-Chapter 7-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 7 : "So... you and pansy ?"

Draco's POV :
Blaise "hey, heard some weird noises from you room last night, and I heard pansy slept out of bed.. did something happen."
"I mean, maybe something happened.."
"Did you get it ?"
"Can't say no"
"Bloody hell, you're hot as hell Draco."
Just as he says that, Olivia walks past us, bumping into my shoulder as she leaves, and I instantly regret everything I said to Blaise the minute before, even though I don't mean it, I hated every single seconds of last night, I had to let her sleep in my bed next to me, I couldn't close my eyes for one second.
"Watch where you're going mud blood !" Blaise says.
"Hey, calm down Blaise she nearly touched us."
"What's wrong with you mate ? Getting laid is turning you too soft."
"Sod off Blaise !"

Olivias POV :

It had been a week since Draco had suddenly came into the Hufflepuff's common room,
It was the first time meeting since then and I had arrived early, I was waiting for him, reading a book, when he arrived.
He had sat next to me in silence and started to read.
"So, I see you and Pansy...hmm, are together ?"
"Yeah, we are."
"That's cool, I didn't know you two were a thing."
"Well, now you know."
"Are you okay? I mean, you're just teaching me spells if I remember, nothing more."
"Of course.."
We continued reading in silence, but then I couldn't control myself.
"You really don't understand anything !"
I got up and started walking away.
"Understand what ? That's what you told me ! Multiple times ! You're just here to teach me spells !"
"You know what, forget it, I have to go, just enjoy it with pansy, you two go well with each other !"
"No you don't get to leave me like that !"
"Isn't that what you did last week ? We have to stop seeing each other for a while."
"What do you mean ?"
"Just stop this secret meeting thing, until I get things right in my head, or maybe forever, I don't know, I'm just lost right now."
"Lost about what ?"
"Look, you were acting really differently, you had changed, and then you come weirdly in my common room, leave in a minute after getting me in trouble with my house and my friends, and I hear you had sex with pansy last night."
"So what ? What does It do to you ?"
"Everything is just going too fast right now, I can't I'm sorry."
"Fine, then leave."
"You are so arrogant, and full of yourself that's crazy !"
"You're coming and screaming at me and I don't even know why, then you say you don't want to see me anymore what I'm supposed to do ?!"
"Why don't you just think, or maybe ask pansy for advice !"

I leave, staying in the space between the two doors, silently crying, when I'm done, I open the door and go out in the hallway.

A week later:

It's been a week since I last talked to Malfoy, I barely saw him and did the best I could to avoid him, but today's charms class and I'm his partner, so I'm going to have to talk to him anyway.
I finish breakfast and leave the hall to walk to charms class, i take my time, making sure I'm not gonna stay alone in the room with him, when I arrive, he's there, at our table, his back turned to me and a few other students are here.
I sit next to him in a loud thud, everyone turns to stare at me and i wish I was 6 feet underground. After everyone has stopped staring at me, I can still feel Draco's eyes on my face, I take my time to take out my books, my quill, my ink and my wand and then turn to him.

"What ?"
"Nothing, I was just looking at you."
"Well stop !"
"Why ?"
"It's annoying."
He rolls his eyes and looks away, finally.
Professor Flitwick arrives, and I let out a breath of relief.
"Hello, students, today we will learn how to give legs to teacups, I will give every pair of two a teacup and by the end of the hour, the one pair who finishes first, will win a coupon to go eat at Madam Puddifoot's teashop, in Hogsmeade with your partner. Obviously there Is no need to thank me and if none of you manage to find the spell before the end of the hour, I'll be happy to take professor Mcgonagall there myself. Oh and also, the first person to find the spells will earn 60 points to their houses."
"I have to get these points."

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