"Whatever" he walked over to the desk, put down his paper and went to his table to pick up his things.
I quickly left class, scared he might scream at me for what had just happened.
I stopped in the next hallway, leaning against the wall, slowly controlling my breath.
Suddenly Draco appeared In front of me, rather angry.
"What the fuck is wrong with you ?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk too loud."
"First you tell me you don't want to see me and now you mess up my grades !"
"Hey ! You're still the one who was cheating ! I could have told him and I didn't so don't scream at me !"
"I scream At you if I want to ! You're so fucking..."
"So fucking what !"
"So...you just.."
And like that, he crashed his lips onto mine, slamming me violently against the wall, I push him away.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, whenever I'm around you I can't seem to control myself.."
And like that, he disappears, leaving me shocked, and not understanding what just happened.

"So, I'm happy to say you've all made a lot of progress since the beginning of the year, since it's Christmas holidays tomorrow, we'll come back when everyone is here in two weeks, merry christmas everyone and don't hesitate to practice at your house, but be careful, mostly you Seamus, don't want you to blow your house up..."
Everyone laughs, knowing what he means.
"I don't appreciate the insinuation Potter, besides, if anyone cares to notice, my eyebrows have completely grown back."
"Yeah right, but your hair didn't." Ron says, exploding with laughter.
"Everyone, calm down, I was really happy to teach you with Olivia, and I'm sure we'll all be okay.. see you soon, everyone."

I wait for everyone to leave, talk a minute with Harry and go out too, leaving him with Cho.

I'm staying at Hogwarts these next two weeks, usually, I'd go with Cedric and his dad, spending the holidays with them, but this year is the first time, I won't, I could go to my parents, but they're worse than before and I can't support it this time.
I go to dinner to see jasper and Elsie, before they all leave for Christmas.
I sit down and wait for them, as I wait alone, I think again about the kiss that happened two weeks ago with Draco, I didn't get the chance to talk to him after and just given up, looking for him, every time we have classes together, he ignores me and leaves as soon as the class ends and I can't find him in Hogwarts, I didn't dare go to the garden, since it's kind of his private place.
They finally arrive, and sit down around me.
"I'm so sad to leave you here alone for two weeks... I wish I could take you with me, but it's impossible.."
"Come on, it's okay, I'm not a kid anymore, I'll just do homework and read some books and just keep myself entertained."
"Come on, you're one of the best students here, and you've read every books in the library.."
"I'll be fine, I swear, it's cool to stay here when it's empty, I'll look around for cool places."
"I heard Draco is staying here for holidays.."
Jasper says suddenly.
"Jasper, she doesn't care, they don't even like each other !" Elsie answers, not knowing what he saw.
I look at him panicked.
"Yes, I know, I just wanted to say it."
Draco is staying for the holidays, here, at Hogwarts, and I am too, and there will be no one here except a few students, it'll be the perfect time to talk to him about what happened last week.
We continue to talk and then we go to sleep.

It's the morning, I woke up to escort Elsie and Jasper to their train and say goodbye to them and the others.
I stand in front of the train with them, and they hug me endlessly.
"Alright, stop now, I'll see you in only two weeks that's nothing !"
"Yes but I'll miss you so much !"
"Come on, enjoy your vacations and don't think about me too much, but still think about me a little, I don't want you to forget me !"
"How could I, we're best friends."
Jasper hugs me, and whispers in my ear discreetly.
"I know you think you can trust Malloy, but try and stay away from him, you know his family, and Do you think he will chose any of us over them when he has to make a choice ?"
He pulls away and tells me to enjoy my holidays at Hogwarts, I look at him weirdly, not completely understanding what he told me.

When the train finally leave, I go back to the great hall to eat breakfast, since no ones here I take the table in the middle and stay here a moment because there's no classes to attend, although I'm thinking of taking arts options during the holidays, i eat alone my pudding and then get up to leave.
In front of me, in the entrance is standing Draco, alone, he sees me and freeze before turning away to leave the hall.
I follow him, quickly walking to get to him, I finally grab his arm, we're in a hallway alone.

"Draco !"
"What ?"
"Why were you avoiding me?"
"I..I wasn't avoiding you..."
"Of course you weren't... we need to talk."
"Talk about what ?"
"You know."
"Tell me."
"Why did you kiss me ?"

Authors note:
Hey, I hope you like the story, tell me suggestions or things you'd like to happen to inspire me and thank you for reading, voting and commenting, It means a lot :)

Dumbledore's army:

Dumbledore's army:

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