-chapter 6-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 6: "expecto patronum"

It had been two weeks since, the class had started and that I had begun meeting Draco in the garden, I was on the bench, lying with my legs on his lap when I decided to talk to him about "Dumbledore's army."
"Hey Draco?"
"Hmm?" He said, without looking up from his book.
"I wanted to talk to you about something."
He finally looked at me, a kind of worried expression on his face.
"What is it ?"
"I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone !"
"You're kidding ?"
"No ! Promise me !"
"Alright, alright, I promise."
"Hum, Harry and I, have created a group, where we teach other students spells to defend themselves."
"Wait really ? How ? Where ?"
"Hum, in the room of requirement, and we just teach them because we've learned with professor lupin two years ago."
"Do you think... hum, maybe Harry would accept to let me in this group, to learn ?"
I waited a minute to answer, letting him know before I actually said it."
"No, I get it, he would never trust me..it's okay."
"I'm sorry, Draco, I swear I am, but I can teach you if you want, here."
"Really ?"
"Of course, Draco he may not trust you, but I do."
"Thank you."
"Do you want to start now ?"
"Sure, what do we do ?"
"Hum, have you ever tried to produce a patronum ?"
"Oh...hum, I've tried, but I can't, I don't have a memory that brings me enough happiness, I don't know why.."
"What memory do you usually chose ?"
"Well, I've tried many memories, the one I got the closest to creating a patronus, is the first time my father told me he was proud of me.."
"That's good, why do you think it doesn't work ?"
"Well, each time I think of that, I remember why he told me that, I had just been forced to kill my ferret, because I had grew too attached to it, it was my summer just before our first year here."
"I'm sorry Draco..."
"It's alright, it was a beautiful ferret though, all white, with little black spots at the end of its tail."
"Alright, let's just try again, maybe it's changed.."
We got up and I gave him advice.
"Think of your happiest memory, no sad thoughts with it, just the good memory and say it : expecto patronum."
A white light shot from his wand, but seconds later, it disappeared.
"It's alright, we'll try again."
"Let's put on some music !"
"Why ?"
"Well, to dance, dummy !"
"I don't have music.."
"I do!"
I make a record player appear, with a vinyl already in it, it starts to play "The night we met" by Lord Huron.
"What is this song?"
"Just a muggle song, you'll like it."
And like that, I get closer to him, take his arm and twirl with it above my head, laughing, he pulls me in closer to him and we slow dance while the song plays, as I bury my head in his chest, tears start rolling down my cheeks as I remember dancing the exact same way with Cedric, even though I know I have to continue living my life for the both of us, I can't help but feel guilty.
Draco must feel it, because he lifts my head up and watches me with concern when he notices the tears. I half smile and whispers Cedric, he nods and puts my head back in his chest, swinging with me until the end of the song.
When the record stops, he hugs me tight, then guides me to the bench.
"want to put your head on my lap while I read you book ?"
"You'll play with my hair?"
He smiles and shrugs.
"Then I want to."
He sits and wait for me to settle on the bench and get comfortable, he then starts to read his book.
"Two households, both alike in dignity
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife..."
"That's Romeo and Juliet..."
"It is, now if you'll stop interrupting.."
He continued reading as I fell asleep on his lap, his long fingers playing with strands of my brown hair.

"What ?"
"We have to leave, it's nearly time for dinner.."
"I want to stay."
"You can't, obviously."
I got up, rubbing my eyes, and running my hands through my hair to straighten them a little.
"Come on, people will notice we're gone."
"Alright, I'm coming !"
We do our little routine, leaving separately, this time he goes first, a few minutes after he left, I open the door and quickly join the great hall.
I'm in the entrance looking for blonde hair and silver eyes, when I see him, except this Slytherin girl is glued on him, I think her name Is Pansy Parkinson, bloody hell and she looks like a pug !
I lock eyes with him and quickly look away and leave to my table.
I sit down where Jasper is waiting for me.
"Hi Jasper,where is Elsie ?"
"We need to talk Olivia.."
"Of course, about what ?"
"Where were you, right now ?"
"Hum..sleeping at my dorm why ?"
"Stop lying to me, I saw you getting out of that door, behind the bookshelf, and I saw Malfoy getting out just before !"
"Is there something between you two ? Olivia you know he's..."
"What ! No there's nothing between us, and he's not that bad.. I'm just teaching him some spells, since I'm sure Harry won't let him in our class in the room of requirement."
"Wait, he knows about our secret meetings, you  can't be serious ? Olivia his family are death eaters !"
"Yeah, but he's not like that, I trust him okay ?!"
"Olivia, if he says something to his father.."
"He won't, he promised me."
"And you trust him ?"
"Then I trust you, but if something happens... that's on you."
Just then, Elsie walks in and sit next to us.
"What were you talking about ?"
"Just D.A things.." I say while looking at Jasper.
"Okay, so how's it going, I'm sorry I didn't came to the last two classes, I was really busy."
"It's okay, are you coming to the next one, you still haven't learned to produce a patronus."
"I know, and yes I'll come, and also Olivia, we have something we want to tell you."
"You..and jasper want to tell me something ?"
She looks at him with a smile and he questions her with his eyes. She frowns at him and mouth something I don't understand. He finally gets it and they turn to me, like I had just arrived.
"So.. we're together.."
"Together... you mean like romantically..like a couple ?"
"Bloody hell, I totally didn't see this coming !"
"Sod off, Liv !"
"No, i mean seriously I'm happy for you but you really took your time."
"Well, we're still better than Hermione and Ron, that clearly have troubles with confessing feelings."
"Right, you got that one !"
We continue talking and laughing for the rest of the feast and then Dumbledore tells us to leave to our common rooms.
I walk out with them and we walk to the Hufflepuff common room, we sit by the fireplace and talk.

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