-Chapter 13-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 13: "the date."

As a thousand pair of eyes turn to face us, I guide Draco through the people to Harry.
"He'll snitch on us !"
"Shut up !" I say, to the girl who just whispered that.
"Draco, is a part of the DA, and if you're not okay with that then leave, he's on our side."
Everyone silences.
"Does someone have a problem with that ?"
Nobody talks and they all look down at their feet.
"Alright, then keep going."
Draco looks at me with relief in his eyes and a bit of shame.

I walk over to Harry and Hermione.
"Hi, well done with everyone."
"Thanks, how are you ?"
Hermione puts her hand on Draco's shoulder, he moves back really fast and then apologies.
"I'm sorry, I'm not used to physical touch from..strangers."
"It's okay, I wanted to ask if you were okay ?"
"Yeah, thank you I am, are you fine ?"
"Yes, thank you."

Ron arrives and talks to me.
"Can I talk to you for a second, in private please."
Harry looks at me and rolls his eyes.
I follow him to a corner, leaving Draco with Hermione and Harry.
"What is it ?"
"Draco ? Seriously?"
"What ? I trust him, how many times will I have to say that !? He's a good guy !"
"I don't trust him, he called Hermione mudblood ! Many times !"
"Yes, he knows, and it was out of shame
For not being as good as her in school and he feels deeply sorry for it, did you know he's writing an excuse letter to each of you ? For what he has done even though he didn't have a choice ?"
"That doesn't excuse.., sorry, I didn't know, but are you sure you trust him ?"
"Yes, I am and if you could too, that would be amazing."
"I'll try, but be careful."
"He just wants to learn and be part of something, he's tired of being alone all the time."

We get back to the small group, and I smile and nod at Harry that gives me a questioning look.
"Alright, let's start, what did you do today ?"
"Almost everyone can produce their patronuses by now, and we're finishing on defensive spells and starting on offensive ones now, or next class, everything's good."
"Draco, can you produce a patronus ?"
"Yes, Olivia taught me, I couldn't have done it without her."
"Great, she's really good at teaching."
"The best."

We keep teaching people how to use spells, Neville manage to cast an "expelliarmus" spell for the first time and everyone's cheering for him, even Draco.
When there's a duel between Ron and another kid, a spell bounces over something and goes in the direction of Hermione, Draco, standing next to her push her aside, protecting her from
The offensive spell, it touches him in the shoulder.
"Careful Hermione !" Ron says.
"Hermione move ! Oww !"
"Bloody hell Malfoy, are you okay ? Thank you so much.."
I run to him, watching his shoulder, it has a wound bleeding.
"It's bleeding ! We have to take him to the hospital wing."
"We can't, we won't be able to explain this to them,"
"I'll heal the wound, I know a spell for that.." Luna says quietly.
"Thank you."
"Maybe after, I could teach you this spell."
"Yes, that would be very useful, thank you Luna."

We lay Draco down, his head on my lap, and Luna bends down to his shoulder, trace with her wand a path against the wound and pronounce the spell.
"Vulnera Sanentur."
We can see the wound closing itself, and healing in a minute, afterwards, Draco gets up, and a few people clap their hands to congratulate him.

After the class, I start to leave with Draco when Hermione stops us.
"Hi, I know you're leaving for the date but I wanted to thank Draco for protecting me earlier, I'm sorry you took the spell and thank you."
"Oh, it's nothing, I'm sure you would have done the same.."
"Maybe, I just wanted to thank you still."
"Well, you're welcome."

We leave and walk to hogsmeade, to use the coupon we won in professor Flitwick's class.
After a few minute, we arrive at madam Puddifoot's teashop.
It's a small teashop, all painted in pink and light blue and other such bright colors. The windows were covered with steam.
As Christmas had just ended, there was still some decorations hanging outside and inside the shop. We could see through the windows, piles of teacup, one on top of the other, on the verge of falling.
We enter it, as the door open, a bell rings above us, telling the waitress a client entered.
The inside of the teashop was all pink coloured, full of hormonal teenagers holding hands under their tables or kissing above their cup of tea, or both at the same time, the athmosphere was kind of overwhelming and it reminded me too much of Umbridge's office.
"Really not our kind of date huh ?
"My name's is Draco Malfoy and I'm in a pink teashop, reputed for full of hormones teenagers."
"We have to honor the coupon.."
"I'll take you someplace else after this."

