-Chapter 14-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 14: "You've never been to a Hufflepuff party ?"

I wake up in my sheets, a smile on my face as I remember yesterday's events, me and Draco holding hands in the cold air, the laughs we had in the ridiculous teashop, and the jokes we whispered to each other on the bench on the people that walked by us.
And then I remember his mother, and the look on her face when she saw me.
I get up and walk to our shared bathroom, I take off my clothes and get in the shower, I let the hot water flow over me, taking all my tension and problems with it, and I let my body relax in the hot steam.
A good ten minutes later, I get out, all clean, I put on my winter uniform.
A white shirt, a black sweater with small touch of yellow here and there, a pair of black Jeans and my robes, I decide to forget the tie for today, even though I know it might cost me detention If I walk past Umbridge.
I brush my teeth and my hair, and put on some lip balm for my chapped lips.
I put on my converse and walk out of the dorm to join Elsie in the great hall.
I find her in a great discussion with Jasper about how they'll manage to all go the party without Umbridge knowing.
I sit down loudly, to let them know I'm here, but they don't even look at me and continue their conversation.
I roll my eyes and serve myself some chocolate pudding.
I've almost finished my second bowl when they finally deign to look at me.
"Oh hi Olivia, didn't see you there." Elsie says.
"Oh thanks, now I know why were best friends, you pay so much attention to me."
"How long have you been here."
"To sum up, it's my second bowl of pudding, and I eat really slowly, now if you'll excuse me, I gotta get to class."
I start to get up.
"Wait, are you coming to the party tomorrow night ? It's organized by a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin, and apparently it'll be the biggest party of this year, everyone's invited, even people from other houses."
"Are you going ?"
"Of course, Jasper asked me yesterday to be his date, did Draco asked you ?"
"No..not yet, he probably doesn't even know there's a party.."

"Hey Draco, have you heard about the party tomorrow night ?"
"Of course, I've know for weeks,it's going to be the biggest party of this year."
"Yeah..I've heard, wicked."
"Since when do you use the word wicked ?"
"Since I Hang out with two red hair named George and Fred, sadly that's what my vocabulary is reduced to from now on."
"Why so sarcastic, Olivia ?"
"I'm always sarcastic.."
"Sure, anyway, see you in D.A."
"Right, see you."

He kissed me quickly on the lips and leaves in a rush, while I stay here, standing in the hallway like an idiot.
Is he really not going to invite me to the party ?

Throughout my classes of the day, I can't help but wonder why Draco hasn't asked me to come with him to the party, is he ashamed of being with me, I though we had gotten beyond that step.
In care of magical creatures, I almost get my hand eaten by one of those scary books.
"What's wrong Olivia, you seem off ?" Hermione asks me.
"Oh no, it's nothing, really."
"I see it's not, come on, tell me what's on you mind."
"It's Draco, it's dumb I know, but I though he'd ask me to this party tomorrow night, as his girlfriend you know, but he didn't, and now I think, maybe he's ashamed..of me."
"Oh.., no, maybe he doesn't know about the party ?"
"He told me, he has known for weeks now."
"Well, maybe he's scared you'll say no."
"Why would I, we're together."
"Well, I'm sure, there's a reasonable explication to this, give him time, I mean, not that he might ask you later, anyway, don't give it too much thoughts."
"You're right, he probably didn't think it was a thing to invite his girlfriend to a party."
She leaves awkwardly, throwing looks at me and then turns around to say something to me.
"Oh, bloody hell, I almost forgot, DA is postponed, one hour later than usual, be on time."

After class, I enter the room of requirement, it's empty, except there's candles lit everywhere, and a bench with pillows on it, it looks just like the one from the garden, and there's snow falling from the roof, but it doesn't last on the ground and it's not cold at all, I walk around to look at the things in the room.
"Hello ? Is there anyone ?"
"Just me.."
I turn around to see Draco, standing in front of me, with a yellow tulip bouquet in his hands.
"Draco ? What is this ?"
"I wanted to do it in the garden, but it's really cold tonight, so I brought the bench to the room of requirement.."
"But why ?"
"First, here, flowers for you.."
"Thanks, you remembered they're my favorite.."
"Of course, i never forget a thing you say to me."
"And to come back to why I did all of this, it's to ask you something.."
"What, you want me to marry you ?"
"Not yet. I wanted to ask you to be my date to the party tomorrow night, as a Slytherin-Hufflepuff couple, we're the perfect guests for this party."
"I thought you were ashamed of being seen with me."
"What ? I could never be ashamed of being with you, Actually, I wonder every morning why you chose to be with me."
"Don't be so hard on yourself, you're not that bad."
"So, will you be my date to the party ?"
"Of course.."
We kiss slowly and passionately, like every time.
He takes my hand and guides me to the bench, where we lay down together.
"How did you manage to do all of this ?"
"You like it ?"
"It's amazing, the snow, the bench.., it's perfect."
"Well, for the snow, Fred and George helped, and for the bench, I was helped by Hermione actually, since she's the smartest of our school."
"You and Hermione, well you make a great team as I can see."
"I brought a book, to read to you."
"And you'll-"
"And I'll play with you hair.."
"You know me well.."
"Right..come here."
I lay my head on his chest, and he starts to play with my hair, soon, I can hear his soft voice in my ears, reading me the first words of the book, as I fall asleep in his arms, feeling safe and full of happiness.
Every doubts I ever had, have disappeared and I feel perfectly fine.

"When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.."

Authors note:
Hi, thanks for continuing to read my story, hope you like it, I'm sorry for being inactive these last days, I was unable to write but I'm back.
I'm so happy , next chapter is chapter 15, and I can't believe I'm already here, hope you'll stay with me until the end of this book, and after too.
Love you and thank you.

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