A small woman with short brown hair and small glasses wearing a pink sweater with a long yellow skirt arrives, her brown boots hitting the floor, she smiles at us.
"Hi sweethearts, what do you need, table for two ? Is this the first date ? You two look really good together, very cute."
"Huh, thank you, yes, a table for two please,um, we have a coupon.."
"Great, I'll guide you to your table."
We follow her, looking at each other with  amused smiles.
She guides us to a small table by the window, with one small chair on each side of the table.
Draco pulls out a chair for me to sit and go sit in front of me, I smile at him.
"Thank you."
"Here are your menus, feel free to chose anything, everything is available in the coupons and if it's the one I have to Hogwarts last month, its not limited."
"Thanks you madam."
"Oh dear, please call me Julia."
"Alright, thank you Julia."
She leaves after giving us a menu.
I look at the names on the menus, hesitating between all the delicious cakes that are proposed.
"What are you taking Draco ?"
"Humm, I think I'll have an earl grey tea with a blueberry muffin, what about you ?"
"A hot chocolate with, a... chocolate croissant."
"Good choice.."
We order and wait for the waitress to come back.
"Who would have though we'd end up here ?"
"Not me.."
After a few minutes, she comes back with our hot drinks and pastries.
"Thank you, it seems lovely."
"Oh thank you my dear, I hope you'll like it."
"I'm sure i will."
She leaves and I take a sip of my hot chocolate, burning the tip of my tongue.
"This is a really hot chocolate.."
"You burned your tongue ?"
"Totally ?"
We laugh and continue eating and drinking while talking, when we're finished we hurry up to leave as a wave of third years arrive after their class.

When we're outside in the cold air, I shiver, realizing i didn't take a coat hot enough.
"Well, at least, we escaped the third years.."
"Y-yeah, it would have been horri-horrible."
"You're cold ? Here take my coat."
He takes off his long black thick coat, and puts it on me.
"Are you sure you won't be cold ?"
"I'll be fine, and you're more important than me, worst thing that can happen is that I'll get a cold."
"Thank you, here let me hug you to warm you up."
"You see, that's a good idea !"
He takes me in his arms and I rub my arms on his back, burying my head in his shoulder.
"Much better."

We walk in hogsmeade, holding hands when suddenly we see Draco's mom, walking around, with bags from "Twilfitt and Tatting's."
Draco stiffens and let go of my hands when his eyes meet his mother's. She smiles at him first, and then her eyes lands on me and her smile fade away, she walks over to us.
"Hi, Draco honey, what are you doing here ?"
She looks at me, the "with her" is implied.
"We were just, walking around, we finished early."
"And who's this young lady."
"My name is Olivia, Calderon."
"Calderon... that doesn't tell me anything."
"It's because my parents are-"
"From far away..her parents aren't from London."
"Oh..I see."
I question Draco with my eyes, but he looks away.
"Alright, then I'll leave you two, I bought you a few clothes, I'll send them to you, with a box of sweets, alright."
"Sure, thank you mum."
They kiss and hug, and his mum leaves.

"What was that Draco ?"
"What ?"
"Why didn't you let me tell her that my parents were muggle ?"
"I- I don't want them to know.."
"What, that you're dating a mudblood ?"
"No, I mean yes, but not because I'm ashamed, but because I want to protect you, my family, they love the idea of purebloods being superior, and they're not good people, I don't want you dragged in my family's problems."
"Well, I don't know what to say, does that mean, we'll have to hide from your parents ?"
"No, I don't want to hide, not anymore, just lay low and avoid talking about your parents, or mine."
"Is it okay ?"
"Thank you Olivia, this is for your own good."

Authors note:

Hey, thank you to everyone who keeps reading and hope you'll stay there with me for a long time.
I think there will be a tome 2, for next year (half blood prince events.)
Because I'm not confortable continuing the next year in this book.
Hope you like it.
Thanks for the vote and comments, It gives me motivation to continue writing.
Also sorry for not posting in a few days, I was really busy.

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